ARCDM - c0493



Just in that big city that was being demolished, the elegant, fifteen-year-old and very gentlemanly boy who was being treated by Luo Liya and a big man over two meters tall suddenly turned his head and looked at a place as if he had discovered something. There was a large wave of powerful advanced zombies outside the city.

The long eyelashes blinked, "Yaya, did you find anything among the corpses?" 

The so-called Yaya had already rolled up the pink dress and stood up again. Her eyes were sharp and cold, and he arrived at the battlefield full of broken concrete blocks, reinforced bricks and dust in the blink of an eye.

"Uh..." Seeing this scene, the gentleman shook his head very elegantly, and also watched his men like King Kong striding towards the battlefield, while he got up slowly, squinting his eyes, "Chen Weiming, you should have discovered it!"

An invisible but visible figure slowly appeared behind him, with a smile on his mouth, and a strong curiosity in his eyes, "Are you talking about Yu?" 

Although it is called Yu, It was only three years ago that she was discovered, and she seemed to have suddenly appeared in that prison from the beginning to the end, just like... born from that prison. The reason why it was ranked third was because in the prison a year ago, the man ranked third who liked to bully a loli was easily killed by her.

"As far as I know, she has already turned into such a hideous monster. Hehe, I never thought that this monster could be restored..." the gentleman boy said softly.

"Why not? Don't forget, where did the virus that infected the whole world come from?!" Chen Weiming said with a sneer.

The gentlemanly and elegant little Zheng's smile deepened, "At least we got to know each other, why don't you go over and say hello!" 

"Farewell, I have recovered, but it seems that my strength has not yet recovered." Chen Weiming kept secret, "Speaking of which, is Gan Lu dead? I haven’t seen her back yet!”

“She’s fine, she probably doesn’t plan to come back!” Witnessing Feng Chaoge’s strength, relying on her skills to take him down, he still can’t stop thinking about what that woman thinks.

Chen Weiming yawned, "I didn't sleep for two nights in order to hurry, and it's been like this for a day or two. Their energy is inexhaustible, and we must have spare energy. Forget it, it's not in vain to witness, I'll take a step first!"

"Go slowly!" The elegant little Zhengtai watched him leave with a smile, and then squinted his eyes to look at the dazzling battlefield again.

One night passed, and the next day dawned, this magnificent city like Las Vegas looked like a desert after demolition, and all the dust settled, as if nothing happened.

People and zombies disappeared in the blink of an eye.

On the contrary, a lot of mutated plants crawled out of the ground overnight, and continued to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye against the sunlight of the second day.

On a scorching summer day, the sun was strong. Along the road that had been walked by many people and was still covered with mutated plants, Bai Ling, who was riding a tomahawk at the front, took off her helmet and walked against the sun...

They didn’t sleep all night, and the noon sun was so strong. For the sake of everyone’s health, she finally chose a shady place to rest in the shade of a dilapidated house not far from the deserted town outside the Yanjing City base.


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