
Showing posts from April, 2023

ARCDM - c0278

Chapter 278  Will Become a Zombie, Kill Him Li Fang questioned one after another, empty and weak and increasingly sharp and miserable, but those who heard it couldn't help but feel sad. "Li Fang!" Seeing this, Li Feng put a hand on her shoulder lightly, exerting a little force, wishing to bear some pain for her, because Li Feng couldn't imagine what would happen to him if such a thing happened. How distressed, even though Li Feng has more than one child, each of them is dear to his heart. Let's look at Li Fang, who completely regards the child as the motivation for her to live. How can the mother not be crazy now that the child has become like this? At this time, a man who was neither tall nor thin stood out from the crowd. His eyebrows were quite similar to Li Fang. He was a man in his thirties, and beside him stood a sleepy man in pajamas and a shawl. The woman is Li Fang's sister-in-law. At this time, one hand is pinching the fat on the man&

ARCDM- c0277

Chapter 277  Why Do You Treat My Son Like This? This incident happened when he was outside with Li Zhenghao, and when he heard Li Jiaming complaining, he ordered a box. The sound insulation of that box was not good, so he heard it. Li Zhengqi saw that his arrogant second brother had disheveled hair, blood on the corner of his mouth, red eye sockets, dusty face and clothes, and he felt angry. "It’s my elder brother’s business if he wants to raise zombies!” “It’s his business?” Li Feng smiled angrily, “Don’t pretend, hand over Li Zhengzhi, he can’t raise zombies in the village.” Li Feng didn’t want to speak nonsense, when he saw Li Hou and others still wanted to talk, he just stopped, "Don't try to quibble, just now he said that the little zombie is still his son, so I said why didn't I see this brat, God is really fair!" "What did you say?" That is the most beloved grandson of Li Hou and others, who wants to see his grandson have an accid

ARCDM - c0276

Chapter 276  Li Feng Quickly Release My Son With such a big commotion and such sharp screams, the other people couldn't help but go out, and soon the place was crowded with many people. A few guns with black cold light were pointing at the four people. As the number of people increased, one hand quickly stopped one of the guns, and then the other guns whistled, and all the guns were put away.  Huang Zong squinted his eyes, and made a gesture to his people to pause and wait for orders. There is no way, it is impossible to solve them without anyone noticing. If there is a panic in the village because of this, the villagers have no trust in them at all, and it is impossible for them to kill them all. In the other direction of the concrete level, a group of people was mighty, holding a flashlight in their hands, and the light shining on it could clearly see the face caught by Li Feng's and others. A chubby shadow yelled eagerly from afar, "Zhengzhi!&quo

ARCDM - c0275

Chapter 275  You Crazy If a zombie came in, one person couldn't resist it, so he could only stand in the wind with a bitter face, cursing Bai Ling all over his heart. But he didn't expect that right behind them, two vigorous figures came out from under the truck, entered the backyard of the nearby house in a flash, and disappeared. "!" When Li Fang saw the tent, she smelled a smell of rotten flesh along the wind. When she saw that scene, she recognized it as a zombie, and immediately took her kitchen knife. With a flash of cold light, the kitchen knife cut off the head of the zombie who was still swallowing flesh and blood. And the closer the child was to her, under the bleak moonlight, she could clearly see the puddle of blood and the dying thin child. His body was bitten in many places, and the bones could be seen. Seeing this time, Li Feng and the others were terrified. This is a weak child. Such a thing happened in the village, n

ARCDM - c0274

Chapter 274 "Ah!" The sudden scene made the thin Wang Jieming utter a sharp cry. In the next second, several bloodstains were drawn on his neck. With a sound, the rope of the little zombie was obviously lengthened, and just under the tent, like a very hungry beast, it pounced on the skinny little child who had fallen to the ground and had lost his mind. With a tearing sound, blood splashed straight away, and the zombie crazily bit and grabbed the emaciated child, biting off a piece of tender shoulder meat in one bite, and began to enjoy it with a drink of blood. There were screams and crying voices endlessly. "Mingming!" Li Fang and the others were hurrying to this side, but they didn't expect to hear her son's miserable cry just a few houses away. She just felt that her heart was frozen, and she ran towards her son's place crazily. Li Feng and the others had never heard such a sharp scream from a child, so they ran over in fr

