ARCDM - c0237

Chapter 237 

Weak woman, kick over a third-order dog?

The impact sound was too harsh at this moment, and there was a third-order mutant dog who didn't know where to hide, so Chen Xin didn't dare to be careless.

The two turned quickly, with their backs leaning against the wall, and in a blink of an eye they saw the square, where the sound originated.

The square is very wide and desolate, but they saw a familiar black figure shuttle through it, with a small body walking around two behemoths with unusual flexibility?

"She...she...she didn't die?" The man who was driving the car couldn't believe it. Although she was driving a motorcycle at a very fast speed before, they saw that the two mutated dogs were about to catch up to her. When they were attacked by the mutant dog, it was obvious that they heard the sound of squeaking brakes and the sound of the car colliding.

Isn't this the hard truth telling them that this weak chicken woman who escaped is bound to die?

But now, look at her, she is intact, the key is that under the pressure of the two mutant dogs, she is like a normal person, her movements are as usual, not to mention, the heavy sound just now is that the mutant dog collided with the pillars on the square.

The speed of one person and two dogs was so fast that Chen Xin and the other man could hardly keep up with their rhythm.

"Okay...that's amazing!" The man driving the car really didn't want to make others lose his prestige, but is that really the speed and strength that a person without superpowers can have? His mouth opened slightly in fright, his eyes protruded, and he was even more surprised than when he saw the three zombie mutant beasts.

"F*ck, it's her, she brought those three mutated dogs here!" Chen Xin seemed to realize it now.

There is no way for anyone to encounter such a sudden thing, wandering on the edge of life and death several times, who still has normal thinking?

Thinking of this, Chen Xin hated Bai Ling even more, and felt that not only was she a broom star, but she must have done it on purpose.

"What the hell, this woman pretended to be weak from the very beginning and let me enter the game. Did she trick me?" Chen Xin gritted his teeth, wishing that the woman would be torn to pieces by those two mutant dogs.

His eyes became extremely dark. If this is the case, Chen Xin has reason to believe that Li Zhenghao and his party are absolutely fine.

"Brother Xin... what should we do?" The man driving the car had already started to feel the trembling in his legs.


the next second, Chen Xin and the two were shocked. They couldn't believe it. Not only could that woman compete with the mutant dog in speed and strength, but what did they see just now? She. . . She kicked a mutated dog over with one kick, and even made the mutated dog scream.

This is a face-to-face confrontation, and it's still a one-on-two match, not using insidious means like Chen Xin did just now.

Green fluctuations erupted from the mutated dog.

"They're all wood-type abilities!" The man driving the car swallowed.

Bai Ling naturally noticed that Chen Xin was not only alive, but also escaped from the car with a living subordinate. Because she had to deal with the two mutant dogs, she didn't dare to be distracted, so she didn't pay much attention to what happened to them afterwards. 

Taking advantage of a zombie dog being kicked away by her, she raised the Celestial Sword, like lightning, and swung it at the mutant dog that used energy to attack her with all her strength. The green fluctuating energy that hit the face made a puff.

The Celestial Sword cut off the mutant dog's head straight from the front.

She flipped, her wrist was raised slightly, the big green crystal core like a marble was in her hands, Bai Ling didn't stop, stepped on the corpse of the mutant beast, and jumped towards the other mutant dog that was about to come to support...


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