
Showing posts from February, 2023

ARCDM - c0186

CHAPTER 186 Bai Ling was just discussing the matter as it stands, wanting to seek justice for herself. Is there something wrong? And Shen Yue's words touched her fatal spot. The family is her untouchable inverse scale that can never be touched. After the dust settled, there was a moment of silence on the ground. Not far from Bai Ling, people climbed up from the dusty place one after another, and some of them were obviously injured. But almost everyone is embarrassed and becomes a dark figure. Bai Ling also got up slowly, but found that there was less dust on her body than the others. She turned her head reflexively, but saw a slender figure lying on her side, and his figure was slightly sideways. What he was facing behind was the direction of the bomb's impact. In other words, he blocked it for her? The key is that Bai Ling didn't know when he came over. Seeing that he also slowly got up with her at this time, but the dust on his body fell down very obed

ARCDM - c0185

CHAPTER 185 "Bai Ling, the Shen family will never let you go!" Shen Tengfei looked at the black figure that was getting smaller and smaller, and said sharply. He was still holding a small cannon barrel in his hand, but he wanted to fire it, but he hesitated because there was Wen Ruyu below. "Kill her!" Shen Xin's face turned red, with resentment in her eyes, she dodged the small cannon barrel without saying a word. She can't care about anything now, she just wants Bai Ling to die! To relieve her only hatred. Bai Ling looked at the slowly ascending plane, the exposed cannon barrel, narrowed her eyes, and quickly moved towards the direction of Bai Xiaoxi, but shouted, "Wen Ruyu, be careful of bombs."  With a clang, after resisting Shen Wu's axe, "Bai Xiaoxi, go!" Then he kicked Shen Wu's abdomen. Shen Wu was kicked back a few steps by Bai Ling's kick, and when he looked up, he saw something coming down. Shen Wu l

ARCDM - c0184

CHAPTER 184 Thinking of this, Shen Tengfei ordered cruelly, "Shen Ba, Shen Shi, kill her!" Even if he didn't say anything, Shen Shi didn't intend to let her go. Bai Ling just sneered and looked at Shen Ba with full firepower, that's all, she didn't know when there was an extra submachine gun in the hands of Shen Yu behind Shen Tengfei. Bai Ling shrank her eyes when she saw this, and hid aside as soon as she rolled on the car. Shen Ba and Shen Shi's movements were naturally not slow, and they followed up extremely fast. Boom boom boom boom boom boom...  A vigorous sound instantly sounded from the other side of the car, accompanied by vicious shouts, the car shook, the glass shattered, and Bai Ling's face was almost cut. But it was too late to dodge, the fire combined with golden thorns came towards her vitals. Even though he saw that there was a lot of heat on Bai Ling's side, Shen Tengfei dragged Shen Xin to the plane no

ARCDM - c0183

CHAPTER 183 But what does it matter to Bai Ling? Don't forget that this is the end of the world, a place full of monsters. If his Shen family has the ability, he will become the master of this world. Otherwise, as long as they dare to come to her to settle accounts, she will dare to kill them one by one! "We did something wrong before, but Shen Yue is not guilty of death. She is a human being, not those monster zombies. Bai Ling, I really didn't expect you to be such a person!" Shen Tengfei's face was also full of grief and indignation, his expression becoming more and more indifferent. Originally he still had a little appreciation for Bai Ling, but now he just feels chilling. "Shen Ba and Shen Shi are just here to protect us, do you need to do something like this?" Wen Ruyu narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this, and as a psychic, he almost killed Shen Ba and Shen Shi. The little action was taken seriously, let alone the bean-sized fl

ARCDM - c0182

CHAPTER 182 Of course, these two people followed Wen Ruyu to deal with the fifth-order zombie, so they didn't know what happened here. Even so, what they wanted to protect at this time was the young master and the young lady, and seeing Bai Ling's stern look on her face, it seemed that she was not a good person, and she actually killed Miss Shen Yue, but that could be said in front of the old man Shen.  Does she know what she has done? She didn't choose a place to die. Meanwhile, Shen Wu was already entangled by Bai Xiaoxi of the same level. If they didn't make a move at this time, wouldn't the Shen family be insulted by a villain who didn't change his name? There was a murderous intent in Shen Ba's eyes. Anyway, if he didn't kill her, she would die in the hands of the Shen family sooner or later. A flame the size of a bean appeared in his finger, "Bai Ling, do you know who you killed?"  Bai Ling narrowed her eyes, her pupil