ARCDM - c0273

Chapter 273 What's more, Bai Ling is dead, and the third-level supernatural person left alone, so he was sent to death. All potential threats have been eliminated, and indeed the heavens are helping Chen Xin. Huang Zong kept observing Chen Xin's face, but saw that he just giggled a few times, unable to tell what was on his mind. Suddenly, those goldfish eyes looked at him, his lips squirmed, and the word "Kill" was very obvious in a mouth shape. Huang Zong understood that these four people must die. Just when he was about to give orders... Chen Xin, who was hugging the enchanting woman and talking dirty jokes, seemed to have thought of something, and turned to look at Huang Zong again, "Our pets should also have extra food!" Bai Ling and Li Zhenghao died, and the one used to restrain them, the old guy is useless, so she can be fed to the chained zombies. Naturally, only Chen Xin's confidants knew about these things. With a bang, Chen Xin kissed t

ARCDM - c0272

Chapter 272 Huang Zong frowned. Although Chen Xin only briefly described his encounter with the mutant beast when he came back yesterday, he always felt that it was not easy. Especially when he came back from such a serious injury, those four brothers with guns were all dead? That's a gun, a heavy weapon gun. But Bai Ling is still alive now? Even if she has a gun in her hand, how can a person without supernatural powers compare with Chen Xin and the others who are fully armed? Chen Xin suddenly waved his hand very aggressively, interrupting his guess, and heard his order, "Go and wake up Li Jiaming's wife, and come down with me!" Huang Zong frowned even deeper, Even Li Jiaming and the others are still alive? If so, then mutant beasts are not scary either. It's too contradictory, wouldn't it be scary to hurt Chen Xin like this? Because of the noise at the entrance of the village, many people around were awakened. After all, t

ARCDM - c0271

Chapter 271  Children's Nature After seeing it clearly, Wang Jieming quickly covered his mouth that was about to scream, his eyes widened, and he fell directly to the ground. Mom, where are you, come back quickly, Grandma Li. . . There are zombies behind Grandma Li. . . In the next second, the child seemed to restrain his fear, quickly got up from the ground, propped his feet on the relatively high window, and called to the window in a low voice, "Grandma Li, You must not move in there... there... there are zombies there!" Li Dongmei was awakened by the stench, and immediately noticed something was wrong, coupled with the sound of the clinking chains and the sound of footsteps, her heart jumped up, if she hadn't been blindfolded, she might have fainted from fright. Just when the spirit was tense, she heard a delicate voice from outside. The sound is very small, but in this silent night, coupled with her tense spirit, she heard clearly at once.

ARCDM - c0270

Chapter 270  Grandma Li Treats Him Best The child took a look and hid by the wall behind. His dull eyes were full of timidity and tears. His mother and father told him since he was a child that he should know how to repay his kindness. In this village, his mother didn’t even know that Grandma Li treated him the best. Every time he came back, Grandma Li would kindly give him candy and other delicious food. Although he took it back, his cousins ​​snatched it away. But tonight she was still hiding to feed him. They were bad people, and he saw them killing people, and those who came in from outside the village and didn't listen to them were called aside and never came back. When he was playing hide-and-seek with his friends, he hid there and saw that they had no wounds on their bodies, and they were still supernatural beings, so they killed them. Thinking of this, his little arms and legs visibly began to tremble. If he hadn't followed his mother here fr

ARCDM - c0269

Chapter 269  Baby, You Can Be Served Meals Right Now Otherwise, these things are in vain. Li Jiaming immediately ran to the off-road vehicle and made a movement towards Li Zhenghao. The brothers agreed with each other, and Li Zhenghao also quickly got into the truck. Seeing this scene, Bai Ling smiled, and turned to walk towards the motorcycle that Li Zhenghao had repaired for herself, picked up the pure black helmet, put it on skillfully, put the sword in a convenient place, stepped on the bike handsomely, made a gesture of stepping back and leading the way to Bai Xiaoxi. The way they came here was relatively spacious, and it had been sorted out by Bai Ling. Bai Xiaoxi is very familiar with driving, quickly turning the front of the car, stepping on the accelerator fiercely, regardless of ghosts and monsters, he will definitely crash into the air when he comes. Because there was no electricity earlier, and people in the last days are also used to living in darkn

