ARCDM - c0507


Sure Enough, She Came Back

At this time, Bai Ling's skin was not only red, but also slightly cracked, and there was even faintly seen swollen blood vessels. It was obvious that this promotion was more violent and terrifying than the last one.

"Ah—" Bai Ling opened her eyes, and those eyes were stained with blood, as if all the blood vessels in her body had burst.

"" Bai Ling wanted to yell, because her body really couldn't bear the energy given to her by the Celestial Sword at this time, yes, it was beyond her tolerance, her body will fall apart because of this.

Because the words under the handle of the Celestial Sword have become the third layer of heaven!

In other words, the energy given to her by the Heavenly God Sword is enough to allow her to leapfrog and advance.

Bai Ling could clearly hear the sound of blood flowing in her body, and even the sound of bones cracking, and she would soon turn into a ball of flesh because of this energy.

This kind of pain is even more unbearable, as if the whole body is soaked in sulfuric acid or magma.

Coauthored she was not killed by the zombies, but. . . But she was directly killed by the energy of the Celestial Sword!

Who would have thought that at this moment, the tail ring on Bai Ling's left hand began to shimmer, and the light turned white, covering Bai Ling in an instant, merging with the light of the blue gemstone together.

When Bai Ling was in pain, how could she not have thought that the damaged blood vessels, bleeding internal organs, and broken bones would start to recover?

Just like Mingming who has the power of the light system, her body is recovering on its own?

If so, this damage plus repair, not only is not comfortable at all, but the pain is even worse than before.

Bai Ling only felt that his painful nerves were about to burst.

Bai Xiaoxi and the others had long since been stunned and shocked by Bai Ling's being penetrated by a level 14 zombie. A zombie who didn't check was injured by them, and hit the wall and the ground with a bang.

Even if they wanted to save Bai Ling, it was useless, even if they exhausted all their strength, they could only watch those zombies surround her and devour her.

After all, Bai Ling's body is so small, the huge physique of those zombies completely blocked their sight, and they couldn't see the light from the divine sword and sapphire necklace! So there is only one possibility, Bai Ling must die!

"Sister...sister!" The voice was sharp, with all the strength in his life, Bai Xiaoxi burst into tears!

When Bai Xiaoxi and the others were about to be seriously injured by the zombies, a burst of machine guns rang out.

Instantly attracted those injured zombies, turned around and saw that group of delicious food still struggling? Without saying a word, it rushed to the person who fired the gun!

"Come on, come on, Mom, I will be a good man again in twenty years!" Looking up, they saw the vigorous body like a wild beast on top of their heads, and they knew that in the next second, they would be crushed by these few zombies, to be torn apart and devoured.

But if Bai Ling and her group were to die, they would still be dead after all, and it would be even more unwilling not to find some interest in them while they were still able to move. Perhaps because of the stimulation of the machine gun, they also became crazy!

At the critical moment, seeing that they were about to fall into the grasp of this zombie, no one thought that at this moment, those three zombies seemed to be frozen in the air, unexpectedly motionless? Even the sulfuric acid saliva from the mouth of the tenth-level zombie was nailed to it.


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