ARCDM - c0263

Chapter 263 

Li Jiaming's Ingratiation

The trailer was brought over from a motorcycle shop, and it was bigger than the trailers used in general supermarkets for moving goods. It was full of things and piled up to Bai Ling's chest, so Bai Ling could clearly see the road ahead.

As for the surrounding zombies, none of them dared to come over.

If there are people with psychic abilities, they can definitely feel an invisible wave of energy emanating from Bai Ling's body. Like an electric wave, it spreads out wave after wave, directly affecting the body movements of the junior zombies.

In the quiet night, apart from the occasional low roar of zombies, there were cracks and noises of welding behind Li Jiaming like lightning.

At this time, the sound of a heavy wheel came from far and near. Under the cold moonlight, a black but somewhat weird shadow could be seen walking in.

Until the lights in the garage illuminated that shadow.

When he saw the whole picture clearly, the corners of Li Jiaming's unattractive mouth twitched. Looking at the thinner and colder shadow behind the pile of goods, the key was that the pile was as big as half a house. He also saw the big bag on her back, he didn't know where she found it, it was heavier than her, and yet it was on her delicate shoulders, at least two meters wide.

Swallowing his saliva, he looked at Li Zhenghao, who was still welding behind him, sweating but enjoying it, and he was not the same as before, he didn't know what his seniority was, and ran towards Bai Ling.

At this time, Bai Ling had already changed into casual clothes, and she found a place that sold leather clothes, but the quality of the leather clothes was not comparable to the previous ones, but it didn't hinder her from collecting them. She didn't want to wear them anymore, so she brought them and picked casual clothes.

In fact, what Bai Ling didn't expect was that there was a genuine military shop in this county. Although the shop was small, it was full of genuine products. Thinking of her uncle, she collected quite a few. There is also a military knife made of special materials inside. It is probably the treasure of the shop, and this is the only one. The owner is careful and correct.

This knife is similar to the one Bai Ling bought at a high price in her previous life, so she planned to give it to Li Zhenghao for emergency use first.

At this time, Bai Ling looked at Li Jiaming, who was called a brother by hrr uncle. He was not tall and shorter than her, and he was thin and dark, which really didn't look good. And in the past, she was always regarded as transparent, and only when Li Zhenghao was around, did he look at her directly. Now the flattery revealed in those eyes made Bai Ling want to laugh.

"That, Bai Ling, let me help you!" Li Jiaming rubbed his hands in embarrassment under Bai Ling's indifferent eyes.

Bai Ling nodded upon hearing this, and let go of her left hand that was pushing the cart.

The meaning is obvious, she asked Li Jiaming to push the cart.

It's just that Li Jiaming looked at the cart and compared that Bai Ling was carrying a package the size of a toilet. Thinking of her left shoulder that was still injured today, he hurriedly said, "Let me carry this!" Bai Ling was surprised, and before she could answer, she saw him actively preparing to take over what she was carrying.

Just when she was about to put it down, she found Li Jiaming gritted his teeth and tried to hold up the sack behind her, but he didn't make it budge.

She couldn't help but glance at him sideways.

Li Jiaming blushed instantly with shame, gritted his teeth, and forced a smile. He showed an expression of 'there is no silver three hundred taels here' and said, "I can do it." Li Jiaming has tried his best.


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