ARCDM - c0241

Chapter 241

As for Li Fang, a woman who could bear to leave her beloved son alone in the village and venture out by herself, they knew why, so they didn't say much.

Because who can be sure that they will be able to go back alive? Keeping the child's things by her side, maybe she can still have a thought before she dies!

It's just that everyone didn't expect that just as they went out, they heard the sound of gunshots again.

The footsteps of Chen Dazhen and others stopped in an instant, joy flashed across their faces, and they decided immediately, "Let's go out first, Brother Xin must have brought a lot of weapons when he came out himself, and if he can survive under such a powerful monster, then something must have happened to the monster." There was a trace of greed in his eyes, it was a third-order mutant dog, which meant it had a third-order crystal nucleus.

"Mr. Chen asked us to support Brother Xin?" How could they not think of things that Chen Dazhen could think of?

"Yes! As long as we go and have guns, if we can survive, we will definitely be promoted!" Having a gun is better than holding a weapon to chop off the heads of zombies one by one.

Guns are usually used in case of emergency, so they are useless.

Otherwise, how could they have fallen to this point?

"Seek wealth in danger!" Although some people are afraid, when they hear that they can be promoted, their eyes lit up, thinking that with guns to support them, they can escape if the situation is wrong. Besides, with so many people, how do they know that they must be the one who will die?

But right now, they had to escape from the pile of zombies.

"If I had known, I would have gone out with Brother Zhenghao!" Li Jiaming's scalp was numb, and he couldn't believe it. Could they really escape from so many zombies?

"It's too late to regret it now, let alone how coercive it was before? If we can go out and encounter a zombie attack, we will definitely not be able to deal with it!" Who made them not as agile as Li Zhenghao?

Zombies are one thing. What they are most afraid of is the attack of the third-order mutant dog. Such a great coercion must not be far away from them.

Besides, the supernatural beings themselves are super attractive to such monsters. Of course this is from their own experience.

Hearing Li Feng's words, Li Jiaming fell silent again.

"The door is open!" Seeing that Li Feng was about to open the door, Li Fang couldn't help reminding him. In an instant, the five of them got together in a tacit understanding, back to back.

Li Fang held two knives in her hands, a kitchen knife and a fruit knife that looked thicker, which she found from this small supermarket. An iron pot is carried on the front and back of the body as a defense.

Although the appearance is a bit funny, other people have seen it and imitated her. It is really practical no matter how you look at it!

It can also be seen from this side that Li Fang still maintains reason at the critical moment. She is a very smart woman, and she also knows what is enough.

The curtain of a life-and-death fight was officially opened.

However, they still overestimated their abilities.

The few people who died on the opposite side of He Kui burst out with tragic cries not long after they came out, including another first-level supernatural being.

There were so many zombies, Li Feng and the others could only smell the bloody smell trapped in the stinky blood, but they couldn't see how they died. Fortunately, they couldn't see the scene of cannibalism alive.

But the smell of blood made the surrounding zombies attack them even more frantically and excitedly.

They dare not imagine that the death of those few people is not enough to put the teeth of these monsters!


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