ARCDM - c0031


Bai Ling didn't speak, and got out of the car. They were going to pass there anyway. If they stayed for a second longer, there would be more zombies to deal with. If he had time to talk nonsense, he might as well do it directly.

"Sister...sister...I..." Gritting his teeth, he thought to himself. Anyway, he already killed the monsters yesterday, they were easy to kill. Bai Xiaoxi comforted himself, seeing Bai Ling get off the car, he didn't hesitate at all, and jumped along down.

But he didn't want to pounce on a five or six-year-old monster with half of his face missing.

Bai Xiaoxi reflexively used the copper coin sword to move forward, and with a puff, half of the little monster's mouth was sliced ​​off by the sword. As soon as he was cruel and forceful, he cut it directly from the mouth, and half of his head fell off.

After all, the night is different from the daytime, plus there is sunlight, this time it is more real and clear, Bai Xiaoxi almost vomited out seeing the mixture of blood and brains.

Bai Ling just glanced at him, sighed in her heart, and the speed on her feet accelerated instead.

When Bai Xiaoxi saw that Bai Ling had gone far away, he ran over quickly regardless of his nausea.

Holding the sword in both hands, swinging it, he rushed forward without hesitation. If he hadn't relied on the sharpness of the sword and the slow speed of the zombies, he would have become the food of the zombies.

Of course, Bai Ling, who was walking in the front, had been observing Bai Xiaoxi. At the same time, she waved her hand and  chopped the head of the zombie in front of her. Her movements were clean and neat.

"Father, look, there's a sister outside!" Outside the canteen of the gas station, there were still zombies beating on the glass door. It turned out that there were more than a dozen survivors inside.

Among these people was a man in his thirties who was holding a six or seven-year-old child tightly. Most people squatted while shivering at the innermost part of the canteen, looking through the window at the monsters eating and killing people outside, causing all the people who stayed outside to become zombies.

Because of the sudden words, everyone looked outside.

"Oh ho ho!" The seven or eight monsters covered in blood who were clearly thinking about the food in the canteen smelled the smell of fresh meat behind them, and rushed back without hesitation.

"It's over, she's dead!" Although they don't know where this person came from, she looks about 1.65 meters tall, wearing a bloody plaid dress, and there are some bloodstains on her delicate face. She looks too clear, but they know that this girl should be young, at most twenty-four or twenty-five years old.

Facing so many monsters, it's like a person facing the obstruction of seven or eight inhuman people. Thinking about it, they feel extremely terrifying.

They couldn't see her specific movements clearly, but under the sunlight, everyone felt that their eyes blurred, and a few reflected cold lights flashed over. When they looked seriously again, the heads of those hideous monsters fell off?

Everyone opened their mouths slightly, almost shocked by this scene.

"Okay... What a wonderful little girl!" This is a monster, a monster that can eat people and move.

They don't know why, but the people here became a little excited. Is she from the country's government, who was sent here to rescue them at this time?

"Sister, wait for me!" Bai Xiaoxi just felt that he was about ten seconds behind, but he didn't want to wait until he broke through the encirclement. The zombies were already chasing.


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