ARCDM - c0110


Could it be that her sword was extended just now and killed them in one fell swoop? Impossible, she believed her eyes, it was invisible, then... That kind of thing should be sword energy!

In the previous life, when some high-level abilities who were masters of swords used swords, their abilities could generate sword energy.

Now she can actually wield sword energy?

After the shock, Bai Ling felt a wave of fatigue attacking her head, and was about to lose her mind when the zombie almost bit her arm.

Although she had been running for so long, Bai Ling was sure that she was not tired.

The only possibility is that because of the Celestial Sword, a single sword, this so-called sword energy almost absorbed all of her energy?

Now she is even more sure that this sword is very powerful, but with her current body strength and stamina, she simply cannot burst out the power it should have.

Bai Ling miscalculated, and she was exhausted and could only grit her teeth and persevere.

The simplified and agile killing style extracted from the previous life was displayed to the fullest, but the sword aura did not appear again. This sword seemed to know that her body would not be able to bear it.

This is Bai Ling's most direct feeling, she absolutely does not want to die here, her eyes are firm, because she puts all her mental power on dealing with the attacks of junior zombies, so she didn't notice that the unusual air fluctuations of the sword tip of the gods could easily chop up the rushing zombies!

An hour later, Bai Ling was holding the sword, panting heavily, sweating profusely, her whole face and hair were stained with stinky blood and her sweat.

She staggered back step by step, and there was a purple-black broken body behind her. A lighter was thrown into it at this moment, and with a bang, the fire blazed up, pulling that extremely tall and slender figure... 

Ten minutes later, Bai Ling finally recovered some strength, stood up straight, and put the forty crystal nuclei held in her left hand into the small bag that Bai Xiaoxi had given her earlier. Because when she killed and poked the fifty junior zombies, many came again!

Facing the cool breeze of late spring at night, her body was covered in sweat, and her somewhat tired spirit was shaken, which suddenly gave Bai Ling a feeling of refreshment.

Physical strength can be worked out, and lo and behold, she knows where her limits are now.

And. . . Picking up the Celestial Sword, it suddenly appeared cold under the moonlight. It was strange to say that the first time she saw it, it shone with a cold air, but now it made her feel warm?

There was a comfortable smile at the corner of her mouth, she looked at her left hand, wiped it clean quickly, and tentatively touched the blade as thin as a cicada's wing.

"Huh?" Bai Ling couldn't help but be amazed, originally the sword would not be stained with anything, so it was always smooth as before, but the same is true for Bai Xiaoxi's Half Moon Sword.

But no matter what, this sharp sword couldn't cut her fingers? Bai Ling's fingers slid up and down the blade without even cutting a piece of skin!

Swallowing her saliva, she chopped at the small saplings next to her, and with a creak, the saplings were chopped off in the middle.

Bai Ling really wanted to laugh, this thing could recognize its master? She couldn't help touching it affectionately, "Celestial Sword!" There was affirmation in her eyes, like an oath, "I will definitely not let you feel that you have followed the wrong master!"

At this moment, there was a touch, from the second floor of a closed house that Bai Ling passed by, a purple-black and fishy figure jumped down, less than a foot away from her.

Moreover, she walked this way, and all the nearby zombies were cut by her sword. How could she have thought that the locked zombies in this room would come out?


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