
Showing posts from June, 2023

ARCDM - c0514

CHAPTER 514 The point is that this man doesn't seem to have supernatural powers, but he has a terrifying aura, and he is wearing a tattered prison uniform, which indicates that he must be a prisoner. The most important thing is where did he come from? It seemed that the blink of an eye, he was right in front of the group of people. These guys don't know why, they should have escaped after the catastrophe, but they just can't move, because they really want to know why this man is here, and what will happen to the woman with weird skills? How will she respond? Sometimes curiosity may kill the cat, but they still can't restrain the curiosity in their bodies. In fact, who knew that Bai Ling was very calm on the surface, and there was already a trace of awe and fear in her heart. This was not under her control at all, but a physical and psychological change that would inevitably occur under absolute power. Even though she is not afraid of death, even with the

ARCDM - c0513

CHAPTER 513  Where the Hell is He? For Bai Ling, the first thing that flashes into her mind is danger, which is even many times higher than that of the fourteenth-level zombies, and judging from this person's clothes, he must be a reform-through-labour prisoner. It made Bai Ling think of the SSS-level prison that the Japanese guy said before. Bai Shan, Bai Xiaoxi and others were lamenting the beauty of life, how could they think of a man. . . They don't know where he came from, but he came to them almost instantly? Seeing the handsomeness of this man, with Bai Xiaoxi's feeling, if Wen Ruyu's handsomeness is like an oriental god, then this man's appearance is like an angel descended from the western sky, with white silver hair and blue eyes, his whole body is unbearable. The momentum of neglect shocked their hearts. Standing in front of Bai Ling, his head was nearly one and a half taller. He seemed to have a slender and well-proportioned figure, but i

ARCDM - c0512

CHAPTER 512  A Good-looking But Powerful Man! "Or, then...all those zombies were wiped out by her alone?" Gudong, the voice of swallowing saliva continued. All looked at the eighteen-year-old young man who made a bold guess. Xiaonian was very innocent, "Otherwise, how can I explain that they went in and came out, and they didn't find it. Since the time she screamed, the zombies inside seem to have stopped moving!"  That's true. "She doesn't have supernatural powers..." This sentence spoke out the voices of everyone. Who can tell them that a girl who has no supernatural powers kills a zombie with a ninth-level special supernatural power with a shot, and she still has mental supernatural powers, and then she is obviously confused by the group of zombies, even dead and injured, and she dies in the blink of an eye. Half of her life was left, and she was even dying at the end. But she can kill zombies of level 10, level 1

ARCDM - c0511

CHAPTER 511  Shocked Li Zhenghao glanced at his niece, and wiped the tears from his eyes, because the blood on his face became redder after being stained with tears. He didn't know how Bai Ling survived, but he heard the miserable cry just now clearly. Just like the battle against the fifth-level mutant beast before, this time it was more sharp and hit his heart. Bai Ling's power of forbearance, needless to say, is much stronger than ordinary people, but it can make her feel heart-piercing pain, it must not be able to bear by ordinary people, so she must have experienced a lot if she can live. She must have felt painful as punishment from hell. "You almost scared me to death!" When she was in a coma, she saw with her own eyes how they were abused by the group of zombies as if they were venting. From the beginning, she knew that these intelligent zombies like people's screams and fear, and then slowly enjoy their food. But in just a few seco

ARCDM - c0510

CHAPTER 510  You Scared Us To Death This scene was watched by the people upstairs. The tragic figure made them unable to speak out what they wanted to stop for no reason. "Are they crazy?" The chubby and bald brother Qiu didn't understand what these people were thinking at all. Who didn't know that the level of zombies there was even higher? "Brother Qiu, you don't understand at all!" When several of the men saw this scene, their eyes couldn't help flashing admiration, "I don't have the courage!"  Their survival instincts tell them they should run away at this time. But they who were standing upstairs were also silent, watching the group of people enter the room like this, there would be a bloody scene immediately. Unconsciously, this group of people had bitter smiles on their mouths, and lowered their heads, as if mourning for Bai Ling and others in advance, or for themselves! No one thought that when Bai Shan and t

