
Showing posts from March, 2023

ARCDM - c0250

Chapter 250  Don't be too fantasy! Bai Ling noticed Li Fang's small movements, paused, looked sideways at her ordinary but attractive face, then turned to Li Zhenghao and said loudly, "Uncle, you guys have to leave right now!" After hearing Bai Ling's words, the aura of the third-order mutant dog that had swallowed up Chen Dazhen in the blink of an eye was constantly rising, accompanied by a powerful majesty. "Oh my god... still... still promoted?" Li Jiaming was shocked by the promotion speed of this mutant dog. "Don't be dazed, let's go!" Li Zhenghao also sensed the seriousness of the matter. Seeing Bai Ling holding the sword with a calm expression on her face, even though he was worried, his reason told him that she must be sure. Although this county is still some distance away from Guangyao Village, you must know that there are so many supernatural beings in Guangyao Village, and sooner or later this mutant dog will

ARCDM - c0249

Chapter 249 It's not that they don't want to escape, how could they escape from a third-order mutant dog? What's more, they are exhausted now. Bai Ling's face was bright, compared with the mental outlook of Li Fang and the others who were covered in wounds and in a state of embarrassment. Seeing it, Bai Ling took out all the crystal nuclei on her body in a blink of an eye. It was in a small bag and threw it towards Li Feng, "You all should heal your wounds quickly. Go out of this county first and find a car. Find a safe place to restore your physical strength!" Li Feng, who was holding the bag, couldn't believe it, because after touching it, he knew how many crystal nuclei were inside. Bai Ling is. . . That's it? The point is not this. What does it mean to let them go first? " can't be..." Li Feng really couldn't ask what she wanted to do with the third-order mutant dog. Looking at that thin body with no a

ARCDM - c0248

Chapter 248  A Weird Scene "It's over, it's over, it doesn't want us to live!" Li Jiaming looked pessimistic. Li Fang's eyes were already shining brightly, but in fact, the trace of luck and hope hidden in her heart was completely shattered. Li Feng's entire face stiffened, and then it became as black as the bottom of a pot. It seems that they didn't die at the hands of zombies this time, but became the food of this third-order mutant dog. The pessimistic thoughts of Li Feng and the others had just passed by, but they never thought that the third-order mutant dog didn't seem to be coming for them. At this time, like a harvester, it devoured the gathered zombies one by one. Those zombies seemed to sense the crisis, and they ran away instantly like birds and beasts gathered together. "Mr. Chen?" The low-level zombies can be blocked at the entrance of the supermarket, but what about the third-level mutant dogs

ARCDM - c0247

Chapter 247  Bad luck It's like there's a scourge behind them that scares them. So Li Zhenghao was not sure whether Li Feng and the others had escaped and left the county safely after the number of zombies increased over there. But none of them are Bai Ling, who can scare these third-order zombie dogs, and if they encounter them, they will undoubtedly die. As they came out, time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was already evening, and the sky under the setting sun was dyed red, as if it was covered with a layer of red silk. "Li Feng, we are going to die, we are going to die!" Li Jiaming said in a crying voice as the energy in his body was almost exhausted. And there are already deep scars on the arm. He began to grit his teeth in pain, his lips were pale, and he obviously lost too much blood. Although he is no longer afraid of the zombie virus, he is still a body of flesh and blood, how can he survive all these wounds? The ot

ARCDM - c0246

Chapter 246  Thirty Years in Hedong and Thirty Years in Hexi Moreover, Li Zhenghao has a paranoid love for any car, and he can modify any car. No matter what kind of car it is, he can easily bring out the performance of that car to the extreme. Fortunately, this third-order mutant beast was injured in many places, which seriously affected its movements. It has been consuming energy for such a long time, so its speed is no longer as fast as chasing Bai Ling. This gave Li Zhenghao a chance to live. Hey—— Bai Ling rode a car and sped past an abandoned car, looked up at the turning point about three kilometers away, her brows furrowed deeper, and suddenly heard the sound of a whining motor vehicle. Dazed, she came chasing the third-order mutant beast. How could anyone dare to stay here? Three minutes later, a familiar figure riding a motor vehicle passed her eyes. Bai Ling's heart lifted instantly. "Uncle?" Bai Ling couldn't believe that her uncle

