ARCDM - c0228

Chapter 228 

Li Zhenghao's Actions

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-" the people in the supermarket trembled with fear.

"Yes... Is it the sound of a beast?" Li Jiaming swallowed.

"It's the barking of a dog!" Naturally, Li Fang was also afraid, she didn't want to die, she came out just for a bite to eat, and she still had a son to raise.

There are always a lot of dogs in the countryside. Li Fang was once bitten by a dog and vaccinated, so she remembers it very deeply. She has always had a fear of dogs as creatures in her heart.

"Dog!" After being reminded by Li Fang, these people finally remembered that after this period of time, they had never seen any animals again, and they couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Are you kidding me?" Some people didn't want to believe it at all. "How could a dog do it with such a loud voice and power? Even a wolf probably..." At this point, all the people fell silent. Because they thought of the outside world, and the stalking zombies outside the supermarket.

Even plants can mutate, so is it reasonable to say that animals don't mutate?

The entire supermarket was suddenly terribly quiet, and even the wailing sound outside became more and more clear, and everyone's heart became heavier.

If you want to meet a mad dog before the apocalypse, you might feel panicked. How about a mutated dog, or is it a third-order one?

Finally a dull voice sounded, "Could they have mutated too?" Li Jiaming's eyes were full of fear, he couldn't imagine what it would be like to live in this world in the future, zombies were already threatening their lives, and there were mutant beasts? Is there any room for human beings to survive?

"What should I do? If there is Bai Ling, maybe..." There was fear in Fengzi's eyes, and the first person who thought of calling for help was Bai Ling. But halfway through the speech, Li Zhenghao took it over loudly!

"Oops!" Speaking of Bai Ling, Li Zhenghao's heart was in his throat. That was his niece, and she walked outside without saying a word.

"Brother Zhenghao, what are you doing?" Seeing this, Fengzi quickly pulled him back.

"Bai Ling is still outside!" Everyone knew that such a great coercion was at least a third-level mutant beast, and there were more than one of them. Li Zhenghao became anxious when he thought of this, he quickly pushed away Fengzi's hand, and looked at the people behind him looking at him with fear, Li Zhenghao suddenly felt sad.

What can he do now? He is just a first-level supernatural being. Although he knew that he must be dead when facing a third-level mutant beast, he couldn't leave her alone when he thought of Bai Ling facing such a terrifying thing alone. So he could only sit and wait for her news, now that they finally got together, even if he died, he would die in front of her.

There was firmness and fortitude in his eyes, and when he raised his head to face the familiar faces again, Li Zhenghao was a little more calm, everyone has everyone's life, he gritted his teeth, "Will you stay here, or if you find the right time, leave quickly!"

"Li Zhenghao, what are you talking about? You brought us back from the village, so you want to leave like this?" The person who spoke was one of the ten people sent by Chen Xin, aged in his forties, his face was dark.

"What do you mean?" Li Zhenghao looked deeply at the man and the few people who stood behind him calmly and came with them, and he understood the reason at a glance.


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