ARCDM - c0497


Monster! ! !

Is it a motorcycle? She knocked the people on their side into a mess.

"Ge Laozi, there is really someone who is not afraid of death!" Apart from anything else, the clairvoyant informed hurriedly made a movement towards the people with guns around him.

Since this group of people are looking for death, don't blame them for being rude.

Just about to take out the yellow flag to let the people below leave to avoid accidental injury, the man raised his head and accidentally looked from a distance. The man's eyes stared out in fright, his feet trembled, his face was pale, and he hurriedly supported himself on the railing.

"No... no... no, what kind of monster is that..."

Through the man's pupils, one could clearly see seven or eight giant monsters that were 20,000 meters away, strangely shaped, and indeed the monster, which was definitely not a mutant beast, shuttled through the house over there at an extremely fast speed, and was hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye.

If it weren't for the huge physique of those guys, he really wouldn't have noticed the fast speed.

"The yellow flag is waving, let's avoid it!" The people below who were hit by the motorcycle and kicked by the slender figure couldn't stop this group of people, they could only kill this group of disobedient people.

"Brother Qiu, do you feel something is wrong? Is he shaking too fast?"

"Don't hide, don't hide, let's go, let's go!" The ten-year-old man desperately yelled at the people below, biting his hand hard.

"Brother Min, what's the matter?" The group of people who were about to shoot unexpectedly heard the heart-piercing roar coming from their ears?

"Go... Get out of here, get out of here!" The so-called Brother Min's eyes were cracked, he wanted to describe what he saw to them, his face was pale, "It's too late, too fast, too fast!"

"Brother Min, it’s too fast to explain what?”

“Are we all going to die here?” Brother Min quickly raised a red chess piece, and then went down the stairs without saying a word, making it clear that he was frightened by something that he wanted to flee.

"Mr. Ge, what the hell is this boy doing?" The people hiding in the house below were waiting for the gunshots to sound, and then killed the group of people who ignored them, robbing their goods, never thought of waiting. Waiting for a long time until it seems to be topped with a red flag?

"Brother Qiu...something seems wrong!" As soon as the words fell, there was a touch, and the ground seemed to tremble.

"What's the situation?"


The howling sound like a prehistoric beast resounded above the entire town.

"Sure enough, it's too late!" Bai Ling gritted her teeth, feeling the huge coercion coming from behind her. Her eyes froze, this kind of coercion. . . Level 14 high-strength zombies.

Even if there is the little meatball, he will definitely not be able to handle it.

"Brother Jiaming, take the children and grandma and take the first step. Remember not to look back, and you must enter the base of Yanjing City!" It seems that this kind of thing did not happen in the previous life, but Yanjing City has been standing still, which shows its defense level must be extremely high.

If it weren't for the help of Xiao Rouqiu's mental ability, how could Li Jiaming be able to drive under such a powerful pressure at this time?

"Bai Ling, you don't mean to..."

"Go!" Bai Ling ordered, there are seven of them, and the lowest level is also level seven.

Li Jiaming's body shook, and he also wanted to stay and fight with them. But at this time, his task is to protect the children and the elderly!


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