ARCDM - c0030


He was a little angry again, who was so despicable and had the guts to snatch the family heirloom of his boss's family? The sword was placed here so carefully, but it was still known by those who were eyeing it.

If he finds out who it is, he will definitely not spare them!

The first ray of sunlight in the morning after the apocalypse shone into the car through the car window, Bai Ling didn't feel sleepy at all, all she was thinking and worrying about was her grandmother, uncle, sister and little nephew.

Fortunately, it was at night, and human beings were not aware of these things at all. So although there were many cars on the expressway, there were not a few cars that collided with each other, there were also many cars that fell under the expressway. There were also scattered zombies gnawing with their bloody mouths while missing arms and legs. Of course, it was precisely because Bai Ling was driving a car with a high chassis that it didn't get stuck when it ran over some zombies or corpses!

Even so, from time to time, it can still be seen that there were people who were being chased by the zombies, and some were screaming. It seemed that they have been hiding from the zombies until now.

But Bai Ling couldn't save them, even if she could save them for a while, she couldn't save them forever!

Looking at the navigation system on the car, Bai Ling narrowed her eyes, and she was about to arrive at the first gas station.

Facing the sunlight, Bai Xiaoxi's drowsiness finally faded away, he bounced up reflexively, hit the roof of the car with a bang, and cried out in pain, but he didn't forget to call out, "Sister!"

When he saw the cold woman sitting next to him, Bai Xiaoxi's tense spirit relaxed. After seeing the windbreaker on his body, there was a warm smile on the corner of his mouth, and he hurriedly wiped his eyes as tears flowed out.

The round but immature face of Bai Xiaoxi slowly showed a bright smile again, "That's great! Hehe, it's really not a dream!"

She didn't abandon him while he was asleep, but also covered him with clothes, she is indeed a softhearted person. Seemingly thinking of something again, he quickly asked, "Sister, did you drive all night without taking a break?"

"No need to fuss!" Said coldly, Bai Ling looked at his face, and became a little cold. She just hopes his heart will never change.

Bai Ling told herself that she didn't have the ability to control a person's heart and be loyal to her, but whoever treats her well, she will treat him well!

They were getting closer, and they can already see the building of the gas station. It's just that there were a lot of cars parked in front of the gas station.

It seemed that what had happened last night must have brought the survivors of the road here. If this is the case, it also means that there are not a few zombies here. The key is that after this night, there are many accidental vehicles coming and going on this road. Due to the attraction of human meat, zombies that are closer must also come.

"Are you ready?" It was impossible for Bai Ling to drive the car over, and there was no space among so many vehicles, so she couldn't drive in at all! So from now on they have to get off.

Hearing Bai Ling's words suddenly, Bai Xiaoxi was taken aback, turned his head quickly, and also saw the gas station, "Here... there are too many cars here, people... no... there must be a lot of monsters, I don't know if there are any living people in here, it's too dangerous for us to go on like this!"

Speaking of this, Bai Xiaoxi's scalp was a little numb, and it was hard to imagine facing thirty or forty monsters rushing towards them. 


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