
Showing posts from January, 2023

ARCDM - c0130

CHAPTER 130 There was a soft smile in Wen Ruyu's eyes, compared with the ferocious but immovable zombie behind him, it was too calm and beautiful, as if it was a beautiful painting in this killing, touching the heart. Fortunately, Bai Ling attracted the attention of a large number of zombies. Wen Ruyu sighed when he saw Shen Yu, who was still in shock, and patted him on the shoulder, "It's okay, let's go first and let Shen Ba go on top!" "Brother Wen!" He experienced death once, and when he heard this soft voice, he felt it was the sounds of nature, and couldn't help but hug him. Feeling this powerful body, the fear in Shen Xuan's heart suddenly decreased a lot. Brother Wen will solve everything, they don't have to die! "Brother Wen!" Shen Xin saw the figure that she had been thinking about day and night appearing, and thinking of their current situation, she burst into tears, even throwing away the doll in her hand, rushed over,

ARCDM - c0129

CHAPTER 129 There are two first-level zombies with fire abilities, which are definitely a great supplement to Bai Xiaoxi, and they are also life-saving things at critical moments. The movements in Bai Ling's hands became faster and faster, the sword became sharper and sharper, and the sound of cutting flesh could be heard endlessly. Bai Ling was surprised, looking at her own skills. After all, human beings are limited by their physical conditions. Many imaginary movements are impossible for normal human beings, unless they undergo special training. But now she actually felt that her body was a little soft, not only incredibly soft, but also full of strength and toughness. Because of the words of Shen Wu, Shen Shi and others, Shen Tengfei was also observing that Bai Ling. "Look carefully, she never seems to defend herself!" As this enchanting woman got closer and closer, the zombies seemed to be divided into two groups, and thanks to the sudden appearance of this woman

ARCDM - c0128

CHAPTER 128 Wen Ruyu restrained his breath at this time, and was pouring oil into an abandoned car, but when he was just pouring half of it, he naturally noticed the movement coming from behind him. He was taken aback, and turned his head quickly to see the black slender figure. The moment Wen Ruyu saw that familiar silhouette, the pupils of Wen Ruyu's eyes shrank. His heart started beating so hard that couldn't describe how he felt right now. Obviously he deliberately took another route to avoid her, and he was very annoyed at her previous attitude towards him, and even... He even decided not to see her again. It was the first time he avoided a person so deliberately, it never happened before. But when he really saw her again, Wen Ruyu felt his chest was burning hot, and his faint but soft eyes closely followed the woman's figure. In a trance, he only felt that the breath around him changed, and Wen Ruyu came back to his senses in an instant, and his bo

ARCDM - c0127

CHAPTER 127 "Shen Tengfei, Shen Yue, Shen Xuan, Shen Xin, hold on, I'll be right over!" Wen Ruyu's mind was always thinking about how to save them. Even if he could observe the situation within a radius of 100 meters, after seeing Shen Tengfei and the others, he didn't know that Bai Ling was right behind him. "Am I hallucinating?" Shen Yue took a few steps back helplessly, and upon seeing this, Shen Shi quickly moved forward to block the claws of the zombies. "I heard it. It's Brother Wen's voice. Brother Wen is here!" The only person here who is not injured is probably Shen Xin, and at this time Shen Xin is treating the wound on Shen Xuan's thigh. She was very excited at this time. That's right, Shen Xin is now the Shen family's most precious light-type ability user. Shen Tengfei and Shen Yu thought they heard it wrong, the calm, soft and powerful voice, and even the somewhat disheartened expressions of the

ARCDM - c0126

CHAPTER 126 But has he ever thought that he is going to save eight people! These eight people must have been seriously injured, how could he bring them out by himself? It's just that Wen Ruyu never does things that he is not sure of. Bai Ling knows this very well, but for some reason, her heart is full of worries! Bai Ling clenched the steering wheel and gritted her teeth, she really did. . . She doesn't want to worry about this matter. Damn it, Wen Ruyu, she will definitely demand double the reward from him!  "Xiaoxi, wait for me to rush in, you stay outside, stand on the high ground, we must keep in touch with the mobile phone, remember not to use your fire ability lightly!" At that time, the car can be ignited to buy time for them! "En!" When Bai Xiaoxi heard that Bai Ling was about to go in, his first reaction was also a little worried, but seeing Bai Ling's calm face, he seemed to have no pressure at all. He swallowed his saliva, Sis

