ARCDM - c0257

Chapter 257 

Obtained the fourth-order wood system crystal nucleus

With awe in her heart, Bai Ling squinted her eyes, looking at her slender wrist holding the Celestial Sword.

It must be because her power has become stronger, that's why the Celestial Sword has this change.

She was overjoyed, originally she thought her body had been transformed, and it came to an end, but now that she thought about it, it was only a stage, that is to say, her body could still be promoted with the adjustment of the strength accumulated from doing "radio broadcasting gymnastics"?

Thinking about the key point, Bai Ling's sense of crisis and tension that had been hidden all along suddenly relaxed, because she was no different from the supernatural beings who could be promoted, and she was even stronger than them.

But looking at the fourth-order mutant dog that was finally no different from a normal dog that had shed its fur, the corner of her mouth raised a smile and she looked sideways at her left shoulder. Because of the scratch just now, the leather coat was already broken. There is still blood stained with dust on the scratch, and the skin under the scratch has completely healed, but the black and greasy stains stick to it, and the health of the skin cannot be seen.

Lifting the Celestial Sword, she stared at the huge body of the zombie mutant dog  with sharp eyes.

"Wooooow..." The fourth-order mutant dog sensed that the imposing person was approaching, and the fear was even more profound, but there was nothing it could do, but it could only let out a low cry.

Bai Ling's footsteps became faster and faster, and with a final whoosh, her figure flashed, and when she reappeared, she saw a bloodstain on the top of the fourth-order mutant dog's head that was lying prostrate on the ground as if it had seen a king. Finally, with a puff, its brains and blood burst out.

The shadow had already moved aside, stepping on the huge mutant dog.

"Wow..." The voice was like a newborn puppy whining its last.

A fourth-order mutant dog who wanted revenge died.

Bai Ling swung the Celestial Sword emitting a cold light and picked it up, and with a click, a green crystal nucleus, shining crystal clear under the light of the setting sun, finally fell into a white hand.

Li Zhenghao, who came down, squinted his eyes stimulated by the light refracted by the crystal nucleus.

Li Jiaming, who followed him down, also stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

They saw a woman wearing a black leather jacket, supporting her slender body with the sword, wearing a ball head and an indifferent face, standing on the corpse of a huge beast, holding on her hand a crystal nucleus that refracted light. The long sword behind her gleamed coldly, and with the sun that is slowly setting, showing her whole body with brilliance and greatness.

The sky was getting dark, and the zombies hiding in the dark began to move again.

Bai Ling jumped off the corpse of the mutated dog, and walked towards the two people who were stunned in front of her.

"Uncle, do you still need to collect things?" Most of the things in this supermarket are destroyed, but some food can be collected, but if they want to save time, they can go to the next one directly.

For some reason, Bai Ling felt that she had been out for too long, and was a little worried about her grandmother's situation in the village.

Bai Ling stood in front of him in a healthy manner, as if her screams from hell just now were his hallucinations.

"Lingling, are you really alright?" Li Zhenghao had been inquiring about her a long time ago, so he stared at the place where her leather jacket was torn, and there was still blood on it, because the leather jacket was stained with blood, it almost infected her whole body.

This sharp scratch looked like it was injured by the fourth-order mutant dog. The claw scratched on it, covering her entire left shoulder.


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