ARCDM - c0236

Chapter 236 

Greed is above all else

Although Chen Xin was very uncomfortable being suppressed by the third-order mutant dog, he still felt fearful. Looking at the huge head that was biting the head of his subordinate and pulling the corpse out vigorously, pressing himself down, he wanted to get out of the way. As the huge head approached, a ray of light flashed in his mind, and at this moment, he was actually feeling evil, and his eyes flashed with greed, and he did not know where he found the courage to hold a small dagger.

While his subordinates were being devoured by the mutant dog, there was a flash of cold light, and with a puff, the blood of the mutant dog and the man beside him splashed all over him, but he could see the madness in his eyes.


How could the mutated dog think that the human who was so scared by it would be so cunning? The subordinate who pushed him on the other side didn't run for his life, but to serve as bait?

Chen Xin didn't expect the mutated dog's skull to be so stiff, and he couldn't touch the crystal nucleus in its skull with a dagger. The result was that the mutated dog ran away quickly, even if he shot it, it was too late.

But this attack gave Chen Xin courage, and the third-order mutant dog was no more than that, and kicked towards the car door fiercely. Beside him, he could also see a corpse that was slowly bleeding and had lost its head.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xin's expression didn't change at all, as if the person who died had nothing to do with him.

The man driving the car who was still alive was so frightened by this scene that he couldn't hide his frightened expression. When his eyes shot at Chen Xin's bloody face, he was breathing heavily and had a crying expression on his face.

"Why are you standing still, get out of the car!" With the last kick, Chen Xin kicked off the door of the car, and saw the only surviving subordinate in the car, and yelled loudly. A face that looks like it has been splashed with red paint looks even more hideous.

As if he realized something, he roughly wiped his face with his sleeve.

"Come down!" Seeing that the man driving still did not move, Chen Xin yelled angrily. After all, what time is it now? The mutated dog was injured by him, so he must hide somewhere and wait to attack them.

Seeing this, the man trembled in fright. He kicked the car door vigorously as he did before, and kicked the car door down completely before coming out tremblingly.

"Give me some backbone!" Chen Xin's tone was like a gangster, and he quickly approached the car, his goldfish eyes looked around, his expression was alert, and the gun in his hand was clenched even more, "Listen, wait a minute behind me, shoot as soon as something goes wrong. This mutant dog is definitely hurt, but I didn't hurt its vitals, so it is not afraid. I scratched its head with a dagger just now, as long as we can hit its neck with a gun, the third-level crystal nucleus in its head is ours!"

Although they don't know what the third-level crystal nucleus is, but the third-level, it is still everywhere in the place of junior zombies, what is the concept of the third-level crystal nucleus?

It can be seen that the man driving the car was still limp and dull, and Chen Xin suddenly became angry, and said in a sinister way, "We have no way out. If we don't have to gamble with our lives, we have to wait for death. Show me some strength, if you are shrinking like this, I will kill you from now on."

The man driving the car knew that Chen Xin was not lying, and if he made him unhappy, he would indeed kill him with the gun in his hand.

In order to live, instead of being used by Chen Xin to gag the mutated dog like before, he had no choice but to stand up.


Not long after the two of them left, they heard the muffled sound of impact.


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