ARCDM - c0125

CHAPTER 125 That's right, the person driving that silver car was Wen Ruyu. They haven't seen him for more than a day, but he was already a first-level supernatural being, and he must have used other means aside from upgrading by using crystal cores, so it can be seen that he is indeed not simple. Wen Ruyu and Bai Ling did not take the same route. He didn't know what she was thinking at the time, and it was not the route that he and Bai Ling decided before. He discovered this scene when he was about to turn to the main road. With his mental abilities, he can only see clearly what is happening within twenty meters. Although his eyes can see clearly, everyone's small movements are in his sea of ​​consciousness. Of course, apart from his psychic powers, his perception has also improved a lot. In other words, his eyesight is stronger than Bai Ling's now. If it was someone else, he would not take the risk, but they are from the Shen family, who have a deep con

ARCDM - c0124

CHAPTER 124 The third-level ability users faced so many zombies, and they had already begun to use their abilities. If they couldn't open the way within an hour, they would die sooner or later. But Bai Ling knew that it was absolutely impossible for them to fight for only one hour in this state, otherwise how could they push themselves to such a dead end? But what surprised Bai Ling was Bai Xiaoxi. She glanced at Bai Xiaoxi, who insisted on opening the skylight to watch at this time. It is reasonable to say that only people with abilities above the seventh level can feel the coercion brought by other people with abilities at such a distance. Didn't expect Bai Xiaoxi to be so sensitive? The eight people who were besieged by the zombies had completely turned into three third-level supernatural beings struggling to support them. Shen Xin's face was full of tears, and she hugged Shen Yu tightly. "Woooo, it's so scary, I want to go home, big brother, I want to go ho

ARCDM - c0123

CHAPTER 123 "Damn it, what's going on?" Bai Xiaoxi almost popped his eyes out, and learned some visual inspection skills from Wen Ruyu, "It looks like there are at least five or six hundred zombies." Even so, Bai Xiaoxi's scalp was a little numb. Those are junior zombies, like gorillas with powerful explosive power, each one can easily twist their heads off, five or six hundred of them, even one finger can smash his small body to pieces! Although Bai Ling was sitting in the car, this side was going downhill. After a distance of one thousand meters, Bai Ling's eyesight was excellent, and she could clearly see that it was not zombies blocking the road at all, but a team that had been completely surrounded by zombies.  There were really too many zombies, and the other party had artillery fire and guns. Although they were far away, Bai Ling knew that this group of people was not the same group that entered the town to collect things earlier. Because the

ARCDM - c0122

CHAPTER 122 Among them, seven first-level supernatural beings, aged between twenty-five and thirty, had the same style of clothes. The other three, between the ages of thirty and thirty-five, wore different clothes, but the material of the clothes was the same. If Bai Ling were here, she would be very surprised, because they are actually third-level power users. This is unbelievable. Ordinary people start to burst out with supernatural powers, and even better ones, like Bai Xiaoxi, become first-level supernatural beings, but suddenly third-level supernatural beings appear, which is simply unheard of! The remaining five, one is handsome, about twenty-six years old, with sharp eyes, wearing a very casual but decent black clothes, obviously nothing else in his hand, but with a wave, the zombie attacking in front of him fell to the ground. And there was a small black spot on the foreheads of those fallen zombies, and a cool air could be seen on it, it was ice needles! This need

ARCDM - c0121

CHAPTER 121 "Yes!" "Ah!" Bai Xiaoxi's eyes widened. Although he had thought this way a long time ago, he couldn't really believe it. "What do you think those zombies became?" Bai Ling didn't look at Bai Xiaoxi, and walked around a big pit full of burn marks, "That's a living human being, since humans have this ability, why can't zombies have it? Although it is mutated, it is also mutated in the human body!"  This statement is a bit cruel, but it is also true. Bai Xiaoxi lowered his head slightly, his voice was very soft, as if he was thinking of something, "If that's the case, what will Brother Wen do?" To put it bluntly, he will never die! "Huh!" It's been almost a day, unexpectedly, passing a few roads into the town, not to mention the first-level zombies, even the junior zombies are scattered here and there. Bai Xiaoxi remembered what Bai Ling said, and couldn't help but look at

