RBXB - c001


In the luxuriously decorated bathroom, Qiao Ruo stared blankly at the bright and moving face full of collagen in the mirror, and fell into a trance. In her mind, the despair before death and the tragedy of the previous life were vividly recalled.

Her reputation was ruined, her relatives were betrayed, the world was so big, but there was no place for her to stay, everyone hated her and spurned her.

"Qiao Ruo, I will take away from you little by little everything you care about, and from now on, you will only be able to live in darkness forever."

A devil's voice was so cold that it seemed to come out of hell, it kept ringing in her ears.

Qiao Ruo's heart beat violently, and her body couldn't stop trembling.

She turned on the faucet and splashed the water on her delicately made-up face with both hands.

The mascara was wet, the eyeliner and eye shadow were smudged, and when she looked up again, her face was no longer glamorous.

"Chunlin, what's the matter with you?" There was a knock on the door, accompanied by a caring and gentle male voice.

Qiao Ruo was very familiar with this voice.

Sheng Mingze, a popular male star in the entertainment industry, is also the subject of her rumors.

Qiao Chunlin is her stage name in the entertainment industry. This name is her husband Yue Jingzhou's couple's name. Chunlin, Jingzhou, and radicals are the same.

In her previous life, she won the best actress award, her career was in full swing. She gradually became vain and impetuous, and began to dislike her ex-husband, who was just an ordinary person, and she was unwilling to live a life that was as dull as lukewarm water.

Qiao Ruo raised her head, looked at the mirror again, took a deep breath, wiped off the water on her face, and opened the door.

In this life, she must not repeat the same mistakes, live a good life with her ex-husband, and prevent him from becoming black.

Sheng Mingze looked at Qiao Ruo's pure and clean face, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

It was just the effort of going into the bathroom, he felt that she seemed to be a completely different person, especially her eyes, she did not look like a popular actress.

"Chunlin, are you... all right?"

"I'm fine, by the way, what did we talk about just now?" 

Sheng Mingze: "You said you would go back tomorrow and sign the divorce agreement with your husband, officially divorce, and then release the news that I am with you to the media."

The man in front of her had a baby face, his eyes seemed to be full of summer sunshine, bright and hot.

Qiao Ruo thought that when her career was in crisis, Sheng Mingze immediately put an end to the relationship with her, and a hint of self-mockery flashed in her eyes.

When she was at the peak of her life, everyone around her was smiling, as if everyone was a good person. Only when she fell into a trough, could she see clearly who was a human and a ghost.

"I'm sorry, I decided not to divorce, so I'll talk about it today."

The place where the two talked was in a magnificent hotel suite.

Qiao Ruo glanced around and secretly rejoiced that before she got divorced, she didn't break through her moral bottom line and have a substantial affair with the ambiguous Sheng Mingze.

Sheng Mingze stopped in front of Qiao Ruo, his face changed, and his unwillingness overflowed.

"Aren't you going to divorce? Didn't you say that you no longer have feelings for your husband, and are even tired of him?" 

"This is my business, and you don't need to worry about it."

Qiao Ruo turned around, her arm was pulled.

"Chunlin, tell me what happened, okay? Let's face it together."

Qiao Ruo glanced down at the hands on her arms. The more reluctance Sheng Mingze showed, the more ironic she felt.

In her previous life, she was too stupid to live a good life, but she actually sought the so-called freedom and passion with this kind of man who relied on soft food for a position, had no responsibility and was full of hypocrisy.

Qiao Ruo pulled away the arm held by Sheng Mingze with a cold expression, and said in a cold tone, "No, we'd better not meet and contact each other alone in the future, you have to remember, although I'm married secretly, after all, I'm a wealthy person now. If the news of my marriage is revealed and I have an affair with you, you should be very clear about the consequences."

Qiao Ruo's attitude changed so quickly that Sheng Mingze couldn't react for a while.

He stared at Qiao Ruo closely, as if he wanted to see something from her face, but unfortunately, only indifference remained on that beautiful face.

Qiao Ruo took the bag down the stairs, and the assistant Xiaobai who was waiting for the lookout in the lobby came forward, "Sister Chunlin, just now Sister Zhang called me and said that she would bring you to Director Zhang's dinner tonight, and asked you to make preparations."

Qiao Ruo doesn't have the mood to attend the dinner now. The most important thing right now is the marriage and relationship crisis between her and her husband.

The divorce agreement will be signed tomorrow, so she has to rush home today to explain things clearly to Yue Jingzhou.

Qiao Ruo: "I have a very important matter to deal with now. You tell Sister Zhang to turn off my work for the past three days."

Qiao Chunlin used to work very hard, and her schedule and work were very full every day, so why would she suddenly push it away?

"Sister Chunlin, you're going to participate the day after tomorrow..."

Qiao Ruo interrupted Xiao Bai, "Do as I say."

Qiao Ruo didn't ask Xiao Bai to follow her when she returned home, the big house was empty.

In her previous life, after she divorced Yue Jingzhou, she never came back, and spent most of her time living in hotels.

Seeing the familiar and warm decorations around, all kinds of memories from the past came to her mind. She and Yue Jingzhou were college classmates, fell in love in their sophomore year, and got married a year after graduation.

Yue Jingzhou was at the level of a male god in school at the beginning, with outstanding appearance, excellent grades, good at playing basketball, and many girls chased after him in school.

But Yue Jingzhou is very dedicated to her, and never flirts with other girls. Qiao Ruo was playing with his temper, and Yue Jingzhou would pet and coax her patiently. Sometimes Qiao Ruo herself would feel very pretentious and make trouble out of no reason, and Yue Jingzhou never said a word of seriousness to her.