ARCDM - c0181

CHAPTER 181 Wen Ruyu closed his eyes, and took a few steps back again. Obviously, he didn't intend to care about this kind of thing anymore. "You are crazy, you actually want to kill us, who do you think you are?" Shen Yu couldn't believe it, let alone after the end of the world, even before the end of the world, no one would dare to offend the Shen family easily, "I tell you, today, if one hair is missing, I will destroy your family and kill them in the future!" The words "destruction of family and death" stimulated Bai Ling's nerves. "Bai Ling, Shen Yue can't speak, don't be impulsive!" Shen Tengfei saw that Bai Ling's palm-sized face was getting colder and colder, even frosty, so he loudly dissuaded her. And Bai Xiaoxi at the side also drew out the Half Moon Sword. Following Bai Ling's movements, Bai Xiaoxi also rushed out in an instant. Shen Wu reacted, but before he could stop them, Bai Ling

ARCDM - c0180

CHAPTER 180 "Miss Shen, can you use my Cherry Blossom Sword smoothly?" Bai Ling was full of sarcasm. Because of her words, the "warm" air froze for a while. There were still traces of tears on Shen Yue's bright face, upon hearing this, she turned her head and looked at that face that was obscured by the light, her eyes were facing her with a sharp and mocking expression. Shen Yue reflexively touched the sword at her waist. When she drove the Xuanwu car back, there were also zombies. She had used this sword before, and it was many times better than her previous western sword. "Aren't you all dead?" "Huh?" Bai Ling choked at her words, and anger rose in her heart. She couldn't hold it back any longer, and asked in a stern voice, "Miss Shen, are we ghosts? Can you tell us? Say, what did you do more than three hours ago? When facing the fourth-order zombie, who attracted it and gave you a chance to escape? Do you

ARCDM - c0179

CHAPTER 179 Shen Yu, who was beside him, also had a smile on his face, "I said, brother Wen will be fine, look, there is Uncle Han over there. Wait, those are Shen Ba and Shen Shi!" Pulling the armrest directly, he stood up, because he was facing the connector, so he hurriedly turned to Shen Tengfei on another plane, "Look, brother, it's them, they are still alive!" Grandpa probably won't say anything now.  Shen Tengfei was naturally also happy, because he saw that she was alive, just below, and couldn't help waving his hands at her, and then he was shocked again. She was pinched by a fifth-order zombie, how did she escape? And the little boy next to her, is he still alive? "Brother... Look, it's that Bai Ling and Bai Xiaoxi, are they alright?" Shen Xin lowered her head curiously, just in time to see those two people with big round eyes, obviously couldn't believe it, "It's hard to see that Brother Wen saved the

ARCDM - c0178

CHAPTER 178 "It's not just too much!" Bai Ling actually laughed, but the smile was full of coldness, "Let's just drive one casually, we have to catch up!" Let alone the other things in it, the Cherry Blossom Sword must not be lost! Just when Wen Ruyu came over, he looked up and saw Bai Ling mockingly smiling at him. His dark eyes froze for a moment, then he understood what was going on, and said softly and sincerely, "I will deal with this matter. Let Tengfei give you an explanation, your things will only be more than less!" "Hey!" Bai Ling smiled expressionlessly, he and the Shen family are really close, and the Shen family members can see it through, "Thank you so much, but the people of the Shen family can't even look at you when your life or death is unknown, you are sure, you can make them spit out what they ate the capital with interest!" Bai Ling stressed on the phrase "the capital with interest"

ARCDM - c0177

CHAPTER 177 It really hits people's self-confidence too much. "It's because she's too strong!" For now, it's their bad luck to encounter zombies above the fourth level. Originally, Han Xin is actually very strong, but compared to Bai Ling... Wen Ruyu mourned in silence, nothing compares! "No wonder you didn't ask Master Shen where they were going!" The mister said that she was strong, so she must have killed the fourth-level zombie and the third-level zombie, and they are naturally fine. "Yeah, they left her behind!" Wen Ruyu's eyes flickered coldly when he said the words. Wen Ruyu knew in his heart that they kept the rations that were either in the way or turned into zombies, but so what? When Bai Ling had an accident, Bai Xiaoxi still rushed forward without hesitation. Thinking of this, thinking of Bai Ling alone facing that big monster that was several times stronger than her, and even got injured, his heart w