ARCDM - c0120

CHAPTER 120 He is at the second level of supernatural ability, but he feels like an ordinary person in front of Bai Ling! Is this the strength of Sister Bai Ling? This is too scary. It seems that Sister Bai Ling has never revealed her true strength. Bai Xiaoxi didn't know why he was so excited, he really wanted to see what Sister Bai Ling's real power was! "What's the matter?" Those monsters were already approaching, and Bai Ling couldn't help but look at him sideways, but didn't want him to stare at her with bright eyes at this moment, "If it's not convenient, I..." "No no no!" Up to now, Bai Xiaoxi is still complacent about not letting Bai Ling do something, if she goes down, wouldn't he be even more incompetent? Just six junior zombies, "I'm fine!" After saying that, Bai Xiaoxi ran down in a hurry. Bai Ling was sitting in the car watching, her sword was placed between her left-hand car seat a

ARCDM - c0119

CHAPTER 119 Bai Ling moved her arm, but she couldn't feel the mysterious power, as if her strength hadn't increased. Maybe her progress was too little? Now that she couldn't fall asleep again, to avoid thinking wildly, she simply asked Bai Xiaoxi to rest. "Sister... You only slept for two hours, is it enough?" Bai Xiaoxi felt incredible, her mental outlook was indeed very good, and her face was rosy, and her skin was smoother than before, almost tender. "I know my body very well!" Bai Ling smiled slightly, "Go to sleep!" "En!" In other words, after Brother Wen left, why did Sister Bai Ling smile at him more? It is no longer deserted as before. Thinking of Wen Ruyu, Bai Xiaoxi couldn't help sighing like a little adult. But since Brother Wen will go to Miancheng, they should be able to meet along the way. Unless Brother Wen deliberately avoids them, he knows this route. The night passed again, and Bai Lin

ARCDM - c0118

CHAPTER 118 Bai Ling was startled by Bai Xiaoxi's voice. Her brows furrowed, she pursed her lips, and didn't answer him. Bai Xiaoxi's eyes lit up, "Could it be that you are looking for Brother Wen? Great! It seems that Brother Wen is fine!" Otherwise, Sister Bai Ling wouldn't have waited until now to find him, maybe he had something to do and left? He smiled, and quickly stretched and started to head out, of course he should be counted. But Bai Ling didn't expect that, following the direction Wen Ruyu left, this road wasn't considered remote, and the zombies weren't too many, yet they couldn't find any trace of Wen Ruyu? Didn't he go this way? But that's not right, if she is Wen Ruyu, it is the most convenient and quickest way to go this way, there are some people around here who are still alive! Bai Ling asked Bai Xiaoxi to kill the zombies around them in exchange for information on whether Wen Ruyu had been her

ARCDM - c0117

CHAPTER 117 "He's gone!" Bai Ling directly interrupted him, not wanting to listen any more, and frowned. The more she listened, the more depressed she became, and her breathing became tight. "Ah?" Bai Xiaoxi obviously couldn't react. "Go ahead and rest tomorrow, don't worry about his work!" Bai Ling said coldly, and had already crossed Bai Xiaoxi into the house, "You watch in the first half of the night, and I will replace you in the second half of the night! I will rest first." Bai Xiaoxi said yes with a sound, it was considered to have answered Bai Ling's words, but he stood outside and looked out for a long time, and then looked into the room, and Bai Ling had already gone upstairs. What happened to Sister Bai Ling and Brother Wen? Didn't he say he wanted to go to Miancheng City together? Brother Wen is not a person who says capricious things, and he will definitely do what he says. After closing the doo

ARCDM - c0116

CHAPTER 116 "Miss Bai, do you have something else to do?" Wen Ruyu finally turned his head, still with a soft smile on his face, but the smile slowly faded, "If Miss Bai wanted to talk about what happened before you fainted, I didn't see anything. If Ms. Bai is worried about it..." Wen Ruyu pointed at his smooth neck with his slender fingers, and said coldly, "Then kill me, I think Ms. Bai should follow the safest principle of trusting the dead!" Not only was his voice unfamiliar, but also cold. Does he hate her? Thinking of this, Bai Ling's face became a little pale, her hands became a little weak, and she slowly let go, that indescribable feeling came again, she took a step back, and hurriedly explained, "I didn't mean that!" "In that case, Miss Bai Ling, can I go?" Wen Ruyu obviously wanted to keep a distance from her, but still took a step back in a very gentlemanly way. Draw a line. "I..." Before B