ARCDM - c0509

CHAPTER 509  Actually Everything Is For The Children At that time, it is estimated that all the zombies will go towards the little meatball. That's why Bai Ling told them to leave quickly from the very beginning. In fact, it is not uncommon in later generations to feed children to be more advanced, and then use them as bait to attract advanced zombies and make them enter their traps. Anyway, as long as the level is high, even children with speed and strength abilities are fine, because they are very easy to feed. On the other side, Xiao Wang Jieming took the special samurai sword that Li Fang gave him before, and walked to Li Jiaming's side. There is also a chopping off of the moving head. He successfully got the crystal nucleus, but facing the tenth-level zombie, even though it was still trembling because of the lightning, Xiao Wang Jieming's strength was limited, so when Li Jiaming chopped off the zombie's head, he also used a lot of force. Wit

ARCDM - c0508

CHAPTER 508 Just when everyone was in a daze, not knowing the situation, zizizizi— who would have thought that in broad daylight, the air would explode like a thick wire, and lightning would flash in the blink of an eye. They watched helplessly as the thick lightning struck the three ferocious and terrifying zombies. Those zombies were like people who were hit on a rainy night with lightning and thunder, and instantly turned into a black man, and the air was filled with the smell of burning. Touch—— finally, the zombie fell straight from the sky. "I wipe it, fortunately we were not too late!" Li Jiaming quickly jumped off the Xuanwu car holding the little meatball. And Xiao Wang Jieming, who was in the ninth grade, also ran down, and saw that lying on the ground, and some people were even stuck in the concrete road, covered in blood, with a heart beating to the throat, tears streaming down, "Mom, Aunt Bai Shan, Uncle Zhenghao, Brother Xiao

ARCDM - c0507

CHAPTER 507 Sure Enough, She Came Back At this time, Bai Ling's skin was not only red, but also slightly cracked, and there was even faintly seen swollen blood vessels. It was obvious that this promotion was more violent and terrifying than the last one. "Ah—" Bai Ling opened her eyes, and those eyes were stained with blood, as if all the blood vessels in her body had burst. "" Bai Ling wanted to yell, because her body really couldn't bear the energy given to her by the Celestial Sword at this time, yes, it was beyond her tolerance, her body will fall apart because of this. Because the words under the handle of the Celestial Sword have become the third layer of heaven! In other words, the energy given to her by the Heavenly God Sword is enough to allow her to leapfrog and advance. Bai Ling could clearly hear the sound of blood flowing in her body, and even the sound of bones cracking, and she would soon turn into a ball of f

ARCDM - c0506

CHAPTER 506 Promotion? Pulsating, like a heartbeat, very slowly. But no one expected that the zombies of level 10 and level 12 were already rushing towards her quickly. Drooling, obviously going to devour their partner's crystal nucleus and this woman. Although the two zombies didn't know why this woman without supernatural powers was so powerful, eating her would definitely help them advance. Who would have thought that by jumping up or even overturning the roof and seeing the woman's head, they would be able to catch them in their hands. Boom— They never thought of Bai Ling's body, no, it should be a strong energy erupting from the Celestial Sword, this energy is very similar to the energy when Bai Ling was promoted to the first layer of heaven. Bang, bang, like a heartbeat. But this time is different, because the power emanating from the Celestial Sword engulfed Bai Ling, so naturally it also surrounded the slightly glowing blue pendant, as if

ARCDM - c0505

CHAPTER 505  Bai Ling is Dead? She felt the blood in her chest churning, and with a puff, a mouthful of blood protruded, coupled with the pain from the wounds all over the body, the pain spread all over her body. Before she raised her head, she felt a huge figure like a gust of wind flashing in front of her eyes! When she looked up, she saw a pair of bloody eyes the size of light bulbs, and its mouth was still dripping with saliva. The ugly voice like tearing rags was still ringing out, "Eat... Eat... Eat..."  Bai Ling's eyes were slightly cold, with a fierce look, and she gritted her teeth. Even though she was seriously injured at this time, she still took the sword reflexively to block it. With a snap, the eagle-claw-like hand squeezed the Celestial Sword. The other hand went directly towards Bai Ling's abdomen without hesitation, with a puff! "Sister!" Seeing that Bai Xiaoxi was about to deal with the eighth-level water-type zombie, in the

