ARCDM - c0278

Chapter 278 

Will Become a Zombie, Kill Him

Li Fang questioned one after another, empty and weak and increasingly sharp and miserable, but those who heard it couldn't help but feel sad.

"Li Fang!" Seeing this, Li Feng put a hand on her shoulder lightly, exerting a little force, wishing to bear some pain for her, because Li Feng couldn't imagine what would happen to him if such a thing happened. How distressed, even though Li Feng has more than one child, each of them is dear to his heart.

Let's look at Li Fang, who completely regards the child as the motivation for her to live. How can the mother not be crazy now that the child has become like this?

At this time, a man who was neither tall nor thin stood out from the crowd. His eyebrows were quite similar to Li Fang. He was a man in his thirties, and beside him stood a sleepy man in pajamas and a shawl. The woman is Li Fang's sister-in-law. At this time, one hand is pinching the fat on the man's waist, her voice is very soft, but her teeth are gritted, and she said coldly, "Hurry up and ask your sister to deal with this sh*t, Chen Xin is still a person who can talk, and if you offend him, we will have less food in the village in the future. My sister-in-law and younger brothers and sisters don’t need to eat, so don’t our children need to eat too?” 

Sure enough, in the next second, the man spoke, and his tone was not sad because his own sister and her son were dying, but he pitied and dissuaded, "Sister, this is not what everyone wants to see. This zombie has already died. Killed by you! What do you think they can do if you catch Li Hou now? It’s not like they made the child like this!” When he said this, he seemed to think of something, and said, “Sister, quickly throw the child away, he is not a supernatural being. He may become a zombie and your relatives will deny you, and you will be bitten to death by him!"


Li Fang never felt that her heart would be so cold.

"Brother...he is your nephew..." Tears were like a flood.

"But he is going to become a zombie, you have to accept it, brother is not a god!" The man's tone stiffened, and he looked at her face. After all, she was his own sister, and he was also forced by the situation.

"Li Fang, your brother is right. Hurry up and throw the child away. If you don't want to do it, let... let Li Feng and the others help you!" Knowing that the child is going to become a zombie, many people can't sit still.

So the people around began to persuade Li Fang to give up the child and kill the thin body that was about to mutate.

This is her son, her own son, who was born in October and has been raised to be an obedient and well-behaved child! No one would love him but her, no one. . .

Listening to the people around wanting to kill him one by one, he was not dead yet, she knew what it was like to be a sign of becoming a zombie.

He hasn't mutated until now, how could these people not see it? Are they all blind?

Li Fang finally couldn't suppress her emotions and burst into tears, but her body seemed to be in a ten thousand year ice cave.

Just when Li Feng was forced to have nowhere to go, suddenly a large truck ran over.

Fortunately, these people have supernatural powers, but they were frightened and scattered like birds and beasts, and the whole dignified venue immediately became smoky.


The car door was opened, a thin figure wearing white-gray casual clothes and sporty gray-and-white shoes jumped out of the car neatly and handsomely, and she was holding a handbag about her height in her hand. The sword sheath is black, and it shines in the cold moonlight.

Those eyes were more like obsidian, shining with a deep blackness, and there was no expression on the delicate and fair face.


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