ARCDM - c0512


A Good-looking But Powerful Man!

"Or, then...all those zombies were wiped out by her alone?"

Gudong, the voice of swallowing saliva continued.

All looked at the eighteen-year-old young man who made a bold guess.

Xiaonian was very innocent, "Otherwise, how can I explain that they went in and came out, and they didn't find it. Since the time she screamed, the zombies inside seem to have stopped moving!" 

That's true.

"She doesn't have supernatural powers..." This sentence spoke out the voices of everyone.

Who can tell them that a girl who has no supernatural powers kills a zombie with a ninth-level special supernatural power with a shot, and she still has mental supernatural powers, and then she is obviously confused by the group of zombies, even dead and injured, and she dies in the blink of an eye. Half of her life was left, and she was even dying at the end.

But she can kill zombies of level 10, level 12, and level 14 in just one minute? Are you still jumping out lively?

Hehehe. . . Hehehe. . . Hehehehe. . . They must be crazy!

No, it must be a dream!

Or are they actually dead? Otherwise, what happened to this weird scene?

"Goddess!" In the next second, the young man's eyes shone with admiration, and he boldly shouted to Bai Ling below.

The burly man was so frightened that he couldn't help shaking his legs, and the young man's mouth was covered in the next second, and he lowered his head, only to see that beautiful woman looking up at them.

Everyone swallowed again and dared not speak. But he scolded this ignorant young man in his heart.

Bai Ling didn't expect that they would be the first to greet her. Just as she was about to say a few words of thanks, her eyes froze with a stern light. She was staring at the tallest building behind them in the entire town. The roof of the tenth floor.

She guessed right before that the energy of the "egg" was refined according to the strength of her body's toughness, and the energy of the "egg" would actually increase with her promotion, so it was a kind of reserve energy.

The energy of the "egg" she can use now is dozens of times that of before, and can even cover the Celestial Sword. This power is incomparable.

Not to mention her five senses that have been promoted again?

She didn't feel that person's breath, but she saw him first.

It was a man, a tall and strange man wearing a tattered prison uniform. He had white hair all over his head, and it was still very long. The white hair behind him even shone silver in the sun. The most important thing was his eyes, sapphire blue, as deep as the sea, one can't see the bottom. His skin was whiter than that of ordinary men, even Bai Xiaoxi's, but that handsome face was not an oriental face, obviously he was of mixed race.

The mixed blood of Chinese and Western people.

Because only Caucasians can be so white, and the color of the eyes and the color of the hair can be justified.

"You can see me!" The man's tone seemed to be having a little bit of fun, and he jumped off the tall building in an instant and landed on another tall building.

Bai Ling only felt that in the blink of an eye, there was an extra figure in front of her, and the next second, a strong and slender finger stretched towards her neck. Bai Ling blocked it reflexively. How could she ever think that when she just raised her hand, she found that she couldn't move in front of him?

His momentum and strength directly suppressed her?


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