ARCDM - c0173


Bai Ling didn't have time to look at them, so instead she rolled, took the Celestial Sword in the hole, and threw it towards the panic-stricken fifth-order zombie fleeing away.

With a puff, the sword just stabbed on its left thigh.

With a cunning and treacherous smile on the corner of Bai Ling's lips, she thought, "Who told you to run away, hehe, back away quickly without saying a word!" 

This time, she retreated to a distance of ten meters, only to hear the wail of a wild beast—

The left thigh of the fifth-order zombie covered with scales was directly pressed down.

Seriously, after the Celestial Sword lost contact with Bai Ling's spirit, it was even more ferocious than when it hadn't revealed its full form before.

Of course, if the Celestial Sword that lost contact with Bai Ling hadn't returned to Bai Ling's hands again, it would have no way to form a spiritual connection with Bai Ling on its own, so Bai Ling can get close to this unlucky zombie again at this time. 

"Ho Ho, Oo Hoo, Ho Ho Ho!" The blood-red eyes of the fifth-order zombie seemed to be bleeding, not to mention the loss of both arms, but also the thigh? And it's fine if it runs out of energy, the energy is still there, and it was abused like this by a human without supernatural powers?

The grievance in its heart, Bai Xiaoxi didn't understand it before, but now he fully understood it. It turned out that Bai Ling's sword caused the whole situation, so he couldn't help laughing.

After all, how majestic was it before? How many people are afraid of it? But look at it now, it looks like a lost dog!

Obviously, the fifth-order zombie knew that it was important to keep its life. As long as it was alive, all the lost crystal nucleus-eating and devouring zombies could come back, and in turn broke their left leg.

Han Xin almost couldn't stand still, and his entire eyeballs were about to protrude.

He thought in his heart, "Good guy, I thought my boss is no longer a human being, but I didn't expect her to be even less human!"

How could a fifth-level zombie be forced into such a position? Look, it somehow lost its arms, and now it has broken a leg for no reason? Don't blame Han Xin, he simply doesn't understand how heavy the Celestial Sword is.

It looked like it was being chased by a demon, and it crawled away desperately. When the small figure with several holes in its abdomen approached it, it spat out an ice spike as thick as an arm to its back in panic.

Then it yelled, feeling a little weak and protesting.

The surrounding low-level zombies were controlled by the third-level Wen Ruyu, so they couldn't move in place and couldn't help it.

Seeing it crawling in a panic, Bai Ling really couldn't help it. She touched her nose, but there was a sharp light in her eyes. She squinted her eyes, letting it run wild and letting it escape.

And if its powerful hands and legs were not destroyed, no matter how heavy the Heavenly God Sword was, she will definitely not let it escape if she cannot catch up with its speed.

Holding the Celestial Sword, the bloodshot eyes of the fifth-order zombie were about to protrude, and the sucker-like mouth yelled at her.

But soon the roar turned into a whisper as if begging for mercy, with a look of fear on its face.

Bai Ling cracked open her mouth, without saying a word, she threw the Celestial Sword to its neck. With such a huge disparity in strength, Bai Ling had nothing to do, and it was a very normal thought to want to escape. No one would compare the hardness of an egg with a rock, and it was clear that it was asking for trouble.

Now that it has the crystal nucleus of the fifth-level ice system, whoever dares to fight with her will be killed.

"Ho ho ho ho!" With a loud cry, a thick layer of ice covered its neck in good time, but despite this, the cracking sound was still there.


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