
Showing posts from December, 2022

ARCDM- c0047

CHAPTER 47 Bai Xiaoxi couldn't help but twitch his lips. After all this, are they still worried about their business? Thinking of this, he directly took out his own card, "Come on, just swipe as much as you need!" Anyway, the money is doomed to be useless, this group of people have stayed here for three days, can't they see what has become outside? What? They can't care less about their life and want to make money! What's more, this group of people didn't mention the safe zone, so they probably didn't know about it at all, so they stayed here and didn't escape. Of course, they might not dare to leave, after all, there are a lot of zombies here! Bai Ling still has tens of thousands of dollars in her card, but she really can't get the money for the leather clothes, and she is going to exchange them for food, but since Bai Xiaoxi has it, she won't say this. Look at the seven people in front of them, how much food and water can there be i

ARCDM - c0046

CHAPTER 46 "Sister, why do we have to take the leather jacket?" Bai Xiaoxi hugged the bulging travel bag, and then followed Bai Ling out with satisfaction. At the same time, he took the belt basket for the sword that Bai Ling made for him, imitating Bai Ling's appearance. It is much more convenient to hang the sword behind his back. In this way, he can avoid holding the sword in his hand all the time. Now both hands can be completely free, and it is not a problem to carry a travel bag on his back. The longer he followed Bai Ling, the more he felt that she was a bit mysterious, and he became dependent unconsciously, as if she could withstand the sky falling. "Leather clothing is smooth, not easy to get dirty or scratched, and the most important thing is good elasticity!" Of course, this is only for genuine leather clothing. Bai Xiaoxi was stunned for a moment, then nodded. Really, if there are dirty blood stains on it, just wipe it off, try the fe

ARCDM - c0045

CHAPTER 45 Bai Ling looked at Bai Xiaoxi who was sighing in the mirror, and frowned slightly. There is a washing place in this store, which is the bathroom. As for the water, it must be tap water. She doesn't know if the water is polluted, but it doesn't prevent her from using it to wipe her body. Although the zombies on this floor have been dealt with by them, it doesn't mean there is no danger, so she locked the door of the store. Unexpectedly, Bai Ling had already washed up, and had already changed into a black leather vest, a pair of tight leather pants, and a leather jacket. That silly boy was still in a daze! Shaking her head, she picked up the darts that she had collected on the counter before, and took a pair of mid-cut lace boots made of cowhide by the way, and put them on. Why did she have to go through so much trouble to choose such a high-end store? Isn't it because everyone doesn't know how many fakes there are in this world? By tou

ARCDM - c0044

CHAPTER 44 Bai Xiaoxi was stunned. There are usually stairs or elevators on the upper and lower floors of this kind of shopping mall, and he glanced at the door again. He didn't know how many zombies were inside. Why did they have to go there? But before Bai Xiaoxi could speak, he saw Bai Ling running out quickly. "Roar!" Apparently because of her sudden appearance, the surrounding zombies noticed, and in an instant, almost a lot of zombies roared, and ran towards her ferociously, followed by Bai Xiaoxi. The speed of the two of them is not uncomfortably fast. This is what Bai Xiaoxi and Bai Ling practiced in the past three days. Of course, this is what Bai Xiaoxi thinks. No matter how Bai Ling explains it, he is still very grateful to Bai Ling. Except for the zombies who rushed up in front and were dealt with by Bai Ling with a sword, they didn't do anything else. Bai Ling went in first again, and Bai Xiaoxi hurriedly turned over and rolled

ARCDM - c0043

CHAPTER 43 "Sir, someone is chasing us. It looks like they want to kill us!" The bearded uncle's eyes flashed sternly. Now that the world has just begun to be chaotic, and all forces are rectifying, it is unexpected that someone will target his boss this soon. When the GD virus appeared, those high-level and those deep-rooted families may not have known the seriousness of the matter at first, but as the patient's reaction became more and more serious, he became a living dead who cannibalized people. How could anyone not know the horror of the GD virus? This virus comes and goes without a trace, and more importantly, after a blood test, all people are actually carrying it in their bodies, but some people have already mentioned the outbreak, but sooner or later this virus will also break out, when the time comes, once it really erupts, how terrifying will the whole world become? Everything happened too fast. It has only been two months since it appeared. T

