ARCDM - c0165


"Ugh!" Bai Ling gritted her teeth, she couldn't leave now, it was really bad luck.

"Sister, what should I do?" There was obviously an accident on Wen Ruyu's side.

"It must be because the two zombies are dead, which annoyed the fifth-order zombie playing the cat-and-mouse game, so it doesn't want to be stingy with its abilities. It hadn't revealed its abilities before, let's fight it quickly!" 

Suddenly, Bai Ling seemed to have thought of something, her eyes darkened, her heart kept sinking. She hesitated for a while, and stretched out her hand to Bai Xiaoxi, "Xiaoxi, give me those two crystal nuclei first!"

Bai Xiaoxi was taken aback, looking at Bai Ling's deep eyes. Her tone was quite serious, which gave him a bad feeling, but he still took out the crystal nucleus and put it in Bai Ling's palm.

In the woods, there was a sudden cracking sound of ice cracking, and in a blink of an eye, the place where the smoke was originally smoking seemed to be extinguished.

"Fifth-order ice-type zombie!" As a user with ice abilities, Shen Tengfei could feel even a little air-conditioning. There was a gleam in his eyes, if he could obtain the fifth-order ice-type crystal nucleus, he would definitely be able to advance to the fourth-order.

"Brother Wen is in danger." Shen Yue was thinking and worrying about another thing, and wanted to rush there without saying a word.

Seeing this, Shen Xin, who was holding Shen Xuan's arm, couldn't help shouting, "Third sister, you can't go there, the pressure brought by the fifth-order can't bear it!"

How much pressure does it bring, not to mention attacking it, even their own mobility is restricted. Although Shen Yue is at the second level, compared to the fifth-level zombie, she is also three levels behind. Now all she would do was courting death.

Even Shen Tengfei knew that although he wanted the crystal nucleus of the fifth-order zombie very much, let alone whether he could get it, he would not be able to save his life after it passed.

Now he is even more worried about Wen Ruyu's situation.

Who would have thought that as soon as Shen Xin's words fell, they would see a strange figure rushing out of the forest.

For them, who are several levels lower, they have no time to react under the tremendous pressure.

Bai Ling was not affected in any way, seeing that the thing was really coming towards her, she immediately pushed Bai Xiaoxi away from her side.

She has excellent eyesight, no matter how fast this zombie is, she can still see its sharp claws, which are completely covered by scales, extremely stiff and powerful.

With a puff, a hand print appeared on her abdomen, the leather jacket was easily torn, blood flowed out, and Bai Ling was also pushed out by the huge grasping force, and hit the iron railing of the expressway with a bang, causing the iron bars to be crooked.

It can be seen how powerful it is.

"It's over, she's not a supernatural being, she'll either die or become a zombie!" As a third-level supernatural being, Shen Wu was naturally the first to react before them.

This is a naked scar, unless there is a person with a light ability to heal her personally, but what if there is Shen Xin, a person with a light ability all the time?


a mouthful of blood was spat out from Bai Ling's mouth, and she felt that her internal organs were all twisted together. Forget it, her abdomen wound let her know that she was seriously injured by this claw, and the pain made her break out in a cold sweat. When she looked up, she saw that the claw was already moving towards her head at this time.

This claw was not small, if one claw fell down, Bai Ling's head will definitely be crushed.

At the critical moment, there was a clang, and the Celestial Sword rested on Bai Ling's head.


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