ARCDM - c0176

CHAPTER 176 "En!" Wen Ruyu walked gently behind Bai Ling, only to see that there were no zombies within five meters who dared to approach them, and the crystal nuclei on his hands stretched out towards her. Bai Ling was still surprised, and in the blink of an eye, she saw a pair of slender, white hands holding countless crystal nuclei with many colors appearing in front of her eyes. "Here you go!" Bai Ling looked at Wen Ruyu's eyes, which were as bright as stars but warm, and stared at him crookedly, like a bright moon, very beautiful. She thought all the crystal cores were for his own need, after all. . . The lieutenant general behind him was still wounded. The corner of Han Xin's mouth twitched. Why does the current mister look like a well-behaved child? Oh, well! He sighed in his heart. He thought Mr. would give it to him, but it turned out... Han Xin's mind became a little complicated, but when he saw the cold one, he thought of t

ARCDM - c0175

CHAPTER 175 Standing behind Wen Ruyu, the tall and burly Han Xin looked at Bai Ling, who had just obtained a fifth-level ice-type crystal nucleus, and actually liked the primary crystal nucleus. He shook his head, not understanding, and looked at her busy figure, the low-level zombie that was ordered by the mister was picked up and chopped by her like a radish. With a hint of dumbfounding expression. He didn’t know when a lot of first-level zombies came in. Don’t forget, although L city is much smaller than Miancheng, it is still a big city. With the development of the population, it goes without saying, otherwise how could it be that a Tier 5 zombie is appearing this soon? The big movement here has been going on for so long, and the three zombies summoned before, can there be too many? But soon Han Xin paused, opened his eyes and saw Wen Ruyu elegantly took out a small thing like a flash drive from his slacks, tapped it unhurriedly, with a twinkle in his eyes.  After t

ARCDM - c0174

CHAPTER 174 Puff, the head of the fifth-order zombie that was like a lizard's was easily chopped off by Bai Ling's Celestial Sword. Only then did Bai Ling approach it slowly, pulled out the Celestial Sword stuck in the ground, and chopped the head in half, a five-grade ice crystal the size of three small soybeans flashed out. Bai Ling bent her waist and picked it up. It was especially crystal clear in the sun. There was a smile on the corner of her mouth. She now has the five-level ice crystal nucleus, and the heart is naturally happy. After all, how long has it been since the end of the world? Obtaining the fifth-level crystal nucleus is no different from getting 100 million before the end of the world. She squinted her eyes happily, Shanshan was waiting for her. Instead, she wiped off the smelly stains on her face, turned her head and looked at Wen Ruyu standing leisurely behind her. That handsome face was still facing her with a gentle smile, and there were many

ARCDM - c0173

CHAPTER 173 Bai Ling didn't have time to look at them, so instead she rolled, took the Celestial Sword in the hole, and threw it towards the panic-stricken fifth-order zombie fleeing away. With a puff, the sword just stabbed on its left thigh. With a cunning and treacherous smile on the corner of Bai Ling's lips, she thought, "Who told you to run away, hehe, back away quickly without saying a word!"  This time, she retreated to a distance of ten meters, only to hear the wail of a wild beast— The left thigh of the fifth-order zombie covered with scales was directly pressed down. Seriously, after the Celestial Sword lost contact with Bai Ling's spirit, it was even more ferocious than when it hadn't revealed its full form before. Of course, if the Celestial Sword that lost contact with Bai Ling hadn't returned to Bai Ling's hands again, it would have no way to form a spiritual connection with Bai Ling on its own, so Bai Ling can get close

ARCDM - c0172

CHAPTER 172 Fortunately for Bai Ling, Bai Xiaoxi has been fully promoted to a third-level fire-type supernatural being. His Half Moon sword is extremely sharp. Although the fifth-level zombie use ice as a shield, it could only slow down the damage of the Half Moon sword. The Half Moon Sword is not as good as the Celestial Sword, but it can be stored in the same place as the Celestial Sword, so how could it be an ordinary weapon? Once the blade goes down, it goes deep into the bone. A lot of wounds have been caused to this fifth-order zombie. Unfortunately, its speed of dodging cannot be underestimated. Although Bai Ling and Bai Xiaoxi cooperated very well, they still only caused harmless damage to its head. When the sword was able to cut off its head, there were junior zombies who were not afraid of death, and they were not given a chance at all. Forget it, although Bai Xiaoxi has the Half Moon sword in his hand, but his third-level power is fully suppressed by the coercion of the fift

