ARCDM - c0520


Let's Go

The corner of Bai Xiaoxi's mouth twitched immediately, what Sister Bai Ling said was quite justified. And she said it so loudly in front of this man. . .

Sure enough, the unknown light in Feng Chaoge's blue eyes flashed again. this woman. . . What the hell is she made of!

"Don't worry about him, let's go!" Yes, if you can't beat him now, it will be hard to say when you can!

He didn't do anything this time, but he might want to kill them anytime. Now stay away from him as much as possible, anyway, before she has strong power, she must never see him.

She is small-minded, today this man clearly played a trick on them, and she temporarily blames Wen Ruyu for this.

In the final analysis, this disaster has something to do with Wen Ruyu.

Really leave like this?

Bai Shan and the others were confused, because this man was standing not far away from them five meters away, his handsome face carved out of white jade with a smile that was not a smile, standing with his hands behind his back, the key was those deep eyes, if they read correctly, he was staring straight at them.

And the sword just now, they said that they are not afraid is a fake at all, that kind of cosmic power pierces through their bodies, this feeling is really like the feeling of an ant facing the master of the world, without the slightest power to fight back. Not to mention, even the thought of resistance disappeared, like a walking dead living in the world.

Therefore, their hearts unconsciously fell in fear of him. If Bai Ling was not still in their hearts, giving them the strength to support them, they might not be able to hold their bodies and crawl at the feet of this powerful man at this moment.

But the group of people upstairs who were still shivering at this time had different colors, and looked down from the middle of the railing of the guardrail on the second floor.

The group of people below were swung by the man's sword, and the force obviously passed through their bodies, are they all right? Isn't it too powerful to beat cattle across the mountain?

The key point is that this powerful man stood aside in the blink of an eye, as if the conflict between them had never existed, but the bullets that had just fallen on the desolate and dilapidated road told them that all of this was true.

He just watched them leave like this?

That's right, even Bai Shan and the others found it inconceivable that a group of people left in front of his eyes with Li Dongmei who hadn't got off the car, and he didn't even frown. It's true that this person just wanted to kill them.

Don't be too weird about this person!

But he didn't know that they had left. The poor group of people upstairs were stunned in a corner, and they didn't even dare to look at him.

At some point, the sun had already set in the west, and when they looked up again, they found that the man had disappeared.

This group of people breathed a sigh of relief.

"This town is not safe. With such high-level zombies coming today, it will be even more difficult to say tomorrow or at night. Let's leave here quickly. Even if we don't follow those people, we must go to Yanjing City!"

This statement gained the approval of others.

As for Daqiu, the boss in the previous town, he didn't dare to breathe at this time. Although he had led everyone because of his higher level, when he faced the zombies, he gave up and pushed them out to stop the zombies.

He would definitely not be afraid if he fought against them at the supernatural level, but now each of them had guns in their hands, and with his current level, he couldn't stop the impact of the bullets.

He could simply be a transparent person.


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