ARCDM - c0029


This narrow escape made his body still trembling, but his heart became warmer for some reason. Until he fell asleep like this before he knew it, his round face was still stained with tears and blood, obviously what happened today made him extremely exhausted.

At this moment, Bai Ling turned her head slightly to look at him, and casually removed a windbreaker that was in the mobile phone shop, and covered him. In an instant, a snickering voice was heard.

Bai Ling helplessly looked at her younger sister who was smiling sweetly, and turned to look at the front firmly, "If he can't meet my requirements, I still won't keep him for one more second!"

From that moment on, I already regard him as my younger brother and partner in my heart!

"Well, sister I know!" Bai Shan just smiled softly.

"Shanshan, you go to bed first, I won't turn off the video!" After this trouble, Bai Ling could also see the tiredness in Bai Shan's eyes, she still had to take care of the child.

Bai Shan obeyed Bai Ling's words very much, experienced what her sister had experienced that night, and now that they were out of danger and quieted down, she was indeed very tired, it was really strange, obviously she hadn't really participated. But her sister watched them sleep, as if she had an extra layer of protection on her body, not afraid of the roaring monsters outside.

Not long after Bai Ling and the others left, three black and restrained cars slowly approached, and their route was exactly that small alley.

The car in the middle, if Bai Ling was there, would definitely remember that it was the one that almost hit her before.

At this moment, the car window was slightly opened, and a ferocious zombie suddenly rushed forward, facing the gentle and handsome face like an angel, but he had no intention of retreating at all, and even looked at the ferocious face. There was no trace of emotion on the bloody face, and those eyes were deep but extremely clear.

Bang, in the next second, a hole was opened in the zombie's head, and finally it slowly went down.

It turned out that as the car stopped, six men in black came out with guns in their hands, and were cleaning up the zombies at the entrance of the alley.

Now the vision of those soft eyes widened, and they swept around, followed the flickering street lights, set his eyes on the entrance of the small shop, and said in a low voice, "Let's go, the things here have been preempted by others!"

"Sir, it was something the old man found with great difficulty, and he kept it here specially! No one would know about it."

"There are corpses of zombies here, traces of trailers!" It is full of flesh and blood, and the traces of trailers are obvious, not to mention the traces left by the drift of the car can be clearly seen in the past, and the marks of the wheels are very deep, and it would be interesting to see what kind of tires they have.

"Even if someone came over, they might not necessarily take those things." There were guns inside. As a modern person, the first reaction should be that guns are better weapons.

That soft and handsome face just smiled gently, but those soft eyes told him that the thing must be gone!

"Impossible!" The driver uncle obviously didn't believe it, but at this moment, two people who had just entered came out, and what they took out were guns. Without those things, the driver uncle had to look at the handsome man behind him.

"Let's go!" But he didn't explain to him!

The uncle driver seemed to be used to it, so he didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, he would never be able to keep up with the thinking of the boss.


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