ARCDM - c0171

CHAPTER 171 "Sir!" Compared to Han Xin, Wen Ruyu looked so thin, how could he rest assured that he went alone. This time he couldn't help but disobey his orders, and quickly ate four golden first-level crystal nuclei, which he hadn't eaten before, and soon felt that his body's energy had recovered a lot. Shen Ba and Shen Shi were originally members of the Shen family, and now they have followed Wen Ruyu to the utmost, and besides, even if they want to go up now, they can't do it, because Wen Ruyu had already driven away. After the two of them looked at each other, they simply sat where they were, waiting for the natural recovery of the ability. They can't leave, because there are still Shen Tengfei, Shen Xuan, Shen Yue, Shen Xin, maybe they are still trapped there, although they are far away, they can still hear the roar of the zombies. The key point is that Wen Ruyu said that he was going to deal with the fifth-order zombie, but he returned in the directi

ARCDM - c0170

CHAPTER 170 He saw that the white clothes on Wen Ruyu's body were also stained with a lot of yellow mud, and that handsome face was pale and sweaty, as if he had just experienced a big battle. But the closed eyes told Han Xin that he was in a coma. Seeing this, Han Xin was terrified in his heart, turned his head and shouted at Shen Ba and Shen Shi, "Come and move the car!" If it was the heyday, moving a car was nothing, but now he is extremely tired and injured. What the crystal nucleus recovered was only the wounds they saw with the naked eye, internal injuries could not be recovered! Maybe because Han Xin's voice was too loud, Wen Ruyu, who was pressed under the car, blinked his eyes, sweeping his thick eyelashes, and finally opened them completely, revealing those eyes that were as dazzling as stars. When Han Xin and Shen Ba and Shen Shi were preparing to move the car, they found that the car was floating up by itself. The mouths of the thre

ARCDM - c0169

CHAPTER 169 The car that Bai Xiaoxi was leaning on could still feel the turbulence from being smashed by the zombies on the side. "Sister, I'm fine!" He was definitely able to bear it, but looking at that tall figure, her face and neck were covered with sweat, and Bai Xiaoxi's throat was a little congested. Regardless of whether the fifth-order zombie died or not, if it wasn't for him during this period, Bai Ling would definitely be able to escape. But it never occurred to her to abandon him.  Don't forget that he knew his situation at the time, and he was half dead, so even taking him with her would definitely be a burden. But what about Bai Ling? Not only did she save him, but also used the hard earned fire crystal core to promote him. He was not a fool, he stared at Bai Ling from the moment the zombie came out, and then thought of what the third-level fire-type crystal nucleus and the fourth-level wind-type crystal nucleus were for.

ARCDM - c0168

CHAPTER 168 Looking at the distance between the two sides, Bai Ling was at least six meters away from the Celestial Sword. She didn't feel much about carrying the Celestial Sword with her before. She didn't think it was so heavy? Should it be so heavy for others? The fifth-order zombie was obviously also encircled, trying to pull its hands out from under the sword with both feet, but unfortunately, no matter how it moved, even using ice energy, it couldn't pull its hands out.  Taking advantage of this time, Bai Ling quickly rushed to Bai Xiaoxi's side. Fortunately, she took all the crystal nuclei down earlier, but she was afraid of getting hurt, so she immediately grabbed a handful of elementary crystal nuclei and put them in her abdomen. It is certain that she has become a zombie, if not for the transformation of her body by the Celestial Sword. Afterwards, all the remaining primary crystal nuclei were placed on Bai Xiaoxi's wound. The small sc

ARCDM - c0167

CHAPTER 167 With its appearance, the junior zombies around seemed to be welcoming a king-level figure, all of them looked excited, but they were able to restrain their movements. Standing motionless like private soldiers, those lifeless eyes and ferocious faces looked at them. Now there is blood on Bai Ling, but they could still restrain their desire? To be precise, it was because of the fifth-order zombie. "Let's go!" Without seeing Shen Ba, Shen Shi, or even Han Xin, Wen Ruyu came over, and Shen Wu had a bad premonition in his heart. When this fifth-level zombie was dealing with Bai Ling, he could keep one of them.  Shen Tengfei didn't dare to look in Bai Ling's direction for the second time, and said sternly to Shen Yu, Shen Yue, and Shen Xin, "Hurry up!"  They don't know if their basalt car can be driven, and if they can't, then they can only drive Bai Ling's. There is no way, it's all like this, and they don't car

