ARCDM - c0462


Bai Shan's Thoughts

Without the egg in Spider City, the sword wouldn't be able to turn red, and she couldn't be as strong as she is now, but the energy she can use is only a fraction of that egg's energy. . .

"Where's the sword from before?" Bai Xiaoxi asked hastily.

"It's useless!" Bai Shan patted the dust on her body, and slowly stood up following Bai Ling's hand, with a slight smile on her lips, "You haven't held that sword, even now you won't be able to use it!"

To put it bluntly, even if Bai Ling got it back, they couldn't use it, and even putting it on the car might crush the car. Could it be that Bai Ling should hold it all the time?

Bai Xiaoxi swallowed his saliva, and directly gave Bai Ling a thumbs up, "It seems that sister's sword can only be used by you!" 

Since Bai Ling didn't take it back, she must have thought about it, and they must not be able to use it.

This is the unanimous thought of everyone!

It's just that such a big movement here didn't seem to attract other people, even the patrolling people didn't notice it.

Li Zhenghao frowned, looked around, and because of Bai Shan's ice ability, half of the playground ice did not melt away.

Suddenly, his eyes were fixed on the little meatball Li Dongmei was holding outside the playground. At this time, the little guy was blabbering, his black eyes were unusually bright in the dark, his hands were dancing excitedly, obviously they had been here not for a short time.

"Lingling, do psychic abilities still have the effect of shielding?"

Bai Ling looked at the unmelted ice behind her, and nodded at Li Zhenghao, "Well."

Otherwise, with the energy of Bai Xiaoxi and Bai Shan fully activated, many people with supernatural powers would have come over.

But little meatball's 13th-level psychic ability is useless, and as for the lightning ability, it is really scary for them. Still don't use it right now.

Immediately, he stretched his body, and his hands and feet were really comfortable, "Let's go, go back to rest, we have to hurry at seven o'clock tomorrow!" 

"Okay!" Bai Xiaoxi was still discussing with Bai Shan after the battle with Bai Ling. If their shortcomings can be improved, they will definitely not lose so badly.

At the same time, the two of them also knew in their hearts that they couldn't put all their energy into a fight against anyone. Otherwise, if the opponent didn't die, they wouldn't even have the energy to escape.

At that time, it will be really ineffective every day.

The key point is that Bai Shan knows best what happened inside the ice, so she understands that Bai Ling's energy is still reserved, which shows that this sister is indeed hiding her secrets.

After thinking about it, it must be beneficial for them to suppress their breath in front of others.

Thinking about it, Bai Shan didn't know why, but she also admired and wanted to become stronger. Like Bai Xiaoxi and others, she had a different pursuit.

That's right, in Bai Shan's heart, there is still a heartache, that is Xia Zhengjun, after all, he is her husband, after all, she has been in love with him for many years, and she loves him, even if his family treats her like this, but she knows that Xia Zhengjun will not treat her like this...

All she wanted in her heart was to find Xia Zhengjun.

But now, she has another idea, that is to become stronger, to become a powerful person like her sister, not for fame and fortune, but simply want to become stronger, want power, this kind of hearty feeling after the battle with her sister today. It felt like she had never had it before, even though she lost, she still had an indescribable feeling.


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