ARCDM - c0268

Chapter 268 "No problem!" Bai Xiaoxi's heart was finally relieved, and a smile finally appeared on his face. "Why are you standing there in a daze? Drive, didn't you see that there are more and more zombies gathering outside? Don't be stingy with supernatural powers, we have something to do now!"  Seeing Bai Ling frowning, with a deep cold look in her eyes, Bai Xiaoxi's heart sank. Not daring to waste time, he started the car quickly, "Sister, have you dealt with all the three mutant dogs?" " Yes!" Bai Ling responded in a low voice. Now that it's dealt with, why is Bai Ling still frowning? Suddenly, Bai Xiaoxi thought of the key point, and in the next second, he slapped himself fiercely on the face, "Damn it, why didn't I think that Huang Zong was clearly malicious to my sister." A palm print immediately appeared on that fair face, it can be seen that he treats himself seriously. Can he fe

ARCDM - c0267

Chapter 267  Meeting with Bai Xiaoxi In a radius of tens of miles, apart from the group of organized gangsters who had guns, Chen Xin was the only one left. Immediately, Li Jiaming slapped his thigh, "I'm sorry, Brother Zhenghao, isn't Bai Ling being chased by those three mutant dogs here? Why did he shoot them with guns for no reason? He must have met Chen Xin. Before, Li Fang also told me that Chen Dazhen has a mobile phone, and when he saw the mobile phone, he looked at us in the wrong way, and told me not to yell, they won't save us, save some effort to kill zombies, and live a second longer. It's Chen Xin's fault. It must be some kind of bad water to let Bai Xiaoxi come out." Li Zhenghao's head buzzed, "My mother!" " can't be..." What can an old woman do? Li Jiaming couldn't help but stuttered. "Jiaming, pack up all the things. I'll drive the truck, and you drive the off-road vehicle

ARCDM - c0266

Chapter 266  Guess to Definitely "I won't take you with me, so I didn't tell you. I hope you stay, maybe you can help Fengzi." Li Zhenghao sat on the ground, wasting a lot of his energy just now. Li Jiaming could understand Li Zhenghao's thoughts, because it was one thing to be able to help Fengzi if he stayed, and his personal safety could also be guaranteed. The two of them didn't know that just beside the door, a small figure stood quietly, stretching her shadow very long under the light, with a sword on her back, her expression was cold, but her eyes were faintly deep. Bai Ling had already aimed at the truck, which was nearby, but she drove back in a minute. She was about to go in, just in time to see her uncle finished welding and went to Li Jiaming for a test drive, but although he had a smile on his face, the smile was a bit reluctant. In Bai Ling's heart, she only cares about her own family, and the life and death of other peopl

ARCDM - c0265

265 Chapter  Tacit understanding (2) For some reason, Li Jiaming suddenly felt sad, holding the steering wheel in his rough hands, and lowered his head slightly, "Brother Zhenghao, do you hide something from us when you look like this? We are brothers who grew up together and went through life and death. What can't you say to us?" This sentence made Li Zhenghao's heart warm, and a wry smile rose from the corner of his mouth, "It's because we are brothers..." They have been together for so long, and they naturally have a tacit understanding, Li Jiaming raised his head in an instant , eyes widened, "Are you going to leave us?" Seeing that Li Zhenghao couldn't hide it, he simply said, "Shanshan is still outside with her child, I don't know what's going on." A gentle, beautiful and soft-looking woman is the best to get along with. Because Li Jiaming and Li Zhenghao are brothers, it seems that with Bai Shan, he

