ARCDM - c0127


"Shen Tengfei, Shen Yue, Shen Xuan, Shen Xin, hold on, I'll be right over!" Wen Ruyu's mind was always thinking about how to save them. Even if he could observe the situation within a radius of 100 meters, after seeing Shen Tengfei and the others, he didn't know that Bai Ling was right behind him.

"Am I hallucinating?" Shen Yue took a few steps back helplessly, and upon seeing this, Shen Shi quickly moved forward to block the claws of the zombies.

"I heard it. It's Brother Wen's voice. Brother Wen is here!" The only person here who is not injured is probably Shen Xin, and at this time Shen Xin is treating the wound on Shen Xuan's thigh. She was very excited at this time.

That's right, Shen Xin is now the Shen family's most precious light-type ability user.

Shen Tengfei and Shen Yu thought they heard it wrong, the calm, soft and powerful voice, and even the somewhat disheartened expressions of the three three-line supernatural beings instantly became high-spirited as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

"Brother Wen came to save us!" Shen Xin hugged Shen Yue, and said joyfully, "With Brother Wen around, we won't die."

"But why don't we see him?" Shen Xuan frowned and looked around. There was nothing but the ferocious zombie, but after resting, he immediately got up and killed the zombie, Shen Tengfei hurriedly retreated back to rest at this time.

But how did they know that Wen Ruyu told them this through psychic powers. The purpose is to hope that they will hold on.

But soon, they discovered that instead of seeing Wen Ruyu, they saw another shadow.

"There is someone coming!" Shen Wu, the third-level gold-type supernatural being who was resting for a while holding the ax, has recovered his physical strength and supernatural powers at this time, so he can see a black one outside at a glance. The figure came here like a ghost.

Shen Wu's eyes were about to protrude, obviously he couldn't believe it. That figure actually shuttled like a fish in water among the zombies that were tightly glued together and kept squeezing in.

Even opened a path around her?

F*ck, is this still human?

There are still first-level zombies there, and even those first-level zombies that can explode fire, wood, and gold abilities are all killed by her face-to-face?

"Who is that person?" Don't be too fast, Shen Shi, a short third-level supernatural being, was also shocked.

Because of this sentence, Shen Tengfei and the others also noticed, because there are too many zombies, only a cold light flashed from time to time. But vaguely, they could clearly see that the person was a woman!

"She...she doesn't have the fluctuation of supernatural energy?" Shen Yu swallowed hard, almost pierced his chest by the zombie's sharp nails because of this shock.

God, is this just a monster?

Wherever she went, there were absolutely no zombies within five meters of her.

This is simply impossible, not only the dark and unfeeling zombies will not know how to avoid her sword, nor will they know what fear is, they will only attack in groups.

No matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to take care of the zombies attacking behind her in such a short period of time!

Not only them, but even the highest-level supernatural beings in the Shen family can't do this.

This is simply all-round without dead ends, and this is not the key, the key is that she is not a supernatural person?

It's too scary. When did China produce such a powerful person? Why don't they know?


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