ARCDM - c0504

CHAPTER 504 But in the next second, the bloody mouth of the fourteenth-level zombie was in front of her eyes, and her head would be swallowed with one mouthful. The key was at such a fast speed that Bai Ling had no time to block it with her Celestial Sword. In desperation, she could only follow the impact of the twelfth-level zombie, and kicked the other foot. Bang—— No one expected that the one that fell on the ground was actually that fourteenth-level zombie. That's right, Bai Ling used the energy of that "egg" again, and now only the energy of her right hand remains. If she hadn't pre-emptively killed the ninth-level zombies, she might have to face the attack of four zombies at this time. The location here is still remote, and the road is not too big. Fortunately, these three zombies didn't seem to have attacked humans or enemies together, and they were a little restrained. She was even petite, so she was able to shuttle through their attack

ARCDM - c0503

CHAPTER 503  Eat. . . Eat. . . Bai Shan and the others realized that Bai Ling had been surrounded by the three zombies that had already developed their own consciousness, and they were worried urgently, but they also felt powerless. Although Li Zhenghao was dealing with zombies of the same level, he never expected that the three-headed zombies were just like what Bai Ling said, each head represented a special ability, and all of them were attacking. Gold-type, wood-type and wind-type abilities, his cane whip is his main weapon now, he has a gun on his body, but he has already fired several shots at this behemoth, and obviously the bullet entered its neck, unfortunately, as long as there is no way to cut off its neck, it will not be affected. He aimed at the opportunity and shot at its head again and again. How could he have imagined that this zombie looked huge and bulky, but in fact, his subtle movements were very fast, and he directly avoided its vital point in one fe

ARCDM - c0502

CHAPTER 502 Just when everyone was hesitating, there was a loud bang accompanied by a sharp beast-like scream. The hearts of everyone jumped in fright, and they hurriedly stretched their necks and passed through the two battle fields. The first thing they saw was a thick black blood, and the three-meter-high behemoth fell down. It was thicker than the waist of an adult man. There is a long sword carved as transparent as red emerald on its neck. As if possessing enormous power, in the blink of an eye, the head of the ferocious zombie whose bluish-purple face was dented by a punch was chopped off. "Ninth... the head of a ninth-level zombie..." Before seeing what was going on, the woman's sword slanted and took the transparent crystal nucleus in the skull with a trace of yellow silk thread in the middle, which was obviously a special crystal nucleus. She took it out, and backed away quickly. "She...she...doesn't have supernatural powers." No

ARCDM - c0501

CHAPTER 501  Fight Hard (4) Don't forget, what level of zombies are they facing! While several people retreated to a safe corner and shivered, they couldn't help stretching their heads to see what happened on the road ahead. After all, there were seven zombies. Those didn't come over? These three people dealt with two, but there were only five people left in the pair just now. The key is that one of them has no abilities! Looking around, they can see that just behind the three elephant-like level 7 zombies fighting against the man, they can clearly see a level 7 fire ability user, that is, the thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy. At this time, he was dealing with a level 8 zombie with a very long neck. If one look closely, the neck really looks like a snake. So there are four left, where are they? "Are we... doomed to die?" Many people had despair in their eyes. "There is one zombie with level nine and three above ten. Even if th

ARCDM - c0500

CHAPTER 500  Fight Hard (3) " can't do this, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!" Seeing the huge zombie in front of their eyes, Brother Qiu actually pushed them away? Trembling with fright, some people even peed their pants. It's not that they don't want to move, but that they can't move at all under this huge threat and fear. Looking up, they saw a huge slap slapped down on them. With this slap, they must become meat paste. This is the "killing stunt" of this seventh-level zombie the size of an elephant. But he didn't expect that at this moment, with a swoosh, a green rattan was wrapped around a big hand that was thicker than an adult man's leg, and he pulled it fiercely. A group of people raised their heads reflexively, and there was a handsome man in black leather who looked only twenty-seven or eighteen years old standing behind the zombie, and green rattan was wrapped around the man's hands.