ARCDM - c0264

Chapter 264  Tacit Understanding (1) But look again, against the sack on Bai Ling's back, it is strong and tenacious, and the body has not moved. "Can I take a step first?" Bai Ling has great strength, and she will be tired after carrying it for so long, not to mention that she has to save time to practice "radio gymnastics". How can she play the trial game with Li Jiaming here? Although the strength of a first-level supernatural user is not so bad, it depends on who said that Li Jiaming's small body relies on flexibility to win. Instead of increasing strength, it is better to increase the flexibility and speed of his body. Li Jiaming's expression immediately turned pale, his dark face was full of embarrassment, he could only chuckle to relieve himself, but the smile was very stiff, more like a crying face. Until he saw Bai Ling carrying the big package, her back was completely covered up. His face was full of tears and he wanted

ARCDM - c0263

Chapter 263  Li Jiaming's Ingratiation The trailer was brought over from a motorcycle shop, and it was bigger than the trailers used in general supermarkets for moving goods. It was full of things and piled up to Bai Ling's chest, so Bai Ling could clearly see the road ahead. As for the surrounding zombies, none of them dared to come over. If there are people with psychic abilities, they can definitely feel an invisible wave of energy emanating from Bai Ling's body. Like an electric wave, it spreads out wave after wave, directly affecting the body movements of the junior zombies. In the quiet night, apart from the occasional low roar of zombies, there were cracks and noises of welding behind Li Jiaming like lightning. At this time, the sound of a heavy wheel came from far and near. Under the cold moonlight, a black but somewhat weird shadow could be seen walking in. Until the lights in the garage illuminated that shadow. When he saw the whole pic

ARCDM - c0262

Chapter 262  Analysis of Li Fang Because Li Fang thought of another thing, "Brother Li Feng, do you find it strange what happened to Chen Dazhen today?"  After saying this, Li Feng instantly looked up at Li Fang's dim eyes under the candlelight, " What do you mean?" "At the beginning, Chen Dazhen didn't show any killing intent towards us, but I saw Zhao Han next to him, who was always flattering, in front of Chen Xin, took out his mobile phone, and the screen of the mobile phone was flashing!" It just means that there is electricity, which doesn't need to be explained by Li Fang at all. "You mean..." Li Fang nodded, seeing the anger flashing in Li Feng's eyes, she couldn't help but also be angry. If they could escape, how could they meet the mutant dog? Why did Bai Ling and Li Zhenghao come back to find them? "When we were together, Bai Ling and I stood in the middle. You were clearly protecting us fro

ARCDM - c0261

Chapter 261  Three Brotherhood (3) For this reason, he made a mental note not to say that Bai Ling was wrong in front of Li Zhenghao, but he and Fengzi never had a good impression of Bai Ling, let alone talk to her. Therefore, because of Bai Ling's return in the village, of course, there are also some facts that they believe to discourage their brother from dreaming that Bai Ling is still alive, maybe she died already. Thinking of it this way, they actually have a hint of malice. . . There are also some people who feel that Bai Ling has too much influence on his upright brother. The old things made Li Jiaming think how naive they were back then? Turning his head and looking at Li Zhenghao, who was welding profusely with sweat and finding the welder, he shook his head, as if he could see that the relationship between them was not indifferent, but deep and careful. Cherish the friendship between them. He doesn't know how many times better than those who say how fi

ARCDM - c0260

Chapter 260 Three Brotherhood (2) Li Jiaming didn't want to be laughed at, so he could only pretend to be stupid and become an infatuated man. He couldn't regain his dignity, so people felt sorry for him anyway. The fact is also as he wished. It can be seen that a man who can find a coquettish woman to marry him without relying on talent, wealth, power, or appearance, how can he really be an honest fool who is easy to bully? Of course, except for Li Zhenghao and Li Jiaming, he would not lie to them, because these two people and him are really brothers who grew up wearing a pair of crotch pants. If there is something bothering them, they will have a drink at the entrance of the village together to complain. And now they have experienced several life-and-death acquaintances, and the brotherhood is even more inseparable. Thinking of how they had laughed at Li Zhenghao back then, even though he was young, he was still Bai Ling's uncle. Why is it Bai Ling

