ARCDM - c0494


Approaching Yanjing City

"Sister, why don't we go in there?" Bai Xiaoxi wiped off the stinky blood on his face, and looked up at the scorching sun above his head, as if it could scorch people. Looking at the small town in the distance, there is still a fault in the sun.

It can be seen that this summer is really hot, and it is estimated that the high temperature is more than 40 degrees.

Bai Xiaoxi is alright, he is not afraid of heat with his fire ability, not to mention Bai Shan, with ice ability, she is always cold everywhere, the little meatball held in her arms is like being in an air-conditioned room.

The only hard-working person is Li Dongmei who is still sick with an ordinary body. It is strange to say,  it is unknown if it is Bai Xiaoxi’s illusion. Ever since Li Dongmei practiced Bai Ling’s "radio gymnastics", he always felt that the wrinkles on Li Dongmei’s face became a lot less, and the originally rickety body is also more agile.

After thinking about it, he still think it's impossible. It's only half a month from Wangdu base. Even if this "radio gymnastics" has the effect of rejuvenating the old, the speed can't be so fast!

Bai Ling looked at Bai Xiaoxi and shook her head, not knowing what he was thinking, and wiped a trace of sweat from her face. 

"This is close to the big base of Yanjing City, and I didn't realize there are a lot more people that come here?" 

"Yes. Today I met seven or eight groups of people and went out!" Bai Ling said, Bai Xiaoxi remembered that he asked Li Zhenghao at that time, and there were seven or eighty people in one group, "Not only that, the zombies are all less than in other places, uh... It can be said that except for zombies and mutant beasts above level 3, I can’t see anything else!"

As for the zombies in the big cities before, maybe they traveled too fast, but they didn’t see them anyway. This made them breathe a sigh of relief!

Otherwise, they really dare not rest before arriving in Yanjing City!

"This is the deterrent of the big base!" Bai Ling quickly walked to the shade of the eaves, "When you get to Yanjing City, its scale will definitely scare you!"

In fact, for zombies, there is no deterrence at all. The so-called deterrence just means that because of the huge population of Yanjing City, in order to be able to exchange food, or even to be promoted, the only way for them is to come out to hunt. The superhumans didn't dare to go too far, so they could only attack the zombies or mutant beasts around Yanjing City.

There may be too many people leaving this area, and the growth of mutated plants is actually not as much as other places.

"Then why don't we go to the town?" That section of the road is also the only way to go to Yanjing City, and many cars were going there just now.

"That town is close to Yanjing City. It must be very safe inside, and someone must have settled here!" Li Zhenghao came out with a sports cup marked with Bai Ling, "Lingling, drink some water, I asked Bai Shan to add some ice in the water!"

"Thank you uncle!"

"Where's mine?" When Bai Xiaoxi heard this, he felt a sense of coolness in his heart.

"You have fire abilities, is it okay to drink cold water?" Li Zhenghao was surprised.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaoxi couldn't help but wailed, "Uncle, I have a fire attribute ability, and my body can withstand high temperatures, but I am not made of fire, but a flesh and blood body, of course I can drink cold drinks!" 

"Oh, so you can ask your sister Bai Shan for a drink later!" Li Zhenghao frowned and said very naturally.


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