ARCDM - c0185


"Bai Ling, the Shen family will never let you go!" Shen Tengfei looked at the black figure that was getting smaller and smaller, and said sharply. He was still holding a small cannon barrel in his hand, but he wanted to fire it, but he hesitated because there was Wen Ruyu below.

"Kill her!" Shen Xin's face turned red, with resentment in her eyes, she dodged the small cannon barrel without saying a word.

She can't care about anything now, she just wants Bai Ling to die! To relieve her only hatred.

Bai Ling looked at the slowly ascending plane, the exposed cannon barrel, narrowed her eyes, and quickly moved towards the direction of Bai Xiaoxi, but shouted, "Wen Ruyu, be careful of bombs." 

With a clang, after resisting Shen Wu's axe, "Bai Xiaoxi, go!" Then he kicked Shen Wu's abdomen.

Shen Wu was kicked back a few steps by Bai Ling's kick, and when he looked up, he saw something coming down. Shen Wu looked at the direction that Bai Ling and Bai Xiaoxi were leaving quickly, gritted his teeth, and went to the other side.

The young master has already left. If they were chasing to kill, he would just die with Bai Ling around.

Wen Ruyu raised his head to see the black dot come down, backed away immediately, and hurriedly said to Han Xin, "Let them come here within a radius of 20 meters!"

In order to deal with the fifth-order zombies, the weapons brought by the plane were naturally larger than usual. He finally realized that the bomb had reached the range of his ability to attack, and used mental abilities to slow down its speed, then controlled the surrounding air, and cut it off directly.


A huge rush of explosion, which can be compared with that of Hongxia in the west when the sun is about to set.

The road on the ground left a huge crater because of the shell, and even many cars turned into wreckage. The dust was flying, and the shock wave spread outward, and the huge trees around were smashed to pieces.

Bai Ling and Bai Xiaoxi were lying on the ground at this time, their bodies were covered with a lot of dust.

And the plane with the cannonball, because it didn't expect the bomb to explode in the air, was also hit by the heat wave.

Shen Xin was covering her face at this moment, there were scorched marks on some places on her face, and the blood was continuously dripping down, "Ah! Ah!" The screaming voice kept going on, and her previous beautiful and medium black hair was all burned, her scalp turned black, and blood flowed out. The pink clothes on her chest were fused into a ball because of the impact of the high temperature, and were tightly stuck to her flesh. The skin on the neck began to blister.

The whole person looked extremely terrifying.

Due to the delay in pulling her and the vibration of the plane, Shen Tengfei just fell on the seat, avoiding the fiery heat that hit him.

After the vibration passed, the plane had broken down, and it had to be controlled manually. When Shen Tengfei saw Shen Xin's appearance, Shen Tengfei was terrified, but the plane was falling again, so he had no choice but to knock her unconscious, and quickly sat in the pilot's seat to control the plane.

But there was a strong hatred in his eyes. Shen Yu, Shen Yue, Shen Ba, Shen Shi died, Shen Wu's life and death is unknown, but their cute little princess Shen Xin has become like this. If Shen Tengfei can't kill Bai Ling Now, how would he have the face to be in front of the third uncle, the fourth uncle?

This time, he will definitely be punished heavily when he goes back, all because of Bai Ling.

Shen Tengfei forgot that it was Shen Xin who released the bomb, regardless of the life and death of so many people below, causing such an ending, it was her own fault.


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