ARCDM - c0519


We Can't Beat Him

And those few people. . . I am afraid. . . Hopeless!

Bai Ling, who was sitting on the ground, still had her eyes open, but there was a trace of crystal teardrops in her eye sockets.

She can't be controlled by others, because she knows that once she agrees, how can that person just let Bai Xiaoxi and others go, and they will attack him as soon as he restrains his breath. They are bound to die, what is the difference between the result and now? Instead of that, she might as well take a gamble!

Since he said he wanted to keep her, he must have his purpose, and from the very beginning it was aimed at the necklace Wen Ruyu gave her. The rift between the two is obvious, and when facing Wen Ruyu, it must be this powerful man who suffers .

So she just wanted to get back some ground from him, but he actually asked about her?

No matter what, he didn't get any news from Wen Ruyu, so how could he let it go if he didn't get back the place, killing her might as well keep her, maybe he could use it to beat Wen Ruyu in the future.

Of course, this was under the circumstances that he couldn't do anything to Wen Ruyu.

If it fails, uncle, grandma, little meatball, Shanshan and the others will be gone, and she will not want to live alone. At least in this life, their family can still die together.

But in the end, she made a wrong bet, she didn't dare to look back at their current miserable situation, anyway, she was about to go down to accompany them, no regrets!

How could she have imagined that at this moment, the Celestial Sword had returned to the scabbard behind her?

"Sister!" Hearing the powerful voice behind him, Bai Ling was taken aback for a moment. When she looked up, she still saw that handsome face with a hint of evil charm and those deep blue eyes?

Feng Chaoge really didn't expect that this woman's smiling face before had transformed into a cold and stern look, and now there were tears in her eyes? In the blink of an eye, the water drop was shone by the fine eyelashes, reflecting a crystal clear light.

He had to admit that her eyes are a bit breathtaking, but. . . The woman's face-changing speed and expression should not change too fast.

At this moment, he had to admire Wen Ruyu's vision.

After all, this woman's growth value is not low, and she will definitely not be a thing in the pool in time. The key point is that this woman is also very smart, so she guessed his own thoughts in such a short period of time?

This bet. . . But he let her win.

Dong -

Feng Chaoge frowned, covered his left chest, but stared blankly at this woman, she was smiling at this moment. . . He didn't know how to describe it.

Eyes full of tears were curved and shining brightly, the corners of the mouth were slightly raised, and the whole cold face was obviously dirty but somewhat like the moment when an orchid first bloomed, revealing neat and white teeth like pearls.

Turning to look at other people, each of them is surrounded by her at this time, with joy and tears on their faces, and cautious, defensive and resentful when looking at himself. But without exception, they all stood in front of her?

Hehe, they could see the difference in strength just now, and they were still overwhelmed.

But he spared their lives, shouldn't they be grateful to this young master?

He doesn't understand this kind of stupidity!

With bare white and clean feet, he slowly backed away, but his eyes were fixed on the group of people.

"Xiaoxi, Shanshan, uncle, brother Jiaming, Li Fang, and Mingming!" Bai Ling put her hands on their shoulders, and her eyes were also fixed on the one who was standing upright with his hands behind his back, smiling evilly, "We can't beat him!"


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