ARCDM - c0115

CHAPTER 115 At that time, her appearance should be very scary, but this kind of fear is not because of her scary appearance, but because he was afraid that something will happen to her. Shouldn't he be surprised to see the Celestial Sword glowing? Shouldn't he snatch it while she was unconscious? This thing is obviously a different treasure. But he acted as if he had never seen it until now. Is he really worried about her? Does he still have ulterior motives? The end of the world is unpredictable! Bai Ling frowned, the secret of the Celestial Sword is very important, and it has already become one with her, if others want the Celestial Sword, she will have to die. She walked forward quickly and caught up with his figure, only then did she realize that he was more than a head taller than herself. After hesitating for a while, Bai Ling passed by him and stretched out the sword in front of him, "You have seen what happened before, if you want this sword, I

ARCDM - c0114

CHAPTER 114 Why is he angry? Is he worried about her? Then why didn't he let Bai Xiaoxi come over? Thinking of Bai Xiaoxi, Bai Ling's rationality came back in an instant, she expelled the unknown feeling in her heart, and directly waved her hand on his face, "I'm fine!" She got up and got rid of this suppressed posture. When she lowered her head, she saw that the wound on the back of her right hand had disappeared, and her skin was as smooth as before, which seemed to be the effect of the Celestial Sword again. After she got up, she found even more clearly that her body, which should have been sore as if it had been crushed, was actually full of strength, which was greater than the strength she had when she was promoted to the second level in her previous life! But she clearly felt that her body didn't have any energy, was it just the explosive power of her body? Is this brought by the Celestial Sword? If that's the case, it doesn't

ARCDM - c0113

CHAPTER 113 Bai Ling laughed, it was extremely painful, she laughed and cried, she didn't know why she was crying. It should be in her dream, since the Celestial Sword asked her to come here, and there are these firefly characters, then it must be what she wants to do. As soon as Bai Ling's thoughts fell, she saw the luminous human figure make five movements, the movements went from slow to fast, and then it seemed to be one movement. Finally, it stopped, as if looking at her. The corners of Bai Ling's mouth curled up slightly, as if she understood what it meant, thinking that the movements it saw just now were very similar to yoga, she followed suit. It's just that when Bai Ling really made a move, she felt that her body was sluggish, as if her hands and feet were not in control, and she fell to the ground with a touch. Her face is full of surprise, how could this happen? It's obviously simple, even if it's a yoga movement, it's

ARCDM - c0112

CHAPTER 112 As long as there is a glimmer of hope, Bai Ling will not give up! If Bai Ling opened her eyes, she would surely be able to see that the Celestial Sword that was still on the ground was slowly floating up at this moment. The smooth blade was still shining like fireflies, and finally gathered together. It turned into a real "firefly". With a bang, the firefly burrowed into her body instantly just like the words on the handle of the sword. Bai Ling turned into a luminous body in an instant, and as the "firefly" entered, engraved complex characters flashed with light one by one on her body. These characters were very similar to the word "God" on the hilt of the sword. The light remaining on the sword body did not disappear, they were all gathered at the tip and hilt of the sword, and the distribution was very even. "Ah!" Soreness and stinging pain, like countless ants biting, and even tearing pain, even the bones seemed to

ARCDM - c0111

CHAPTER 111 She was testing the Celestial Sword again, she was stunned for a moment before she realized it, but she quickly raised the Celestial Sword to block it, but at such a short distance, it had already grabbed Bai Ling. Unfortunately, when Bai Ling raised her sword to block it, its sharp nails scratched the back of her hand. On the back of the white right hand, one can see streams of bright red blood bubbling out. Regardless of the pain in her right hand, Bai Ling chopped off the zombie's head with an icy look. Her heart sank, she couldn't help herself, and her foot crushed the zombie's head fiercely. In the next second, Bai Ling stared at the back of her injured and bleeding right hand in a daze, she couldn't even care about the crystal nucleus. Naturally, she couldn't see the blood on the back of her hand dyeing the handle of the Celestial Sword red along her fingers. A hand scratched by a zombie means infection! "Are you kiddin