ARCDM - c0042

CHAPTER 42 Of course, he has never heard of this half-moon sword, and there is no introduction about this sword on the Internet, but Bai Ling's sword, he really did not expect that the two words on it marked "God"! It is also the earliest writing in the world, cuneiform! He said he couldn't understand anything. Moreover, the style of the sword is also a little different from the sword of Huaxia Kingdom, and it looks a bit like a knife from a distance. However, there was no introduction to the sword named after the god, but fortunately, Bai Ling had no problem using it. For this reason, he couldn't help browsing a lot of posts, and found that everyone was discussing this cannibalism incident. There were all kinds of ideas, and he couldn't help but want to roll his eyes, so he joined the discussion in a fit of anger. Slowly... Slowly it became what it is now. "Stop posting from now on!" Bai Ling didn't think this was a good sig

ARCDM - c0041

Merry Christmas! Today we'll have ten chapters! (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡ (10/10) CHAPTER 41 Bai Shan, a woman with a child, usually buys enough food for about ten days. Bai Ling told her grandmother what happened when she came out, and explained to her about the zombies, and told her not to hand over the food at will! As for Bai Shan, Bai Ling also gave her understanding, but she knew in her heart that it would be best to get to her within twelve days. Of course, the grandmother who learned that Bai Ling had gone out to look for them began to cry in fear, and after watching the video, she was also shocked by Bai Ling's skill. After that, although she didn't say anything, she would call her when she was free. And pray to God from time to time! Luckily, Uncle Li Zhenghao came back safely yesterday, but the brothers of his generation who went out with him all died at the mouth of zombies. Although these are just Li Dongmei's simple sentence, Bai Ling knows that

ARCDM - c0040

Merry Christmas! Today we'll have ten chapters! (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡ (9/10) CHAPTER 40 The car was running fast on the road full of car accidents and scattered zombies. Three days passed quickly. Of course, during this period, Bai Ling had to encourage Bai Shan to go out and chop zombies to collect food. Although she showed her the food she had stored, it was still not much. Unfortunately, because Bai Shan was worried about the child, she didn't make it in the end. After all, she didn't feel at ease if she left the child alone in the room. During the period, Bai Xiaoxi also had a great time playing with the child, as if they were not escaping among the zombies, but were still before the end of the world, very leisurely. At this time, Bai Xiaoxi looked at the car returning to the highway, and looked back, there were so many cars a hundred meters away from them that they almost filled up the entire section of the road. It was the toll booth for going out of the

ARCDM - c0039

Merry Christmas! Today we'll have ten chapters! (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡ (8/10) CHAPTER 39 "Such a big incident happened in the village, and your grandpa is the leader of the village, your uncle..." "Grandpa is the leader, why didn't he ask his son to go outside to find the police?" Bai Ling gritted her teeth. She could see clearly who pushed her grandmother back then. Apparently Li Dongmei on the opposite side was not talking anymore, but Bai Ling couldn't see it, her old face was full of tears. That was also her son, everyone outside had become like that, who would want to let her son go out? There were beasts that bite whoever they catch. If it bites someone, it will become contagious and become a monster that can't even recognize its relatives, and it could still be "alive" even when it only had half of its body.  Coupled with such a ferocious and terrifying face, the mouth can even bite off a person's neck with one bite. If she hadn&#

ARCDM - c0038

Merry Christmas! Today we'll have ten chapters! (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡ (7/10) CHAPTER 38 Because of the noise here, they didn't know when a lot of zombies ushered in, and they were surrounded by zombies not long after they went out. Bai Xiaoxi could only feel the bloody smell and the beast-like growl continuously entering into his ears and nasal cavity. He should be afraid when facing more than 20 hideous, man-eating monsters who did not feel pain. It should be tense, he should even want to run away. But Bai Xiaoxi didn't have such thoughts in his heart at all at this time. On the contrary, he was very firm, very calm, and even very excited. Because he could feel that the person who pulled the car behind him and followed him unhurriedly seemed to be the pillar of his world. As long as she was there, he would be fine. This feeling is very strange, maybe Bai Xiaoxi himself doesn't know why he has such a feeling. Until Bai Ling got into the car safely and even started to sta