ARCDM - c0499

CHAPTER 499  Fight Hard (2) The zombie's claws, as powerful as an eagle's claw, directly twisted the head under its feet. After picking it up, it swallowed it like eating beans without chewing. Perhaps because it was too delicious, the saliva kept flowing out, and it looked extremely disgusting. "Human..." The hoarse sound was like a rag being removed, but it was like the sound of mechanical friction. . . From the turned lips of this emaciated zombie? The voice was intermittent, "!" After finishing speaking, there was a sharp roar. The people who fell to the ground due to coercion on this street seemed to be in great pain, covering their ears. Even so, they could still see bleeding from the corners of their ears and eyes! "Sister..." What kind of attack is this? Bai Xiaoxi and others were also affected. Following this scream, the other zombies behind the two-meter-high, thin, black, and rickety

ARCDM - c0498

CHAPTER 498  Fight Hard (1) That's level fourteen. For Bai Ling, even a level ten she can barely handle. The little meatball is just a baby, and the mental power can indeed limit the speed of a fourteenth-level zombie, but this will use up all the little meatball's mental abilities. The lightning ability can only hurt it but not completely kill it. Before this, the littlemeat ball must have the ability to dodge by itself, is this possible? Even without the coercion of the fourteenth-level zombies, but with the coercion of other zombies, Bai Shan and others will definitely be greatly affected. Beyond the level, the little meatball has no control over the actions of other high-level zombies. Wang Jieming is also a child, and the energy in his body is absolutely no problem against zombies or mutant beasts of level nine or below. But don't forget, among the seven zombies, if she didn't feel wrong, two of them were special. She didn't know what kind o

ARCDM - c0497

CHAPTER 497  Monster! ! ! Is it a motorcycle? She knocked the people on their side into a mess. "Ge Laozi, there is really someone who is not afraid of death!" Apart from anything else, the clairvoyant informed hurriedly made a movement towards the people with guns around him. Since this group of people are looking for death, don't blame them for being rude. Just about to take out the yellow flag to let the people below leave to avoid accidental injury, the man raised his head and accidentally looked from a distance. The man's eyes stared out in fright, his feet trembled, his face was pale, and he hurriedly supported himself on the railing. "No... no... no, what kind of monster is that..." Through the man's pupils, one could clearly see seven or eight giant monsters that were 20,000 meters away, strangely shaped, and indeed the monster, which was definitely not a mutant beast, shuttled through the house over there at an extremely

ARCDM - c0496

CHAPTER 496 Over Tenth Level? It is precisely because of those people that their boss has the opportunity to be promoted to the sixth level today. "Someone is coming again!" After the man put down the beer, he hurried over with another man, and the two of them stood in the middle of the road, because with their fifth-level strength, if they don't want to destroy the car, what generally happens is that everyone will stop. "F*ck, the cars of these people look good. It seems that there are a lot of crystal nuclei and substances. We can ask for more!"  "Okay, the same as before, you and I share the extra things equally!"  The flamboyant motorcycle approached the car, and a man who was stronger than the other said sternly, "Stop!"  Shouting so ugly? That's right, relying on their seventh-level abilities, they couldn't feel the powerful zombie-level aura behind them, but the little meatball could, especially the little meatb

ARCDM- c0495

CHAPTER 495  Tolls Bai Xiaoxi glanced at the corner of his mouth, "Okay!" He seemed to think of something again, "Wait, since there are people living there, wouldn't it be better for us to go to the small town to rest?"  "I'm afraid we will be extorted to collect tolls when we go there. Are you still resting there? You are like a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered!"  "No... No way!" Bai Xiaoxi couldn't believe it, "This small town... There are still a lot of roads next to it, you can go around at any time!" "Didn't you always hold the mobile phone Baidu before?" Li Jiaming said, pointing to the small town, and then pointing to the small town. There was a looming big river outside. The tumbling river can be seen from such a distance, which shows how dangerous this river is! "Damn, I almost forgot about this big river." "Although there may be bridges driven by big highways

