ARCDM - c0270

Chapter 270 

Grandma Li Treats Him Best

The child took a look and hid by the wall behind. His dull eyes were full of timidity and tears. His mother and father told him since he was a child that he should know how to repay his kindness.

In this village, his mother didn’t even know that Grandma Li treated him the best. Every time he came back, Grandma Li would kindly give him candy and other delicious food. Although he took it back, his cousins ​​snatched it away.

But tonight she was still hiding to feed him.

They were bad people, and he saw them killing people, and those who came in from outside the village and didn't listen to them were called aside and never came back.

When he was playing hide-and-seek with his friends, he hid there and saw that they had no wounds on their bodies, and they were still supernatural beings, so they killed them.

Thinking of this, his little arms and legs visibly began to tremble.

If he hadn't followed his mother here from the world of killing and cannibalism outside, and already had the mental capacity to bear it, Chen Xin's people would have already discovered it.

Even so, when thinking of that scene, how could the little man not be afraid?

After a while, he wiped his tears fiercely.

He looked up at the fence, blinked his eyes, would he see Grandma Li if he went in from here?

Seemingly thinking of something, he searched around the wall without saying a word.

The children in the village are naughty and lively. Sometimes being naughty can make the people in the village bite their teeth and beat them up, but they still can't change their bear nature.

No matter how well-behaved children want to play with other children, they can only make troubles with them, and sometimes they are mercilessly pushed out to take the blame. Li Fang's child is among those who are wrongfully blamed.

And the object of blame is naturally her more mischievous brother's child.

Not long after, Wang Jieming, even the child's eyes lit up with tears, actually showed a smiling face, with bright teeth and bright eyes.

It turned out that there was actually a dog hole under the wall. Xiao Wang Jieming looked around cautiously, and then slid in like a loach with his thin body. It can be seen that such a thing, children did not do less.

After a while, he was running away desperately stepping on the vegetables grown in the yard.

Unexpectedly, someone was guarding the back door, so scared that Wang Jieming flinched, and lay directly in the vegetable. Fortunately, his petite body was covered by the vegetable, and it was late at night, and the patrolman didn't see it, and he was still laughing, talking to the person next to him.

Helpless, Xiao Wang Jieming was so frightened this time that he didn't dare to pass by, and instead ran behind the villa.

Suddenly, he felt a change in the warehouse behind, Wang Jieming looked around with curiosity on his face, and wiped away the tears on his face, because his hands were full of mud, so his face was covered with dirt, he looked more like a little black child in the dark .

Only when he approached did he find a lock on the door, which was very strict.

Instead, Wang Jieming ran to the next window, stood on tiptoe and looked in. Through the window, he saw at a glance a hunchbacked figure with both hands and feet bound and struggling hard amidst the noisy objects.

Under the moonlight, her hair and clothes were already disheveled, and a white cloth was stuffed in her mouth.

This is not the key point, the key point is that there is something chained not far from her, struggling hard, twisting restlessly with her movements, and the iron chain makes a creaking sound.


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