ARCDM - c0032

Merry Christmas! Today we'll have ten chapters! (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡


"Open the door!" The door was locked from the inside, and of course Bai Ling can cut the steel lock with just one sword! But if she cut this steel lock, seeing the appearance of the people inside, she would not know how they would take up arms to resist now, without this lock, they would definitely die!

After one night, all the people just started to accept the fact that the world has changed. They saw this powerful girl right in front of their eyes. The dozen or so people reflexively felt joy. A young man in his twenties wearing the clothes of gas station employee hurriedly stood up and ran to open the door.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ling's eyes flashed a few lights. If it was a month later, no one would open the door for a stranger without any precautions.

"I don't know if you were sent by the government to rescue us?" After these things happened last night, they called the police for help, but the phone at the police station was busy and they couldn't get through at all, so as soon as Bai Ling entered, they couldn't wait to ask.

"No." Faced with the inquiry of the young man after entering, Bai Ling naturally told the truth, glanced at the things in the canteen, and then looked at those few people who were originally excited. But after hearing her answer, their eyes changed, filled with disappointment.

But soon someone said suspiciously, "Impossible, you are so powerful, why didn't you come to save us? Are you the leader? Do you live nearby? We must leave here. There are many monsters here, and they will eat people, we are all going to die!"

Obviously, upon hearing these words, Bai Ling knew that none of these people had truly accepted the state of this world.

She directly glanced over with a cold look, "Go out if you have the ability!"

"You... you... what's with your attitude?" Some people began to feel angry, and what they experienced yesterday naturally made them depressed with fear. Seeing these two powerful people, they thought they were their hope, but they didn't expect them to be such selfish people.

"That's right, you're so powerful, why didn't you kill all the monsters outside?" Because another monster came over from outside.

Seeing this, Bai Ling quickly stretched out her sword, her eyes were sharp, and her tone was cold, "If you dare to take another step, you will die!"


Seeing Bai Ling like this, especially before the sword approached, the group of people rushing felt a gloomy and cold air, but these group of people didn't want to take her words seriously, and became even more angry.

"You girl, why are you like this? You have great skills but you use a sword to deal with us? Believe it or not, wait for the police to come and arrest you!"

"No, the little girl is so young, how dare you kill people?"

"With your ability, you think you can just kill us all!"

Bai Ling really found this group of people funny, she could understand that they hadn't adapted to the end of the world, but because she was so powerful, they ask her to kill all the zombies outside? Do they regard her as a fairy? She couldn't help snorting coldly, "What a stupid person!"

"You!" The other people couldn't stand it anymore, it was completely insulting them, and they wanted to rush over in an instant and teach this woman a lesson. She can't really kill someone!

"That's right!" Because of this sentence, the eyes of other people also lit up. As long as the monsters outside disappeared, they would be safe.

Thinking of this, many people stood up, making it clear that they must first push this powerful woman out to kill zombies.


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