Qiao Ruo sat on the sofa, thought about her words, took out her mobile phone and dialed Yue Jingzhou's number.

The phone was connected quickly.

"When will you... come back?"

"Are you home?"

Qiao Ruo hadn't heard his gentle voice for a long time, and her mood became complicated again.

"Well, are you going home for dinner tonight?"

"Aunt Chen is not here, what do you want to eat, I will order a restaurant takeaway."

"No, I will buy vegetables and cook."

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone, "I will bring some vegetables when I get off work, what do you want?"

Qiao Ruo can only cook a few simple dishes, and since she became a celebrity, she has never touched the spring water with her fingers.

"Wait, I'll go and see what's in the fridge."

"There's nothing in the fridge."

Qiao Ruo stopped in her tracks and said counting with her fingers, "Tomatoes, eggs, green peppers, potatoes, onions, anyway, the simpler the better. Look and buy for yourself."

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and a low voice came, "Okay."


In the office.

When Yue Jingzhou received Qiao Ruo's call, he was looking down at the photo in his hand.

In the photo, Qiao Ruo and Yue Jingzhou entered the same hotel room back and forth. After the phone call, the corner of the photo was crumpled by him.

When he raised his eyes, the shadows on his eyes, which were clear just now, became extremely deep.

Not long after the air was quiet, the phone rang again. When he saw the caller ID, his face returned to normal again.


"Everything at home has been arranged. When will you come back?"

Yue Jingzhou's lips hooked slightly, and a wry smile that seemed to be there slipped across, "The day after tomorrow."

"Okay, Jingzhou, you finally figured it out, Dad is very happy."

Half an hour before leaving work, Yue Jingzhou called a meeting for everyone in the company.

After graduating, he started his own business, opening a small technology company.

After waiting for everyone to arrive, Yue Jingzhou glanced slowly over everyone's faces, "The company has been acquired by Sunac, and from tomorrow onwards, I will no longer be the general manager. Sunac will send someone to manage it. I hope everyone will do your job well."

The news was so sudden that everyone looked at each other in disbelief.

Sunac is the leading large group in Hancheng, so there was no news from inside the company before it was acquired.

"Boss, you will not come to the company from tomorrow? Even if the company is acquired by Sunac, you will not leave the company." The first to speak was Chen Fei, a subordinate who had been with Yue Jingzhou for many years.

Yue Jingzhou: "I have my own place to go, and the new general manager will come over tomorrow, and you will cooperate with the new general manager in the future." 

After Yue Jingzhou left, the stunned people couldn't help talking about it.

"Do you feel that the boss seems to be wrong recently? It's not that I heard before that our company is the painstaking effort of the boss for many years. The name of the company is also the crystallization of the love of the boss's wife. Why did the boss sell the company without saying a word."

"I don't know if I should say something."

"Say it quickly, what's the matter." 

"The boss seems to be divorcing his wife. Once I went in to deliver documents and heard that the boss seemed to be on the phone with a lawyer to discuss the division of divorce property. It's really something."

"God, isn't the boss very affectionate with his wife? There are so many little girls outside these years who want to jump on the boss, and the boss never takes a look." 

"No wonder the company is sold."

"I have been in the company for so long. I've never met the boss's wife, and I heard she's very pretty."

"I saw her from a distance once before, and she looks a lot like that big star Qiao Chunlin."


Although Qiao Ruo has made a lot of money in the entertainment industry, she and Yue Jingzhou have always lived in the wedding house when they got married. It was located the downtown area, around 135 square meters. It's also spacious.

Yue Jingzhou carried the vegetables into the room, and a concerned voice came to greet him, "Are you back?"

Yue Jingzhou raised his eyelids, and saw Qiao Ruo, who was wearing light pink home clothes, walking towards him gracefully, without any makeup on. There is a light smile on her face, her eyebrows are curved, and her eyes are bright.

He couldn't remember the last time she smiled at him like this.

Yue Jingzhou put down the white plastic bag with vegetables in his right hand, and said neither salty nor light, "I'm not hungry."

Qiao Ruo had seen the most ruthless side of Yue Jingzhou. Qiao Ruo said it was no surprise.

"But I'm hungry, I'll cook first."

Yue Jingzhou lowered his eyes, and slowly changed his shoes, "I've prepared the divorce agreement, do you want to sign it before or after the meal?"

Qiao Ruo smiled and paused, the tone was very soft, "Let's put the divorce aside for now, and we'll talk about it after dinner."

Yue Jingzhou stood where he was, watching Qiao Ruo's leaving back, his eyes flickering.

He took the documents on the shoe cabinet in his left hand, and walked towards the kitchen with the vegetables in his right hand.

If Qiao Ruo was not at home, Yue Jingzhou didn't cook by himself. Every weekend, a hired aunt would come to clean and cook with Yue Jingzhou, so the kitchen was well-equipped and the collection was very organized.

Yue Jingzhou opened the refrigerator, and there were only a few bottles of milk and water left in the refrigerator.

"I'll put the vegetables in the refrigerator."

Qiao Ruo, who was washing rice by the sink, stopped her hands, walked to Yue Jingzhou, and took the things from Yue Jingzhou's hand, "Go and do your thing, leave the kitchen to me."

Yue Jingzhou took a deep look at Qiao Ruo, and his peach blossom eyes were slightly raised, "I won't make things difficult for you about the divorce, you don't have to try to please me."


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