ARCDM - c0501


Fight Hard (4)

Don't forget, what level of zombies are they facing!

While several people retreated to a safe corner and shivered, they couldn't help stretching their heads to see what happened on the road ahead. After all, there were seven zombies.

Those didn't come over?

These three people dealt with two, but there were only five people left in the pair just now.

The key is that one of them has no abilities!

Looking around, they can see that just behind the three elephant-like level 7 zombies fighting against the man, they can clearly see a level 7 fire ability user, that is, the thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy. At this time, he was dealing with a level 8 zombie with a very long neck. If one look closely, the neck really looks like a snake.

So there are four left, where are they?

"Are we... doomed to die?" Many people had despair in their eyes.

"There is one zombie with level nine and three above ten. Even if this group of people are powerful, it's impossible..." Brother Qiu also had despair and fear in his eyes.

"Brother Qiu, you are a sixth-level man, and you are in the gold department, why...why can't you go out and help them?" One of the thin and young men, about eighteen years old, who obviously hadn't experienced much human affairs, could no longer endure it. He can't help roaring loudly.

Brother Qiu didn't speak anymore, his legs were still shaking.

He can kill zombies, and he dares to kill zombies, but all the zombies he has killed are lower than his level. Now the lowest zombie here is also level 7. Facing that zombie, he lost his fighting ability, and he was actually asked to kill it?

Who are you kidding?

"Look... look at that...those two women... actually restrained that tenth-level zombie!" Among them, the man around forty years old swallowed his saliva.

Everyone looked at Bai Shan and Li Fang, one had an eighth-level ice ability, the zombie's corrosive saliva was useless to her, and the other had a seventh-level wind ability? The saliva and even the tongue were useless to her. Because she can directly crush the zombie's saliva with the wind, and also block its tongue.

The two of them cooperated very well, even here they could feel a strong chill. It just so happened that the female zombie with corrosive saliva was of the fire element.

It's just that the temperature of the fire is tenth grade fire after all, seeing that the two people were still burned by the high temperature of the fire, even so, their eyes were still sharp and fierce, and they didn't have any intention of retreating at all!

Which of them has never killed a zombie? Can. . . But whoever suddenly faces such a powerful zombie, and there is such a force that they can't move, how can they resist?

With Li Zhenghao, Bai Shan, Li Fang and others fighting desperately, especially these two levels are obviously far behind the tenth level zombies, but they restrained it in a daze, and couldn't help being aroused. The fighting spirit of this group of men, because it is a death to hide here, it is better to fight.

"We still have explosives and guns!" It was still the eighteen-year-old man.

"That's right, shit, superpowers won't work, I don't believe in guns and bombs!"

But even so, who would dare to go to the upstairs behind the tenth-level fire zombie to get it? This distance doesn't look far, but if you really want to walk, you have to risk your life.


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