ARCDM - c0123


"Damn it, what's going on?" Bai Xiaoxi almost popped his eyes out, and learned some visual inspection skills from Wen Ruyu, "It looks like there are at least five or six hundred zombies." Even so, Bai Xiaoxi's scalp was a little numb.

Those are junior zombies, like gorillas with powerful explosive power, each one can easily twist their heads off, five or six hundred of them, even one finger can smash his small body to pieces!

Although Bai Ling was sitting in the car, this side was going downhill. After a distance of one thousand meters, Bai Ling's eyesight was excellent, and she could clearly see that it was not zombies blocking the road at all, but a team that had been completely surrounded by zombies. 

There were really too many zombies, and the other party had artillery fire and guns. Although they were far away, Bai Ling knew that this group of people was not the same group that entered the town to collect things earlier.

Because there were no large trucks in the team they were blocked by zombies.

Just, wait, that car. . . A hint of surprise flashed in Bai Ling's eyes, and then she frowned again, hesitating a little.

"Sister, it seems that someone is under siege!" As he got closer, Bai Xiaoxi finally saw clearly, "They are too capable, I don't know where these zombies came from, and they blocked them!"

"Xiaoxi, look carefully, there are many zombies with very strong jumping ability among these zombies!" Just as Bai Ling finished speaking, she saw a zombie leaping over many zombies and directly hitting the center surrounded by zombies.

From their point of view, it is still like a small circle that has been vacated, and the people inside cannot be seen clearly.

Bai Xiaoxi swallowed heavily, "Is this a first-class zombie? Just, one jump?" The height it crossed was four or five meters, which was about the height of a one-story building.

"En!" Bai Ling frowned and nodded. She didn't want to meddle in this nosy business, and she couldn't. There are so many zombies, as Bai Xiaoxi said, they are really talented if they can gather these together!

The most important thing is that there are at least 20 first-level zombies inside, and it is estimated that many died. After all, it has been such a long time, and there is such a big commotion, the zombies gathered there will only increase... 

Really stupid, this neighborhood is not far from the big city L. It used to be a small town, but now it’s a medium-sized city nearby. One can imagine the zombies inside. She didn’t see that group of people going there in the cities they passed by before. Collecting things, it is conceivable that they also know how many zombies there are in this city's population, how dare they make such a big commotion here? How is it different from courting death?

Even if it is a person of one side, without this ability, they can only wait for death!

Bai Ling's eyes flashed, and she decided not to go there. So the speed of the car slowed down, and they quickly searched for other nearby roads, preparing to bypass this place, and the eight people who were surrounded, please ask for blessings.

That's right, eight people, this is the number of people Bai Ling saw now!

"Sister Bai Ling, the besieged people have supernatural powers!" Three hundred meters away from them, Bai Ling suddenly heard Bai Xiaoxi exclaim, "It's not just the first level, I feel very light pressure, inside. There must be a second-level ability user, no... there are more advanced people!"

A third-level ability user? Bai Ling squinted her eyes, and her pupils were dimmed. Even so, they probably won't last long. The ability will wear out and it will take time to recover.


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