ARCDM - c0037

Merry Christmas! Today we'll have ten chapters! (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡ (6/10) CHAPTER 37 These words made Bai Xiaoxi's pressure suddenly increase a lot, looking at Bai Ling's appearance, it was obvious that she didn't intend to do it herself. Swallowing secretly, he pulled out the knife and held it tightly. He vaguely understood in his heart that if he could not satisfy Sister Bai Ling this time, he would never have the chance to stay by her side again. "Can it be done?" Bai Ling had already unlocked the lock, but pressing on the door, even if the zombies were beating it, the door would not move at all. The young man raised his heart when he saw this, but at this moment he was stunned, staring at the lock, which was indeed not locked, and then shifted his gaze to the woman in the gray long sleeve again. The stain was removed, completely revealing the fair and delicate appearance, but still looking cold. He felt pity in his heart, this woman is so capable,

ARCDM - c0036

Merry Christmas! Today we'll have ten chapters! (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡ (5/10) CHAPTER 36 In the canteen of the gas station, after taking a shower, washing and dressing, the two of them ate something for breakfast and prepared to leave. Bai Xiaoxi frowned and looked at the dozen or so people behind him, maybe because of Bai Ling and him, they didn't shrink back in the corner at this time, and they all washed up, but none of the people here wanted to leave. Of course, Bai Xiaoxi didn't say that he would take them away. He knew himself, he was relying on Bai Ling, and Bai Ling obviously didn't want to take anyone with them, otherwise even he would be abandoned by Bai Ling again. Anyway, no matter what, say he is selfish, or say he has no compassion. He always felt in his heart that the more people there were, the more troublesome it was. The key point was that he knew that Bai Ling was going to save her grandmother, uncle, nephew, and sister. What would she do if they brought

ARCDM - c0035

Merry Christmas! Today we'll have ten chapters! (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡ (4/10) CHAPTER 35 Of course, people with supernatural powers are excluded, because people with supernatural abilities already have antibodies against the GD virus in their bodies. When Bai Ling came over just now, she saw several large buckets above the room of the gas station, and there must be spare water in them. Suddenly Bai Ling stopped, and there were baby things that are sold in this shop; milk powder, small clothes, and other small items. Her gaze turned involuntarily soft. Although he was not her own child, as long as Bai Ling saw something suitable for the baby, she couldn't help but buy some for him. But it's obviously not suitable to bring some things now, and there is still a long way to go. She can always find other mother and baby stores. The video on the mobile phone was cut off last night because there was no battery, and so far they just exchanged a few text messages. Sighing, Bai Ling we

ARCDM - c0034

Merry Christmas! Today we'll have ten chapters! (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡ (3/10) CHAPTER 34 What's more, people like Sister Bai Ling? Maybe there are, but they are definitely rare! But Bai Xiaoxi can't break the hope of this group of people's existence, looking up at Bai Ling pursing her lips, she must think so too! Bai Ling also glanced at Bai Xiaoxi at the right time, knowing in her heart that this child is indeed very sensible, and he will definitely save a lot of trouble in the future! "Since you're not here to save us, then what are you doing here?" The young man seemed to have finally come to his senses, with a look of wariness in his eyes. "It's nothing, we just want to buy something!" Bai Ling took out the card in her hand, and now they were all peace-loving people before, and Bai Ling would not kill people at will. Zombies only appeared last night. Now, who knows that this money will be a waste thing in the future, and it won't work a

ARCDM - c0033

Merry Christmas! Today we'll have ten chapters! (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡ (2/10) CHAPTER 33 It never occurred to the people inside that things would develop to the point where they were about to fight. Suddenly, a person stood up and hurriedly stopped those people, with a loud voice, "Don't be impulsive, let's just talk about what you have to say. With what has become outside, do we still have to fight amongst ourselves?" Bai Ling was really ready to do something, although she wouldn't kill them, but she must teach them some lessons. At this moment, a man stood up. It was the little girl's father, in his thirties, wearing glasses and a bloody suit. It seemed that he must have killed a zombie when he escaped. She never thought that because of this person's words, those people would not dare to move anymore. Bai Ling narrowed her eyes again, and looked at the man. It seems that this man has the right to speak here and is the center of these people. In

