ARCDM - c0243

Chapter 243 

Chen Xin's City Mansion

They have been forced to such a point, there is no way to move to other places.

This supermarket is just one door away, but there is a heaven and a hell!

No matter how Li Feng and others yelled at the people in the supermarket, Chen Dazhen remained indifferent, and no one suggested opening the door.

Some people even looked at it with a bad mood, who made this Li Feng think he was great in the village because of Li Zhenghao's protection?

Needless to say, other people, Li Fang is a useless woman, and Li Zhenghao actually brought her out, so why not give her so many promotions? Li Zhenghao's brain is not sick, but this woman is not shallow.

It's not a good product at first glance, and it looks so unremarkable.

At the back, almost everyone watched indifferently as they were cornered by the zombies.

Guangyao Village appears to be very harmonious on the surface, but in private it has already been heavily divided. One group is naturally headed by Chen Xin. Except for Li Hou, that is, Grandpa Bai Ling's family, they are basically outsiders on their side. One faction is naturally dominated by Li Zhenghao, who are all from the village.

Although he occasionally bullied Li Dongmei, it was because Li Zhenghao was not in the village. Once he returned to the village, basically no one would dare to do anything wrong in front of him.

Therefore, Li Zhenghao's life outside is very free for outsiders. At least food and drink can be searched from other villagers, especially his mother is weak and incompetent, and it is most convenient to search for her things.

Thinking of Li Zhenghao coming back and staying for a day made this group of people very uncomfortable, because no one would like someone who could restrain them. So on the surface, this group of people had to respect Li Zhenghao, but in fact, they wished that one day Li Zhenghao would never come back from outside.

It was precisely because Li Zhenghao agreed to go outside to collect things that Chen Xin relaxed his vigilance against him, thinking that such a person would not pose any threat to him.

Who is he, Chen Xin? Regardless of whether it is before or after the end of the world, he wants to be the leader of a party. How can he allow a clown to point fingers in front of him?

And he has long regarded Guangyao Village as his possession. The key to such a peaceful village is a large piece of rice field that has not mutated. This is all food, and the food outside will be eaten up sooner or later, or become rotten.

With these grains, how many powerful supernatural beings can be recovered for his use?

So when Huang Zong mentioned that Bai Ling who came back had a third-level supernatural being by her side, and that she had connection with the army, the alarm had already sounded.

Seeing that Bai Xiaoxi is still young, but has a well-informed character, and his conversation is extraordinary, and he already has an estimate in his heart.

Later, when Bai Ling came, Chen Xin had already made up her mind that although this woman had no supernatural powers, she was not simple. At that time, he didn't reveal too much, and he didn't dare to let her see anything. It's better to let her think that he is just a "local tyrant", with strong limbs and simple mind.

Leaving aside what happened before the end of the world, in Guangyao Village, Chen Xin was able to make Huang Zong, who is a first-level person, follow him wholeheartedly and advise him. Why is he just a person with strong limbs and a simple mind?

Chen Xin from the west of the county seat saw the woman finally leaving on the bike. His hands were a little exhausted, and the heavy gun almost fell to the ground.

Moving away slightly, the wall he was leaning against earlier was covered in blood.

It turned out that Chen Xin's back was scratched, there were three deep scratches, and blood was still dripping from the raised flesh.


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