ARCDM - c0515


What Do You Want To Do?

He couldn't understand her stupidity. But now that she managed to survive, and she knew his intention to kill her, she was still smiling? Not even a little afraid of himself?

But this woman is different from their group of lunatics who are not afraid of death. There is no madness in her eyes, as if she is sure that he will not kill her?

No, Feng Chaoge crushing her to death is as easy as crushing an ant, she knows it well, why doesn't he kill her?

The deep sea-like blue eyes glanced at the necklace on her neck.

Slowly, Feng Chaoge actually let go of her neck, and only then did he really lower his head to look up and down this woman. Her small melon-seeded face was not as big as his palm, and her facial features were quite delicate. Unfortunately, Feng Chaoge has seen countless beauties, and this kind of appearance can only be regarded as average. In addition to the disheveled appearance, and the smelly stains on the head, if it is not for this uneven figure, it is simply not a woman.

The only thing that is different is probably the pair of eyes that are clear but deep, even faintly revealing the feeling of black abyss.

Finally, his eyes fell on the sword, which was somewhat similar to Leng Xuehan's sword.

Wen Ruyu being able to give her this necklace of his can only mean one thing, that is, he has taken a fancy to this woman!

Being caught by Wen Ruyu, that cunning trash, was a stain that Feng Chaoge could never wash off in his life. If he didn't avenge this revenge, he would feel uneasy. But if he tore this woman apart in front of him, what kind of expression on Wen Ruyu's useless face would make him drool with joy?

Feng Chaoge has never been an upright gentleman, nor is he a lord who cherishes beauty, whoever makes him unhappy, he will kill anyone, men, women, old and young, even pregnant women and babies, he will kill anyone!

The moment Bai Xiaoxi, Bai Shan and others saw Bai Ling being strangled by the neck, they knew that the other party was not kind. No matter who it was, who dared to treat Bai Ling like this, they would definitely kill each other. When they were about to make a move, for some reason, they felt a huge energy hitting them. In front of this huge energy, they were like boats in the sea, facing the tsunami that was more than ten feet high. Isolation and helplessness cast a shadow of despair on their hearts, their bodies were stiff and trembling, let alone moving, even speaking was difficult.

At this time, they also deeply realized one thing, this man is terrible.

But how could they let Bai Ling be bullied in front of their eyes, even though they were afraid at this moment, they still cheered up and stared fiercely at this seemingly handsome but ruthless man.

"A group of ants!" Feng Chaoge didn't expect that this woman is not afraid of him under his powerful aura, even the group of trash behind her are also staring at him? He didn't feel this kind of look, but he couldn't see it at this time. He stretched out his hand and wanted to gouge out the eyes of this group of people, which was a gift to Wen Ruyu.

"What are you going to do?" An indifferent and cold voice came to his ears the moment he started to do it myself.

Um? changed? Looking down, what he saw was a cold and warning face. And the strong evil spirit in those eyes seemed to come from hell?

She couldn't protect herself now, Feng Zhaoge turned his eyes and changed his mind, with a smile on that beautiful face, "Of course I will kill them!"


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