ARCDM - c0110

CHAPTER 110 Could it be that her sword was extended just now and killed them in one fell swoop? Impossible, she believed her eyes, it was invisible, then... That kind of thing should be sword energy! In the previous life, when some high-level abilities who were masters of swords used swords, their abilities could generate sword energy. Now she can actually wield sword energy? After the shock, Bai Ling felt a wave of fatigue attacking her head, and was about to lose her mind when the zombie almost bit her arm. Although she had been running for so long, Bai Ling was sure that she was not tired. The only possibility is that because of the Celestial Sword, a single sword, this so-called sword energy almost absorbed all of her energy? Now she is even more sure that this sword is very powerful, but with her current body strength and stamina, she simply cannot burst out the power it should have. Bai Ling miscalculated, and she was exhausted and could only grit her

ARCDM - c0109

CHAPTER 109 "En!" Bai Xiaoxi nodded obediently. Seeing this, Bai Ling still respected the thoughts in his heart, they are already partners, aren't they? After what happened today, she knew that maybe there was a reason why she was too indifferent to others. She was no longer alone in her previous life. She had a family. When she walked up to him, she reached out and patted him on the shoulder, "Be careful!" It was the first time for Bai Xiaoxi to be approached by Bai Ling at such a close distance, and she was concerned about him, and then he hurriedly said loudly, "I will!" Bai Ling looked at the dusty Bai Xiaoxi. At this moment, he was facing her with great excitement, smiling brightly, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes. Bai Ling sighed in her heart, this young man's mind is actually very simple! Averting her eyes, she quickly put on the leather jacket, propped herself up to the edge of the balcony with one hand, jumped do

ARCDM - c0108

CHAPTER 108 As before, these zombies had extremely low team awareness, and because of the more thorough mutation, their bodies were naturally stiffer, so the collision of the car did not smash them into pieces, but instead they got stuck in the chassis. Bai Ling and Bai Xiaoxi got out of the car again to clean up. Stop and go along the way, even though the road is remote, there are many zombies, they are all wandering zombies, one or two appear from time to time. At the intersection, there were more zombies coming and going. Fortunately, they were all junior zombies, and they did not pose a big threat to Bai Ling and the others. Instead, they collected a lot of crystal nuclei. The day passed quickly, and Bai Ling and others ushered in the dark. If Bai Ling was alone, she would still dare to go on the road, because she was used to the night road, and now she needed supplies and crystal cores. So there is no way to waste time. The three of Bai Ling's team once aga

ARCDM - c0107

CHAPTER 107 However, when Bai Ling focused on the zombies in the distance, their movements were still fast, and her physical strength couldn't keep up. She couldn't help but feel a little flustered, just like this morning. It seemed that she could only see their movements clearly within half a meter of her. In other words, her speed did not increase, but her eyesight improved! If she kept on squinting her eyes, what if she get in close contact with them? Clenching the sword in her hand, she slashed across the purple hand that was grabbing towards her, cutting the flesh of the hand all the way to the shoulder of the knife, and finally the tip of the sword slashed across the neck of the purple-black zombie with deep wounds. The head fell off in an instant. There were six zombies, and Bai Ling took care of four in a blink of an eye. Because Bai Xiaoxi displayed a first-level strength, he could suppress the low-level zombies. Although his flesh was more attracti

ARCDM - c0106

CHAPTER 106 Wen Ruyu didn't get the answer, but he could see some of Bai Ling's expression, so he couldn't say what was in her mind at this moment. But he always want to let her know that he really doesn't have any malice towards her. Hearing Wen Ruyu's answer, Bai Ling felt that he was very kind, because this was her purpose. The main combat power is still her and Bai Xiaoxi, Wen Ruyu's injury has completely healed, even in the face of the zombies chasing him, he is still able to dodge and avoid the vehicle from being hurt! The supplies are all in the car, and after meeting grandma, the car is the best means of transportation and cannot be lost. Besides, he is also a person with three lines of abilities. First, if Bai Ling guessed correctly, it should be spiritual power, which can completely disrupt the siege of zombies through mental power. Of course, the role of mental power is not limited to this. In fact, for Bai Ling, the most terrifyin