ARCDM - c0269

Chapter 269 

Baby, You Can Be Served Meals Right Now

Otherwise, these things are in vain.

Li Jiaming immediately ran to the off-road vehicle and made a movement towards Li Zhenghao. The brothers agreed with each other, and Li Zhenghao also quickly got into the truck.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ling smiled, and turned to walk towards the motorcycle that Li Zhenghao had repaired for herself, picked up the pure black helmet, put it on skillfully, put the sword in a convenient place, stepped on the bike handsomely, made a gesture of stepping back and leading the way to Bai Xiaoxi.

The way they came here was relatively spacious, and it had been sorted out by Bai Ling.

Bai Xiaoxi is very familiar with driving, quickly turning the front of the car, stepping on the accelerator fiercely, regardless of ghosts and monsters, he will definitely crash into the air when he comes.

Because there was no electricity earlier, and people in the last days are also used to living in darkness.

This was the case in Guangyao Village, and it was even quieter at night, with every household already asleep.

Under a small three-story western-style building, a tent on a concrete floor larger than the house moved slightly, and soon a small head popped out. In the dark environment, in the cold moonlight, the pair of eyes are shining, but also revealing a little dullness.

"Mom, when are you coming back? Someone just came and took Grandma Li away!" After speaking, he touched his growling stomach, and then the little head got into the tent again, but it took a long time to come out. At that time, with a third of the bread in his mouth, he swallowed it in one gulp.

No one would have thought that a child would see these things in his eyes.

Those dull eyes with light in the dark night looked at the small three-story building for a few times, and finally crawled out of the tent as if he had decided on something.

He moved cautiously, and if there was any abnormal noise around him, his thin body shrank immediately, and as he got farther and farther away from the small tent, the child's eyes were full of timidity, but he bit his lip and ran away quickly.

Naturally, he often comes here to play with Li Fang, so he is very familiar with this area, but even though there is a moon, a child is still afraid.

Just next to the three-story small building, next to a four-story small building of the same construction, a shadow flickered, and a slender figure walked slowly from the balcony to Wang's room.

The room was dark, but fortunately the windows were not closed, and the moonlight from the outside could be clearly seen inside when it got used to the darkness.

Before entering, there was a strong smell of perfume. Following the footsteps of this figure, the closer he got to the closet, the faint smell of rotting meat drifted over, which could not be hidden no matter what.

When he opened the door, he saw a child who was chained with a piece of iron, his eyes were white, and his skin was already bruised.

His hair had fallen out, and his blue veins were faintly visible under his bruised skin.

As if smelling the aroma of food, the little zombie trapped in the closet suddenly became restless. Even though he was stuffed with an iron block, he could still hear a beast-like humming from his throat.

A line of clear tears that reflected light flowed from the slender man's eyes, and one hand touched the zombie's rotten head without any distaste, "Baby, the meal can be served right away!"

The tearful pupils reflected madness.

After running for an unknown amount of time, the skinny child arrived at a luxurious small villa. Outside the small villa stood two men with guns, laughing and chatting, and smoking a cigarette.


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