ARCDM - c0166

CHAPTER 166 Fortunately, although Bai Ling was injured, she had defended long ago. She couldn't keep up with its movements before. When it attacked again, because it moved extremely fast, there was no way to change the attacking point easily. Bai Ling held the Celestial Sword and was waiting. Only at this time can she see clearly that this nearly two-meter-long fifth-order zombie is covered with scales, like a lizard, with a round mouth, teeth protruding from the inside and out, and blood on it, indicating that it might have eaten people just now. It's just that those eyes were as red as blood, and when she met its gaze, it looked bloodthirsty. No, Bai Ling thought coldly, its strength was too great, even though the Celestial Sword pierced its claws, it couldn't hinder its killing intent towards her. But she didn't expect that at this time, sharp ice thorns aroused from its body, heading directly towards Bai Ling's abdomen. Before the sharp ice t

ARCDM - c0165

CHAPTER 165 "Ugh!" Bai Ling gritted her teeth, she couldn't leave now, it was really bad luck. "Sister, what should I do?" There was obviously an accident on Wen Ruyu's side. "It must be because the two zombies are dead, which annoyed the fifth-order zombie playing the cat-and-mouse game, so it doesn't want to be stingy with its abilities. It hadn't revealed its abilities before, let's fight it quickly!"  Suddenly, Bai Ling seemed to have thought of something, her eyes darkened, her heart kept sinking. She hesitated for a while, and stretched out her hand to Bai Xiaoxi, "Xiaoxi, give me those two crystal nuclei first!" Bai Xiaoxi was taken aback, looking at Bai Ling's deep eyes. Her tone was quite serious, which gave him a bad feeling, but he still took out the crystal nucleus and put it in Bai Ling's palm. In the woods, there was a sudden cracking sound of ice cracking, and in a blink of an eye, the place where th

ARCDM - c0164

CHAPTER 164 Bang bang bang—— Even in melee combat, the third-level zombie is a third-level zombie after all, so its speed and strength are naturally not low. Fortunately, it doesn't have the flexibility of Bai Ling at all. After five moves, with a puff, its entire head was chopped off by Bai Ling's Celestial Sword. This feeling was like slapping Shen Wu and the others on the face. For them, Bai Ling chopped off the head of a third-tier zombie in the blink of an eye, but what about them? It took quite a while and there are so many people attacking together, but there is nothing to do with it, it is really cheating! With a slight squeak, Bai Ling picked out the crystal nucleus from the head, turned to look at Bai Xiaoxi, "It's for promotion to the third level!" Bai Xiaoxi took the fiery red crystal core, which was bigger than ordinary soybeans. Holding the third-order fire crystal nucleus, he clearly felt the warmth from the crystal core and the

ARCDM - c0163

CHAPTER 163 This is too heaven-defying, and the strange power is not the method they know. The key is that this fourth-level zombie still has the ability of wind, and the strength and speed of the wind are higher than those of the third-level ability. It can be seen that the speed of Shen Wu and others is absolutely unable to keep up, and they will definitely be injured. But look at her, like a person with nothing to do, except for the stinky blood on her body, where does she have any injuries? Bai Ling squinted her eyes and looked at the third-tier zombie. It was nearly 3.5 meters tall. It was covered in black, but it didn't have exposed muscles. It still had sparse hair on its head, and a part of its lower jaw was missing. The skin was gone, and the blue-purple intestines wriggling like worms could be clearly seen inside, and unlike normal intestines, they were all swollen and congested, as if they were about to fall out in the next moment. Most people will vomit when

ARCDM - c0162

CHAPTER 162 "Brother, is here!" Shen Yu and the others were killing the low-level zombies that were summoned nearby, but they didn't want to see that big zombie monster that was scary even in their dreams coming towards them. "Shen Wu!" Shen Tengfei also noticed it, and when he turned his head, he saw the zombie approaching Shen Wu without a sound, and hurriedly reminded him loudly. Shen Wu's ability is of the earth type, and he can't attack from a distance at all, so compared with the fire-type zombie of the third level, it has a lot of advantages. So he went to support Wen Ruyu, and because the temperature of the fire, he couldn't get too close to it, so he couldn't do anything to it until now. In such a stalemate, Shen Wu could only aim at exhausting its energy, but it was slow. Seeing that its fire ability had been reduced, he felt joyful and prepared to end this ridiculous stalemate. Who would have thought that the att