ARCDM - c0114


Why is he angry?

Is he worried about her? Then why didn't he let Bai Xiaoxi come over?

Thinking of Bai Xiaoxi, Bai Ling's rationality came back in an instant, she expelled the unknown feeling in her heart, and directly waved her hand on his face, "I'm fine!"

She got up and got rid of this suppressed posture. When she lowered her head, she saw that the wound on the back of her right hand had disappeared, and her skin was as smooth as before, which seemed to be the effect of the Celestial Sword again.

After she got up, she found even more clearly that her body, which should have been sore as if it had been crushed, was actually full of strength, which was greater than the strength she had when she was promoted to the second level in her previous life!

But she clearly felt that her body didn't have any energy, was it just the explosive power of her body?

Is this brought by the Celestial Sword?

If that's the case, it doesn't matter whether she has supernatural powers or not. After she adapts to the speed of her body's power, she will also unleash the power of the divine sword itself that day.

What's more, she felt that refining that set of movements seemed to be good for her. In the dream, she was so tired that she fell asleep, but now she didn't feel this way, even if it was better than when she was at her best in her previous life.

She had never felt this way.

And she could feel the mental fluctuations in Wen Ruyu again.

Bai Ling's face was full of joy, and before she could smile, she felt a warm and wide embrace hugging her, and she could smell the unique fragrance of his body at the tip of her nose. Her body was tightly pressed against him, and she felt his rigid chest coming through the shirt.

Unexpectedly, his chest was so strong.

She can still feel his breath in her ears, itchy and soft, like a feather passing by.

"Why are you ignoring me?"


The low, lazy, soft voice just beside her ear made her feel intoxicated, and when she thought about it carefully, there was a little anger, a little loss hidden in it, and even a strong mental fluctuation.

Was he angry?

Bai Ling didn't know why, but her heart was beating like a drum.

She seemed to be suffocating because of the tight hug.

Bai Ling opened her mouth, and just when she was about to speak, that soft, warm, and wide embrace suddenly left her slightly icy body.

Immediately raising her head, the slender shadow had turned around gracefully, the tall figure was facing the window sill, his voice was still soft, with obvious self-mockery, "Sorry, ho ho, I didn't know what happened just now!"

When he turned around again, he returned to his previous appearance, but when Bai Ling looked at his still handsome face, she felt a little strange.

"Let's go, Xiaoxi is worried about you!"

Bai Ling stared at his seemingly soft but deep eyes, he didn't hide from her, unlike before, she couldn't see anything this time.

She lowered her head slightly, is he trying to break up with her?

"En!" She answered softly, stood up, and found that the Celestial Sword was on her right hand, she was stunned for a moment, the sword has become much longer, it was only about 80 centimeters before, but now it is at least 1.5 meters. If the thirty centimeter is accounted for the long sword handle, then the sword is one meter two long, and it has become thinner!

She picked it up easily, so light, almost without any effort, as if it was a part of her body.

But she inserted it into the belt cover behind her without a sound, and looking at the figure walking in front of her, she remembered the fear, panic, and eager face when she finally fainted.


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