ARCDM - c0032

Merry Christmas! Today we'll have ten chapters! (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡ (1/10) CHAPTER 32 "Open the door!" The door was locked from the inside, and of course Bai Ling can cut the steel lock with just one sword! But if she cut this steel lock, seeing the appearance of the people inside, she would not know how they would take up arms to resist now, without this lock, they would definitely die! After one night, all the people just started to accept the fact that the world has changed. They saw this powerful girl right in front of their eyes. The dozen or so people reflexively felt joy. A young man in his twenties wearing the clothes of gas station employee hurriedly stood up and ran to open the door. Seeing this scene, Bai Ling's eyes flashed a few lights. If it was a month later, no one would open the door for a stranger without any precautions. "I don't know if you were sent by the government to rescue us?" After these things happened last night, they called

ARCDM - c0031

CHAPTER 31 Bai Ling didn't speak, and got out of the car. They were going to pass there anyway. If they stayed for a second longer, there would be more zombies to deal with. If he had time to talk nonsense, he might as well do it directly. "Sister...sister...I..." Gritting his teeth, he thought to himself. Anyway, he already killed the monsters yesterday, they were easy to kill. Bai Xiaoxi comforted himself, seeing Bai Ling get off the car, he didn't hesitate at all, and jumped along down. But he didn't want to pounce on a five or six-year-old monster with half of his face missing. Bai Xiaoxi reflexively used the copper coin sword to move forward, and with a puff, half of the little monster's mouth was sliced ​​off by the sword. As soon as he was cruel and forceful, he cut it directly from the mouth, and half of his head fell off. After all, the night is different from the daytime, plus there is sunlight, this time it is more real and clear, B

ARCDM - c0030

CHAPTER 30 He was a little angry again, who was so despicable and had the guts to snatch the family heirloom of his boss's family? The sword was placed here so carefully, but it was still known by those who were eyeing it. If he finds out who it is, he will definitely not spare them! The first ray of sunlight in the morning after the apocalypse shone into the car through the car window, Bai Ling didn't feel sleepy at all, all she was thinking and worrying about was her grandmother, uncle, sister and little nephew. Fortunately, it was at night, and human beings were not aware of these things at all. So although there were many cars on the expressway, there were not a few cars that collided with each other, there were also many cars that fell under the expressway. There were also scattered zombies gnawing with their bloody mouths while missing arms and legs. Of course, it was precisely because Bai Ling was driving a car with a high chassis that it didn't get stuc

ARCDM - c0029

CHAPTER 29 This narrow escape made his body still trembling, but his heart became warmer for some reason. Until he fell asleep like this before he knew it, his round face was still stained with tears and blood, obviously what happened today made him extremely exhausted. At this moment, Bai Ling turned her head slightly to look at him, and casually removed a windbreaker that was in the mobile phone shop, and covered him. In an instant, a snickering voice was heard. Bai Ling helplessly looked at her younger sister who was smiling sweetly, and turned to look at the front firmly, "If he can't meet my requirements, I still won't keep him for one more second!" From that moment on, I already regard him as my younger brother and partner in my heart! "Well, sister I know!" Bai Shan just smiled softly. "Shanshan, you go to bed first, I won't turn off the video!" After this trouble, Bai Ling could also see the tiredness in Bai Shan's e

ARCDM - c0028

CHAPTER 28 Touch— Because of the despair and fear in his heart, Bai Xiaoxi tripped over the corpse and fell to the ground. It has been nearly five hours since the GD virus broke out in a large area, and it is already early in the morning. Human beings are not fools. It has happened for so long and so many people have died. How can it be possible to recover? Even if they heard someone screaming again, no one would go downstairs. They hid at home and shivered, hoping that the police or army would come to rescue them. So when Bai Ling came out, basically there were not many screams. On the contrary, there were only the sounds of stumbling and chewing in the silent night, and there were a few beast-like growls from time to time...  It was also because of this that Bai Ling could hear clearly that the boy who had fallen to the ground in the rearview mirror did not move, but the surrounding zombies surrounded him excitedly. But he was unmoved, his eyes were still staring at h

