ARCDM - c0274

Chapter 274

"Ah!" The sudden scene made the thin Wang Jieming utter a sharp cry.

In the next second, several bloodstains were drawn on his neck.

With a sound, the rope of the little zombie was obviously lengthened, and just under the tent, like a very hungry beast, it pounced on the skinny little child who had fallen to the ground and had lost his mind.

With a tearing sound, blood splashed straight away, and the zombie crazily bit and grabbed the emaciated child, biting off a piece of tender shoulder meat in one bite, and began to enjoy it with a drink of blood.

There were screams and crying voices endlessly.

"Mingming!" Li Fang and the others were hurrying to this side, but they didn't expect to hear her son's miserable cry just a few houses away. She just felt that her heart was frozen, and she ran towards her son's place crazily.

Li Feng and the others had never heard such a sharp scream from a child, so they ran over in fright.

Apparently, the sound caused the people around to jump up in horror.

Across the night, one could see the figure of a crawling child lying on top of another child, but did not see that the child was already dying.

"What's the situation?"

"Isn't that Li Fang's child? Heh, it's common for her child to be bullied by other children. He must have done something bad again!"

The slender shadow standing behind the tent squeezed tightly. Looking at the swaying hemp rope, drips of sweat dripped from his forehead, and when he was about to take the child back and forth to leave, he found that no one came to check around, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, revealing his deep teeth.

He has been staring at this child for a long time, and he is not welcome by the village without any supernatural powers. Today was the first time his son ate a living person. He used to eat the dead meat he dug back from the back mountain, or the carrion of dead zombies outside. If he had known this, he should have let his son eat meat earlier.

Just when he was proud, he suddenly felt that there was no movement in the hemp rope. After pulling it twice, half of the hemp rope was broken and returned to his hand, stained with black blood.

"No!" A sharper cry than ever broke the tranquility of the entire village, resounding through the entire sky.

At this time, Bai Ling and the others happened to drive the car outside the village, and before they went down to negotiate, they heard this sharp and heart-piercing scream.

Li Jiaming's hands shook from the steering wheel in fright, and his heart sank.

This voice, they will not admit it wrong, is Li Fang's.

So miserable? Something terrible must have happened.

The people waiting in the village were equally astonished. The new off-road vehicles and large trucks thought they were other people who took refuge in them, but they were actually Li Jiaming and Bai Ling?

The two of them looked at each other, wondering if they should tell Chen Xin about it, how could they ever expect to hear such a voice like a female ghost in a silent night?

Before they could open the door, they noticed a flash of light in front, and with a bang, a large truck smashed through the fence of the small gate and drove in.

The SUV followed closely behind.

Li Jiaming's eyes were wide open, and he swallowed when he looked at the gates without fences on both sides. She is really bold, isn't she afraid that zombies will come over at this time?

Of course, he also considered the two gatekeepers. How could they dare to inform Chen Xin, who was some distance away?


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