ARCDM - c0505


Bai Ling is Dead?

She felt the blood in her chest churning, and with a puff, a mouthful of blood protruded, coupled with the pain from the wounds all over the body, the pain spread all over her body. Before she raised her head, she felt a huge figure like a gust of wind flashing in front of her eyes!

When she looked up, she saw a pair of bloody eyes the size of light bulbs, and its mouth was still dripping with saliva. The ugly voice like tearing rags was still ringing out, "Eat... Eat... Eat..." 

Bai Ling's eyes were slightly cold, with a fierce look, and she gritted her teeth. Even though she was seriously injured at this time, she still took the sword reflexively to block it.

With a snap, the eagle-claw-like hand squeezed the Celestial Sword.

The other hand went directly towards Bai Ling's abdomen without hesitation, with a puff!

"Sister!" Seeing that Bai Xiaoxi was about to deal with the eighth-level water-type zombie, in the blink of an eye, he saw Bai Ling being slapped against the wall at this time, and the thick and disgusting hand went directly through her abdomen.

Bai Xiaoxi only felt that his heart was tightly pinched by that disgusting big hand, and it shattered in an instant!

A pair of eyes are about to come out, screaming heart-piercingly.

This scene also caused Bai Shan, Li Zhenghao and the others to widen their eyes, and also let out a long cry, "No!"

They have reached a desperate situation!

Bai Ling, whose mouth was full of blood, slowly raised her head, but there was a smile on the corner of her mouth, a smile as cold as millennium ice. At this moment, the Celestial Sword in her hand was extracted from her whole body. All the remaining energy of the "egg" was cut off directly from the hand of the fourteenth-level zombie who was close to her. There is a half emerald-colored long sword protruding, but there is bitterness in her tone, "It actually made me come to this point!" 

The most dangerous zombie. . . Because she was injured . . They came back.

They must be alive. . . They must continue living!

All the energy in her body has been squeezed out now, how long has she lasted? It's not even two minutes, is it?

It can be seen how fragile she is at this moment.

"Pfft—" After all, she couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood again, the consciousness in her eyes gradually became blurred, and there was a mocking and unwilling smile at the corner of her mouth. Could she only go here after all?

Hehe, it was hard. . . After finally finding her grandma, finding her family, and being reunited with great difficulty, anger arose in her heart. If she was still alive and knew who destroyed that city and let these dangerous things escape, she would definitely not spare them.

But, she still didn't want to die. . . She does not want to die!

Even if the thought of life is very strong, so strong that Bai Ling opened her eyes again, but in the end she is no match for this broken body, and her life is gradually lost!

It's just that no one thought that the drops of blood flowing from her mouth flowed down her white and petite chin into her neck, and finally stained the necklace Wen Ruyu gave her on her neck.

And the crystal blue teardrop-like jewel covered by the silver-white pattern actually exudes a faint light. This kind of light flashed and shone, as if conveying something, and at this time the Celestial Sword still inserted in the fourteenth zombie also slowly erupted with a glimmer of light.


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