ARCDM - c0042


Of course, he has never heard of this half-moon sword, and there is no introduction about this sword on the Internet, but Bai Ling's sword, he really did not expect that the two words on it marked "God"!

It is also the earliest writing in the world, cuneiform!

He said he couldn't understand anything. Moreover, the style of the sword is also a little different from the sword of Huaxia Kingdom, and it looks a bit like a knife from a distance.

However, there was no introduction to the sword named after the god, but fortunately, Bai Ling had no problem using it.

For this reason, he couldn't help browsing a lot of posts, and found that everyone was discussing this cannibalism incident. There were all kinds of ideas, and he couldn't help but want to roll his eyes, so he joined the discussion in a fit of anger. Slowly... Slowly it became what it is now.

"Stop posting from now on!" Bai Ling didn't think this was a good sign, because she didn't want to expose her skills at all, which would become her fatal weakness in the future.

"I know!" After accidentally uploading her last time, almost everyone was guessing her identity, and even wanted to come out and follow her to find a safe place.

At that time, he knew that he might have caused trouble, so he deleted the video immediately. Unfortunately, it was useless at all, and the video had already been reposted.

Bai Xiaoxi admits that he is a bit selfish, but he does this only to facilitate other people. At least he gave them the route from the big city. As for whether the people on the Internet believe it or not, it is their business. 

"From now on, I won't be surfing the Internet anymore!" After all, there is no electricity, so he can't be too wasteful. After finishing speaking, he was stunned, watching the car turning off the highway, "Sister, is there still a road ahead that is blocked? Already?"

"No! We need to find something!" And it must be done once, and she will not enter the city for the next section.

Bai Xiaoxi looked behind him. Although there were seats behind him, there were a lot of old things piled up. Fortunately, there was still a lot of space for other things.

After Bai Ling's car went down the highway, it was also the intersection where the toll booth entered the highway, and three black cars drove past quickly.

Like Bai Xiaoxi, the bearded driver uncle couldn't help but look back, with surprise in his eyes, he looked at the gentle and handsome man behind him holding an iPad, with a slightly lowered head.

"Sir, you are right!" 

The gentle man smiled slightly, squinted his eyes, and stared at the iPad, just looking at a post with the highest click-through rate, and slowly opened it with his slender fingers, just in time to see a video. 

Yes, he just started surfing the Internet now, so he doesn't even know the route that Bai Xiaoxi sent out.

Bai Ling's car has been driving day and night, and although they are on their way, they still need to be repaired.

This man was not reborn like Bai Ling, but he actually took the shortcut that Bai Ling took.

At this moment, there was a bang, a gunshot, and the car visibly jolted.

The man's body tilted with the bumps of the car, but his eyes were still looking at the screen of the iPad. That flexible figure, the moment the cold light flashed, he froze the screen. A white jaw appeared very vaguely.

Under such an external situation, and the picture is still going on, he actually accurately locates something that ordinary people can't see. It has to be said that this man has excellent eyesight. 


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