ARCDM - c0245

Chapter 245  Li Zhenghao Meets Mutant Dog "Lingling!" Li Zhenghao couldn't help but cry, looking at the iron door that was bitten and broken by something, and even faintly saw the shadow of the beast left by the impact on the iron door. . Does this scene serve as another idea? It was obviously knocked out by a mutant beast. Twice the size of a strong, powerful adult cheetah. The closer he got, Li Zhenghao staggered, his voice trembling, "No is it possible!" Walking over, he could see that the entire car dealership was unusually quiet, and there were no zombies at all. In many places, there are bloodstains that have already scabbed. And there are often gray hairs beside the bloodstains. Squatting down and staring at the gray hair expressionlessly for a long time, his body stiffened, and his expression became a little dazed. Thinking of the power erupted by the third-order mutant dog made his movements sluggish. One can imagin

ARCDM - c0244

Chapter 244  Take That Old Guy Chen Xin snorted, "Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough." How could the third-order mutant dog that came out of the window before let Chen Xin hurt its vitals? Not to mention that animals like dogs are inherently spiritual, let alone after mutation? They are very vengeful. From the moment Chen Xin saw the sudden change in Bai Ling's gaze, he had a guess in his heart. He had the experience of pulling his subordinates to block mutant dogs for him for the first time, and it was even more handy the second time. But he didn't think that the mutant dog was so powerful, and he was not satisfied after eating his subordinates, since it scratched his back at a critical moment. This strength is not light, even the bulletproof vest was scratched. Fortunately, his life is great! He knew very well that the reason why it didn't dare to stop was because of the woman's approach. Panting heavily, he squinted hi

ARCDM - c0243

Chapter 243  Chen Xin's City Mansion They have been forced to such a point, there is no way to move to other places. This supermarket is just one door away, but there is a heaven and a hell! No matter how Li Feng and others yelled at the people in the supermarket, Chen Dazhen remained indifferent, and no one suggested opening the door. Some people even looked at it with a bad mood, who made this Li Feng think he was great in the village because of Li Zhenghao's protection? Needless to say, other people, Li Fang is a useless woman, and Li Zhenghao actually brought her out, so why not give her so many promotions? Li Zhenghao's brain is not sick, but this woman is not shallow. It's not a good product at first glance, and it looks so unremarkable. At the back, almost everyone watched indifferently as they were cornered by the zombies. Guangyao Village appears to be very harmonious on the surface, but in private it has already been heavily div

ARCDM - c0242

Chapter 242  Chen Dazhen, open the door! Li Dazhen and others were led by Li Feng and others. Although the pressure was relieved a lot, they still couldn't hold on. In addition, the people on He Kui's side died so tragically, and fear arose in their hearts. They have to go back to the supermarket. "Li Feng, no, we can't hold it!" Li Jiaming panted heavily, not daring to be distracted. Even so, the iron pot on his body was scratched by many sharp nails. Otherwise, even ten lives would not be enough for him. "Let's go back!" Li Fang was sweating profusely, her face and body were covered with stinky zombie blood, what crystal nucleus? Where do they have the time to pick it up? Their lives are almost gone. It took only three minutes to come out, and almost everyone was covered with scars, and with the smell of blood, those zombies seemed to be on a stimulant, and without pain, they bit them from all directions like lunatics, desperately.

