ARCDM - c0026


Bai Xiaoxi glanced at Bai Ling who didn't turn around at all. He was still very scared at first, and with the smell of blood on his nose, he was even more scared, but watching her movements, she was still so calm, he didn't know where his courage came from.

He took out the sword and slashed back, "Try Lao Tzu's copper coin sword!"

The body of the sword has patterns of copper coins, so Bai Xiaoxi directly called it the copper coin sword.

But he didn't expect that this was Bai Xiaoxi's first time fighting a monster, and it had just mutated, and he still had fear in his heart, so the force he used was naturally very strong, and with the power of this sword, he unexpectedly split the female zombie in half.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaoxi was dumbfounded. For the first time, he felt that this monster had nothing to be afraid of except for its terrifying appearance. Looking at the weapon in his hand, a confident smile finally appeared on his face. The zombie came over, this time he didn't have to wait for it to rush over, but rushed forward with his sword.

On the other side, Bai Ling had already arranged her things and placed them on the table behind the back seat, tied them with belts, looked up at Bai Xiaoxi who was excitedly fighting the zombies, and showed an invisible arc at the corner of her mouth.

Even so, Bai Ling said that she doesn't want to be with him yet, so naturally she won't take him with her. She quickly opened the car door, got in the car and started the car directly, slamming on the accelerator and backing up at an extremely fast speed.

Hearing the sound of the car starting, Bai Xiaoxi, who was silent in the excitement of killing monsters, reacted, and shouted at the back, "Sister!"

Unfortunately, the car had already left the corner of the alley.

Inside the car, the phone was facing Bai Ling's face, Bai Shan bit her lower lip, seeing her sister's expressionless face, she didn't understand, but Bai Shan was really worried.

"Sister, he's not a bad person, and he's still so young, what can he do if we leave him alone?" Maybe it's because she has a child, so she can't help but feel it was unbearable.

"Shanshan, I know what you want to say, but I have to make sure if he has the ability to follow me!" Bai Ling made up her mind.


Seeing the disappointment in Bai Shan's bright eyes, Bai Ling couldn't bear it after all, and explained, "No matter how powerful sister is, I am still alone. This world has changed. If he is of average ability, or just wants to live with me, sooner or later, someone stronger than me will appear. Won’t he betray me? Moreover, taking him will consume twice as much as anything along the way, unless he has the ability I seem to have, otherwise, taking him is just a burden!"

Bai Shan opened her big eyes, her heart was pounding, looking at her sister's cold face, it was as if Bai Shan really knew her sister for the first time, her words were full of criticism.

Yes, the world has changed, how many people are still alive, maybe they will be besieged by monsters as soon as they go out, if they don't have the ability, they can't even find food, and her sister is the calmest.

And how did they know that these are all the experiences that Bai Ling summed up in her previous life. Bai Ling was once regarded as a waste, and was used as an abandoned child from the team.

An unaccompanied person that lived in the last days and her heart was ashamed, but she will not have any objections to these things, Bai Ling does not complain!

But not now, she didn't want to do this kind of thing of abandoning her teammates. If he wanted to join her, he would be strong, and unless he left by himself, Bai Ling would not abandon him.


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