ARCDM - c0516


Let Go

"You dare, if you dare to kill them, you'd better make sure that I can die too, otherwise, I will make your life worse than death!" Bai Ling could see that this person said that not only did he not show any expression when he said killing them, but he also brought a smile on his face. With a trace of joy, it is obvious that he likes killing people, or the pleasure brought by killing people!

"Oh, then take a look!" At this moment, the man's hand was already holding Bai Xiaoxi's head, staring at the thirteen-year-old boy's eyes full of hostility, he twisted his hand lightly.

At this moment, a blood-red sword unexpectedly reached under his neck, and even touched his skin, and the smell of blood filled his sensitive nasal cavity.

He almost forgot that he has a strong body, and no external force or the so-called supernatural powers of today's people can hurt him, but Leng Xuehan's sword is fine, so naturally her sword is fine, just. . . How dare she hurt him with such a weak ability?

"Ugh!" With a click, Bai Xiaoxi's face turned extremely pale, and he let out a muffled snort. His neck was on the side without moving, but his head seemed about to burst under the mechanical hands. Finally, he couldn't help moaning.

"Let go!" Bai Ling's eyes cracked, this man actually wanted to crush Bai Xiaoxi's head? With his strength, it's easy.

Using both hands together, she was about to chop off his head. It wasn't that she didn't want to kill him, but she was able to move slowly by covering her whole body with the power of the "egg". The sharpness of the Celestial Sword cut through only his skin? And still a thin layer?

In other words, even if he stood here and did not use any strength to let Bai Ling chop, even if she chopped for a lifetime, it would not cause any harm to him.

That's the benefit of a strong body.

And the people standing on the second floor of the building looked at me and I looked at you, with a confused face, wondering what the group of people below were doing!

But the only thing he knew was that the man in the prison uniform was about to attack them. He was pinching the neck of the woman with weird skills before, and now he was pinching the head of that cute boy.

After all, they were saved by this group of people, especially the young man who was full of blood. When he saw the goddess holding a sword to deal with the tall man, he had already picked up the gun in his hand without any hesitation and rushed over there.

Seeing this, the other people knew something was wrong, and quickly picked up the machine gun in their hands, and shot at the man fiercely.

It's just that no one thought that the bullets would all stop one meter away from the man and the group of people?

Just like they didn't know who used the psychic ability before, they stopped all the bullets in mid-air, and they could still clearly see the bullets spinning continuously, as seen in the video slowed down by hundreds of times or thousands Like a double-sized bullet, it didn't move.

"Why, how did this happen?" Just when they were surprised and shocked, they only felt a gaze looking at them, just a look, and they were unconsciously frightened, their legs limp, and their hearts were filled with fear. The seven high-level man was even more terrified.

Trembling and trembling, they couldn't even speak. Subconsciously, they thought why the group of people didn't make any movement when they saw the woman with strange skills being strangled and threatened after the man went down.


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