ARCDM - c0027

CHAPTER 27 What's more, Bai Ling is going to meet them now, and she is so eager, she doesn't want to waste any time! If it was because of Bai Xiaoxi, why would she bother? "He will definitely not drag sister down!" Bai Shan said firmly. Seeing Bai Shan's firm look, Bai Ling felt her heart softening for some reason. It was for Bai Shan and for the child named Bai Xiaoxi. And Bai Xiaoxi behind the car, following the departure of the car, his heart sank in an instant, looking at the quiet alley, following the flickering lights, lifeless, there were only those stumbling monsters, as if he was the only one left in the whole world. The night devoured him like a big monster with an open mouth, the fear of leaving in his heart instantly occupied his heart, and a trace of tears immediately appeared in those round eyes. Without saying anything, he ran outside, screaming desperately with all his strength while running, "Sister, don't leave me. Don't

ARCDM - c0026

CHAPTER 26 Bai Xiaoxi glanced at Bai Ling who didn't turn around at all. He was still very scared at first, and with the smell of blood on his nose, he was even more scared, but watching her movements, she was still so calm, he didn't know where his courage came from. He took out the sword and slashed back, "Try Lao Tzu's copper coin sword!" The body of the sword has patterns of copper coins, so Bai Xiaoxi directly called it the copper coin sword. But he didn't expect that this was Bai Xiaoxi's first time fighting a monster, and it had just mutated, and he still had fear in his heart, so the force he used was naturally very strong, and with the power of this sword, he unexpectedly split the female zombie in half. Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaoxi was dumbfounded. For the first time, he felt that this monster had nothing to be afraid of except for its terrifying appearance. Looking at the weapon in his hand, a confident smile finally appeared o

ARCDM - c0025

CHAPTER 25 This relationship is really hot. But Bai Ling didn't like this at all. She took a box of bullets and walked up again without saying anything. She saved his life a few times, and the two have been settled, so there is no need to get involved. Naturally, Bai Shan also saw this scene, but at this moment she couldn't see Bai Ling's appearance, and she didn't know what she was thinking. Staring at the disappointed face facing the screen, Bai Shan didn't know what to do, or how to comfort this boy who is really like a brother. Bai Ling has already decided that in the last days, if there are many people, there will be great strength. On the contrary, if there are no helpers, it will be a drag, and this is for other people. Of course, no matter whether Bai Ling's family is strong or not in the future, she is willing to protect them and devote her life to them! Bai Xiaoxi really didn't expect that Bai Ling would not come down after going

ARCDM - c0024

CHAPTER 24 In the last days, she does not trust anyone, but she will not easily owe favors to others. Here is this boy who brought her here. Although she is the one who contributes, without him, she would not be able to get such a good godsword. "Ah?" Bai Xiaoxi obviously didn't react for a while, looking at the sword with the pattern of copper coins printed on it at his feet, "Give this to me? But I don't know how to use it!" Thinking about it, he couldn't use a gun either, and this sword is so powerful that it can easily cut the concrete and steel bars. Wouldn't it be twice the result with half the effort if you cut those monsters using this sword? Thinking of this, he quickly squatted down and picked up the sword, and couldn't help sighing, "I'm going, I still can't believe this sword is really too light!"  The eyes and the hand seemed to have a different perception! Following Bai Ling's example, he waved it

ARCDM - c0023

CHAPTER 23 On the contrary, he was exhausted enough, panting heavily, turned around and gave Bai Ling a thumbs up. She was not afraid of the monsters outside, it really makes sense, this sword is so heavy, she can take it off? "Second sister, our sister is really amazing!" He still sighed with Bai Shan. If you look carefully, the blood that Bai Ling dripped on the sword before had completely disappeared, it has already been absorbed! Bai Ling had a feeling, it seemed that she was not the only one who thought the sword was heavy, so it was not only her problem. Looking at her slender wrist, although her strength is much stronger than her current self, it is still not as good as the supernatural power she had before her death in the last days. Although such a good sword is heavy, it can still be used after her strength becomes stronger. Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward again, ready to take it out before talking. But this time, Bai Ling, who was