ARCDM - c0234


Dealing with Mutant Dogs

Of course, Bai Ling faced three third-order mutant dogs alone, which was a bit embarrassing, after all, their reaction speed was no slower than hers.

According to common sense, their speed, strength, etc. are stronger than ordinary third-level abilities.

Fortunately, Bai Ling is different, she is not a supernatural person, her body has been transformed, and she does "radio gymnastics" every day, she faintly feels that her energy has increased again, it should be higher than the third level.

Fortunately, these three mutant dogs are all flesh and blood, and the Celestial Sword can easily penetrate them.

More importantly, the triangle attack defense angle of the three mutant dogs is full of flaws because one is missing. It's just that there are too many abandoned cars here, which hinder her movements, so she wants to pick a place with a little more space.

Chug chug. . .

The huge gunshots resounded throughout the county, accompanied by the sound of shattering glass and the low cries of beasts.

Bai Ling couldn't help but glanced behind her, only to see that the mutated dog that was lying on the car earlier, now wanted to avoid the bullets, and rushed into the next room quickly.

It's a pity, after all, it's a third-order mutant beast, no matter how fast it is, it can't beat the bullets, and Chen Xin and the others spared no effort, they fired in fear, and didn't care whether the bullets would be wasted.

Besides, survival is the most important thing, and the bullets are gone, so what?

She could faintly see Chen Xin who became crazy in the car and the other three people inside.

Fear to the extreme is madness. Especially the stimulation of the sound made them extremely excited.

It's just that they have thought that although they hurt the third-order mutant dog, they can't cut off its head and remove its crystal nucleus, just like a centipede is dead but not stiff.

It can still move, but its movements will not be as flexible as before.

Sure enough, the mutated dog seemed to know that it couldn't dodge the bullet, so it walked forward to face the bullet without fear, and jumped onto the car again with a bump.

The glass on the other windows of the car was broken, which shows how hard its impact was.

Chen Xin and the others in the car will naturally be affected. It is impossible to open the car door and get out at this time. Now it is themselves who become the battle of the trapped beasts.

What an irony.

Seeing this, Bai Ling didn't dare to be distracted, braked urgently, drifted and slid a distance of two meters, just in time for the mutant dog above her to stop, it collided with Bai Ling's motorcycle.

Bai Ling then kicked it hard on the head, feeling the hard bones snapping, and then stabbed with the Celestial Sword that she had already held in her hand, but the other one followed. Seeing this mutant dog, it was difficult to see it, and rushed forward without saying a word. As a last resort, Bai Ling quickly rolled off the motorcycle.

And on her seat, she could still see a bloody mouth clenched tightly, watching the thick leather seat being pierced by those sharp teeth, Bai Ling felt distressed for a moment.

This thing is broken, she doesn't know if she can get it back at that motorcycle shop.

But right now was not the time to think about these things, a force rushed towards her face, Bai Ling bent down, and wanted to use the Celestial Sword to cut open the belly exposed in front of her.

This mutated dog is not stupid either, when its sharp claws go down to catch it, it will crush Bai Ling no matter what.

Bai Ling rolled to the other side in embarrassment again. The speed of this zombie dog was really too fast, and she didn't have time to react at all.


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