ARCDM - c0241

Chapter 241 As for Li Fang, a woman who could bear to leave her beloved son alone in the village and venture out by herself, they knew why, so they didn't say much. Because who can be sure that they will be able to go back alive? Keeping the child's things by her side, maybe she can still have a thought before she dies! It's just that everyone didn't expect that just as they went out, they heard the sound of gunshots again. The footsteps of Chen Dazhen and others stopped in an instant, joy flashed across their faces, and they decided immediately, "Let's go out first, Brother Xin must have brought a lot of weapons when he came out himself, and if he can survive under such a powerful monster, then something must have happened to the monster." There was a trace of greed in his eyes, it was a third-order mutant dog, which meant it had a third-order crystal nucleus. "Mr. Chen asked us to support Brother Xin?" How could they not thi

ARCDM - c0240

Chapter 240  The Person Who Prepares to Escape As soon as these words fell, many people swallowed their saliva. Li Feng and Li Jiaming had already discussed the route at this time, and when they were about to escape, they heard the chug chug of bullets. After a while, the sound disappeared. The entire supermarket was instantly silent. Li Fang's heart seemed to be beating in her throat. No matter what happened outside, there must be a high-level mutant dog, and there are people with guns. It is not known whether the other party is a good person or a vicious person. Apparently they've matched up. But the disappearance of the sound seemed to indicate that the person who shot over there was dead. Everyone's eyes dimmed. As expected, the third-order mutant dog was difficult to deal with, not even guns could completely stop it! "Let's go!" Li Feng gritted his teeth, knowing that these things are beyond the control of these supernatura

ARCDM - c0239

Chapter 239  The Great Invention of Body Armor If Bai Ling's current power is based on her understanding of power in her previous life, it should already be at the fourth level. Thinking of this, Bai Ling was not in a hurry. Two third-level wood-type crystal nuclei will allow her uncle to be promoted to third-level, and then the fourth-level wood-type crystal nucleus could be eaten again, and he would be promoted to fourth-level. If it was possible, Bai Ling wished the mutant dog could eat Chen Xin too. It's just that when Bai Ling saw the direction in which the mutant dog was running away, Bai Ling completely abandoned this idea. You must know that the third-order mutant dog has very sensitive senses, so it must also want to be promoted and come back, so it will naturally follow those with supernatural powers.  The crystal nucleus of a junior zombie will definitely not be able to meet its needs for rapid promotion. That's right, except for the super

ARCDM - c0238

Chapter 238 That's Really Unlucky "Aww—" It took more than an hour from the time the mutant dog found her to now, and with the previous attacks on Bai Ling, the mutant dog's energy was exhausted. But Bai Ling's energy is continuous, and there is no consumption at all. She is still in her prime, how can a mutant dog compare? Anyway, she was a third-order mutant dog, and she fought with Bai Ling for a while. Although Bai Ling always dodged cunningly, it was enough to show that her ability was not low. She also beheaded one of their companions, knowing that they were not invincible, and wanted to recall another companion. A pity. That companion was plotted against by Chen Xin, and the large number of bullets shot earlier caused it to be injured a lot. How dare it come out while it is recuperating and waiting to recover? Puchi—— For several rounds, it even bit the Celestial Sword in Bai Ling's hand, but it was still beheaded by Bai

ARCDM - c0237

Chapter 237  Weak woman, kick over a third-order dog? The impact sound was too harsh at this moment, and there was a third-order mutant dog who didn't know where to hide, so Chen Xin didn't dare to be careless. The two turned quickly, with their backs leaning against the wall, and in a blink of an eye they saw the square, where the sound originated. The square is very wide and desolate, but they saw a familiar black figure shuttle through it, with a small body walking around two behemoths with unusual flexibility? "She...she...she didn't die?" The man who was driving the car couldn't believe it. Although she was driving a motorcycle at a very fast speed before, they saw that the two mutated dogs were about to catch up to her. When they were attacked by the mutant dog, it was obvious that they heard the sound of squeaking brakes and the sound of the car colliding. Isn't this the hard truth telling them that this weak chicken woman who es