ARCDM - c0259

Chapter 259  Three Brothers (1) Silently made up his mind in his heart, vowing to follow Li Zhenghao and Bai Ling to the death. Li Fang and the others didn't know where they went, and Bai Ling suggested that Li Zhenghao collect the things needed in the village and take them back together. The main reason is that Bai Ling is really fond of this domineering heavy-duty motorcycle Tomahawk, and it will be the best modified motorcycle in the future. Now the technology of using helium in the air as power has not been spread, at most it will waste some oil. But when the world is paralyzed, it can be said that "all kinds of wastes are being restored", and it is being rectified. Gas and oil, as long as there are gas stations, there will be them. When the various forces collect it everywhere in the future, gasoline will be collected in large quantities, and it will need to be purchased at a high price. But at that time, helium propulsion energy technology ha

ARCDM - c0258

Chapter 258  Excited Li Jiaming Looking at Li Zhenghao's eyes, Bai Ling also knew what he was worried about. Fortunately, it was completely dark now, and she was lying on the ground covered with a lot of dust, so she didn't let him see her dark skin under the fur coat. Knowing that Li Zhenghao will not feel at ease if she does not give an explanation for this matter, so she whispered, "My wound has recovered!"  At the same time, she took out some crystal nuclei in her pocket, and changed the topic to, "Uncle, your palms are still bleeding!" At this moment, Li Zhenghao reacted, feeling the pain from his hands. In order to see what happened below, the hands that rubbed against the rough concrete railing used a lot of force, and his hands were worn out. Later, when he heard Bai Ling's screams, he moved forward regardless of anything else. His hands were bleeding from rubbing. Hearing this, Li Jiaming quickly poked his head, and saw Li Zhenghao&#

ARCDM - c0257

Chapter 257  Obtained the fourth-order wood system crystal nucleus With awe in her heart, Bai Ling squinted her eyes, looking at her slender wrist holding the Celestial Sword. It must be because her power has become stronger, that's why the Celestial Sword has this change. She was overjoyed, originally she thought her body had been transformed, and it came to an end, but now that she thought about it, it was only a stage, that is to say, her body could still be promoted with the adjustment of the strength accumulated from doing "radio broadcasting gymnastics"? Thinking about the key point, Bai Ling's sense of crisis and tension that had been hidden all along suddenly relaxed, because she was no different from the supernatural beings who could be promoted, and she was even stronger than them. But looking at the fourth-order mutant dog that was finally no different from a normal dog that had shed its fur, the corner of her mouth raised a smile and sh

ARCDM - c0256

Chapter 256  Being Transformed Again Shocking whether to devour the mysterious human in front of it, the huge body of the fourth-order mutant dog took a few steps back, hesitating. It can be seen how powerful this force is. Fear filled the entire body of the fourth-order mutant dog. "Aww!" After a sound, it decided to run away. But it didn't want to, its heart suddenly jumped up, as if it resonated with that weird scene? The beatings made it difficult for it to move, but in just ten seconds, the fourth-order zombie dog noticed that its energy was actually passing? That's right, at this time, the energy in the fourth-level mutant dog's body is continuously connected with the energy spreading around the larks through the fourth-level crystal nucleus in its head. However, the mutated dog's crystal nucleus was not completely sucked because of this. Instead, the mutated dog looked sluggish, and finally knelt down on the ground with a

ARCDM - c0255

Chapter 255  Violent Fight (2) It's just that this didn't increase her body's speed and strength. Just when she wanted to mobilize the energy of the shining rice grains to swim into the muscles to increase strength... In a blink of an eye, with a sizzling sound, sharp claws slashed across her left shoulder. Bai Ling flew out like a shooting star, and hit the wall with the pair of bumps, and knocked the wall out of cracks. Not to mention, Bai Ling's shadow was also attached to it, and the dust flew up in an instant. Bai Ling only felt a dull pain in her left shoulder, and in the blink of an eye a huge body came at her, with a bloody mouth that could swallow half of her body. However, if one would look carefully, one can see that the rice-sized flash energy accumulated on Bai Ling's left shoulder has been scattered, and it is scattered in the three bloody scratches with deep bone visible. Into the blood vessels and muscles, like particles in th