ARCDM - c0227

Chapter 227 

Encountering Mutant Beasts

Bai Ling was even more satisfied, it was so perfect, at this moment, a slight chewing sound came from Bai Ling's ear.

Bai Ling was stunned for a moment, and instantly saw three huge beasts when she turned her head.

She saw them, with thick hair, grayish brown, scarlet eyes in pairs, sharp teeth glowing with cold light in their mouths, and their sharp claws were five centimeters long, and they could be seen at a glance. The beasts are mutant dogs!

They were tall, twice the size of an ordinary adult Tibetan Mastiff.

One of them was gnawing on a purple-blue zombie corpse, and that zombie corpse was obviously still first-class.


The mutated dog that gnawed on the zombie's crystal nucleus suddenly raised its larger head, and those scarlet eyes really looked at Bai Ling, and then all three dogs made growling sounds!

The mutated animal that was supposed to appear a month later appeared eight days earlier.

No, to be precise, these mutated animals have actually been hiding from the beginning, slowly gnawing on zombies or improving their crystal nuclei.

The three zombie dogs in front of her actually have third-order abilities.

Mutated animals are different from zombies. First of all, how can human physical ability surpass animals?

The agility of animals is higher than that of humans from the very beginning. It is conceivable that zombies of the same level may be worse than humans of the same level, but mutated animals of the same level are definitely higher than humans, and they have a higher risk than ordinary people. They have better perception and the unusual senses of smell and hearing.

One human and three beasts stared at each other like this, and after three seconds...

Bai Ling obviously didn't expect that she was "lucky" to meet the mutant beasts first?

It is estimated that the three mutated beasts did not expect a bold human being without supernatural powers to appear in their foraging ground.

In the next second, without further ado, Bai Ling quickly started the motorcycle.

Huh—the sound of bang bang bang resounded, and at this moment, the three huge mutated dogs also let out a sky-shattering roar, and attacked Bai Ling extremely quickly.

Phew -

at this moment, Bai Ling rushed out on the motorcycle.

Sensing the danger behind them, they chased after her, and they were jumping, and the speed was impossible to estimate.

Pulled out the Celestial Sword and increased the speed of the motorcycle to the fastest speed. Seeing that she was approaching the door, she quickly swung the Celestial Sword. At the last moment, the door was cut with a hole by the Celestial Sword, and Bai Ling rushed directly through the hole to go out.

In just five seconds, the door was obviously hit by something, making a loud noise, and even a few shadows could be seen protruding from the iron door. But in the blink of an eye, the door was torn into pieces by sharp mouths.

It can be seen how ferocious these mutant dogs are,

no no no no. . .

The sound of the motorcycle should have attracted a lot of zombies, but the zombies around seemed to be hiding from the plague, and quickly went to other passages.

"Ooooh, hoot!"

After coming out, the three mutated dogs roared loudly.

The sky-shattering sound was very obvious in this small county town.

Li Zhenghao and others were finishing the finishing work, but they didn't expect to hear the roar of a zombie that didn't seem like they normally did.

And coming with a strong coercion, Li Zhenghao's heart sank instantly, and he felt it was dangerous.

The others hurriedly stopped their actions when they heard the sound, and also felt the coercion coming, and approached Li Zhenghao immediately, with a trace of fear in everyone's eyes.

"It's over, it's over, this kind of thing has never happened before, this, this doesn't look like a zombie... What the hell is it? And the level is not low!" Li Feng was scared and at a loss.


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