ARCDM - c0236

Chapter 236  Greed is above all else Although Chen Xin was very uncomfortable being suppressed by the third-order mutant dog, he still felt fearful. Looking at the huge head that was biting the head of his subordinate and pulling the corpse out vigorously, pressing himself down, he wanted to get out of the way. As the huge head approached, a ray of light flashed in his mind, and at this moment, he was actually feeling evil, and his eyes flashed with greed, and he did not know where he found the courage to hold a small dagger. While his subordinates were being devoured by the mutant dog, there was a flash of cold light, and with a puff, the blood of the mutant dog and the man beside him splashed all over him, but he could see the madness in his eyes. "Aww—" How could the mutated dog think that the human who was so scared by it would be so cunning? The subordinate who pushed him on the other side didn't run for his life, but to serve as bait? Chen Xin di

ARCDM - c0235

Chapter 235  Chen Xin's Violence Where she was just now, on the concrete floor, the scratches of the mutated dog could be clearly seen. Before she had time to sigh, she felt a stench coming from the back of her head, and the mutant beast's sharp teeth flashed in front of her eyes. Bai Ling reached out and blocked it with the Celestial Sword. She stood up straight and quickly backed away. The two mutated dogs were staring fiercely at the small shadow. After several times of joint attacks, they became even more enraged and wanted to devour her. "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Their voices became sharper and louder, the coercion rushed towards Bai Ling like sea waves, and their saliva was still dribbling menacingly. Even if Bai Ling doesn't have a cleanliness habit, the saliva is really unbearable, it's smelly an

ARCDM - c0234

CHAPTER 234 Dealing with Mutant Dogs Of course, Bai Ling faced three third-order mutant dogs alone, which was a bit embarrassing, after all, their reaction speed was no slower than hers. According to common sense, their speed, strength, etc. are stronger than ordinary third-level abilities. Fortunately, Bai Ling is different, she is not a supernatural person, her body has been transformed, and she does "radio gymnastics" every day, she faintly feels that her energy has increased again, it should be higher than the third level. Fortunately, these three mutant dogs are all flesh and blood, and the Celestial Sword can easily penetrate them. More importantly, the triangle attack defense angle of the three mutant dogs is full of flaws because one is missing. It's just that there are too many abandoned cars here, which hinder her movements, so she wants to pick a place with a little more space. Chug chug. . . The huge gunshots resounded throughout the co

ARCDM - c0233

Chapter 233  The Ferocity of the Mutant Dog One must know that the coercion of the first-level mutant beasts, zombies, mutant plants, or supernatural beings is not strong on ordinary people, but the coercion of the third-level is different. Even if the senses of ordinary people are dull, they can still feel it. Coming out is, of course, it can also be said to be the sixth sense of human beings. Chen Xin really didn't expect that when they were about to evacuate, a motorbike would emerge from the corner about 200 meters ahead. Although the speed was very fast, he could still see the rider, his tone was full of surprises, "Bai Ling?" Reflexively, he wanted to order someone to take advantage of this moment to shoot her, but he didn't expect that just a second after the motorcycle came out, three huge shadows followed behind her, suddenly at first glance, he thought it was a cheetah. "Roar——" Chen Xin's heart trembled, his goldfish eyes w

ARCDM - c0232

Chapter 232  Unlucky Chen Xin and the others With a groan, the third-tier zombie dog jumped away again, and ran towards the motorcycle at an extremely fast speed, with a fierce and heavy, vigorous body, strong and powerful. With a single touch, the roof can be pressed down into a groove. Here, Bai Ling was chased and bitten by three mutant beasts, and Bai Ling narrowly escaped every time, it was extremely thrilling. "Brother Xin, something is wrong!" A man sitting in front whispered, looking at the congested road ahead but no zombies, he even faintly felt an inexplicable pressure. Chen Xin narrowed his goldfish eyes, "It seems that you also feel that the air is indeed a lot more dignified." Although Chen Xin is not yet a first-level supernatural user, his perception is the strongest among these people. "What should we do, should we go in?" The man sitting in the co-pilot turned his head to look at his boss, which was a dangerous bre