ARCDM - c0494

CHAPTER 494  Approaching Yanjing City "Sister, why don't we go in there?" Bai Xiaoxi wiped off the stinky blood on his face, and looked up at the scorching sun above his head, as if it could scorch people. Looking at the small town in the distance, there is still a fault in the sun. It can be seen that this summer is really hot, and it is estimated that the high temperature is more than 40 degrees. Bai Xiaoxi is alright, he is not afraid of heat with his fire ability, not to mention Bai Shan, with ice ability, she is always cold everywhere, the little meatball held in her arms is like being in an air-conditioned room. The only hard-working person is Li Dongmei who is still sick with an ordinary body. It is strange to say,  it is unknown if it is Bai Xiaoxi’s illusion. Ever since Li Dongmei practiced Bai Ling’s "radio gymnastics", he always felt that the wrinkles on Li Dongmei’s face became a lot less, and the originally rickety body is also more

ARCDM - c0493

CHAPTER 493  Disappeared Just in that big city that was being demolished, the elegant, fifteen-year-old and very gentlemanly boy who was being treated by Luo Liya and a big man over two meters tall suddenly turned his head and looked at a place as if he had discovered something. There was a large wave of powerful advanced zombies outside the city. The long eyelashes blinked, "Yaya, did you find anything among the corpses?"  The so-called Yaya had already rolled up the pink dress and stood up again. Her eyes were sharp and cold, and he arrived at the battlefield full of broken concrete blocks, reinforced bricks and dust in the blink of an eye. "Uh..." Seeing this scene, the gentleman shook his head very elegantly, and also watched his men like King Kong striding towards the battlefield, while he got up slowly, squinting his eyes, "Chen Weiming, you should have discovered it!" An invisible but visible figure slowly appeared behind him, with a

ARCDM - c0492

CHAPTER 492  Not the Savior But at this time, because of the sudden interruption of the signal, not only Bai Xiaoxi and the others were stunned, but even Bai Ling was dumbfounded. Because as far as she knows, all mobile phones and other long-distance communication equipment are completely paralyzed, yes. . . It's not now, at least it's seven months in the last days! "What's the situation?" Bai Xiaoxi looked at the notification that there was no signal on the phone. He tried calling Bai Ling, but there was no response at all. "Could it be that my mobile phone is broken?" "Impossible, how can there be a problem with the mobile phone?" Li Jiaming looked at Bai Xiaoxi like an idiot, "It seems that there must be a problem with the communication. Sure enough, it is still at this point." "Wipe, wipe!" Without the mobile phone, Bai Xiaoxi will die of pain, "We are not connected to people with satellite equip

ARCDM - c0491

CHAPTER 491  I'm Going to Find Her At the same time, it also means that any communication equipment such as telephones is useless? Because the transit lines on the ground have been damaged by zombies, mutated animals, and plants, the communication base is useless at all, and it needs electricity, and it cannot be used without electricity. If it is to be repaired, it must be a huge project. It is simply impossible. So all along, those who have the conditions are directly connected to the satellite, including the communication equipment of Bai Ling and others. "No, no..." Han Xin's voice was a little louder, what a joke, this. . . After this, how will they command other cities? "Fortunately, it has been two months. The situation outside has basically settled down. What we need to do at this stage is to constantly improve the base!" At least until a simple alternative is found, it is impossible to repair the communication base transfer s

ARCDM - c0490

CHAPTER 490  Communication is Completely Broken "I'm taking a video!" They are not selfish people. They checked Baidu's road conditions here along the way, and there are photos and videos about this place. It can be seen that in the face of danger, although everyone is thinking about how to guarantee their own lives, they will still share what they have seen and heard under conditions. At this time, Han Xin, who was far away in the capital and was collecting information from all parties, took the Ai Pai and passed the order from Wen Ruyu to the people below. There are thousands of clicks in no time. You know, at this time, there are more than a thousand hits, which is definitely a considerable number, not to mention that many people in this area of Yanjing City have also discovered that something is wrong, and people nearby have all replied. After seeing the above video at a glance, the high-rise buildings seemed to be controlled by someone, one by