ARCDM - c0231

Chapter 231 Li Fang's "Hard Hearted" This is Bai Ling, she may never take these "little things" to heart, but she remembers and will never forget. Although there was not much bread outside the tent last night, she knew very well who gave it to her, and there was a piece of sugar in it. It's just a few cents for a piece of candy before the end of the world, but who has this thing now? She can't tell anyone, Bai Ling's good, she can't trouble her. If it was possible, she would also like to follow Li Zhenghao to find Bai Ling, hoping that she would be safe, but she still had Mingming, her son was waiting for her to bring food home. Let her be a wolf-hearted dog who doesn't know how to repay her kindness. Covering her face with her hands, Li Fang's face was covered with tears. Seeing that Li Feng and Li Jiaming were discussing, she took her son Wang Jieming's small schoolbag, and quickly walked to the snack area of

ARCDM - c0230

Chapter 230  Bai Ling's Good The forty-year-old man, that is, Chen Dazhen's eyes with a hint of evil spirit, looked at Li Zhenghao whose face suddenly changed and became suspicious of them, and understood why he didn't give them the crystal nucleus, but what is imminent now is not this. It is not a matter, but how to escape. He wasn't sure if those greedy mutant dogs would let their group of delicious superhuman meat go! Without Li Zhenghao, he would not believe that Chen Dazhen would take them away. He is no better than a mere Li Zhenghao! "Don't worry, we can't just die here. Who told you to contact Chen Xin, did you get in touch?" There are still many mobile phones that can be used, just go to a mobile phone store to collect them. The town collects things, and of course it collects mobile phones. The so-called who was that young man with a rather wretched smile who was in the same car with Bai Ling before, named Zhao Han. Chen Dazhen

ARCDM - c0229

Chapter 229  You Have To Be Responsible Hehe, he almost forgot, there was a hole behind Bai Ling for no reason outside just now, when the zombie attacked Bai Ling, did the two people standing next to her ever think of helping her? Chen Xin, unexpectedly used such despicable methods. His voice could not help but get a little colder, "I am indeed the person in charge when we came out, but now we are facing a third-order mutant beast outside, what do you think?" "Take us away, if there is danger on the road, you have to cover us! That is your responsibility!" This shameless remark, let alone Li Zhenghao, found it ridiculous, Fengzi and Li Jiaming were completely stunned! Li Fang opened her mouth slightly, mechanically turned her head to look at Li Zhenghao, and said with little confidence, "Mr. Chen, what do you mean...if we encounter that third-order mutant beast... let Zhenghao go to attract their attention? Isn't this...isn't this as

ARCDM - c0228

Chapter 228  Li Zhenghao's Actions "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-" the people in the supermarket trembled with fear. "Yes... Is it the sound of a beast?" Li Jiaming swallowed. "It's the barking of a dog!" Naturally, Li Fang was also afraid, she didn't want to die, she came out just for a bite to eat, and she still had a son to raise. There are always a lot of dogs in the countryside. Li Fang was once bitten by a dog and vaccinated, so she remembers it very deeply. She has always had a fear of dogs as creatures in her heart. "Dog!" After being reminded by Li Fang, these people finally remembered that after this period of time, they had never seen any animals again, and they couldn't help but exclaimed. "Are you kidding me?" Some people didn't want to believe it at al

ARCDM - c0227

Chapter 227  Encountering Mutant Beasts Bai Ling was even more satisfied, it was so perfect, at this moment, a slight chewing sound came from Bai Ling's ear. Bai Ling was stunned for a moment, and instantly saw three huge beasts when she turned her head. She saw them, with thick hair, grayish brown, scarlet eyes in pairs, sharp teeth glowing with cold light in their mouths, and their sharp claws were five centimeters long, and they could be seen at a glance. The beasts are mutant dogs! They were tall, twice the size of an ordinary adult Tibetan Mastiff. One of them was gnawing on a purple-blue zombie corpse, and that zombie corpse was obviously still first-class. "Gududu!" The mutated dog that gnawed on the zombie's crystal nucleus suddenly raised its larger head, and those scarlet eyes really looked at Bai Ling, and then all three dogs made growling sounds! The mutated animal that was supposed to appear a month later appeared eight days earlie