ARCDM - c0423


Morning Exercise

This is like a dream, as if walking in the dream for a long time, several days have passed, but when she woke up, she found that only a few minutes have passed.

The key is that what Bai Ling has done has reached the speed of gathering energy in the past, and it has more energy than in the past.

Thinking of this, Bai Ling smiled, "That's fine!" Looking at the tail ring in her hand, she knew in her heart that it must be the reason again.

It took such a short time for the first time to get it done, and Bai Ling suddenly felt free, so she simply went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Before dawn the next day, Bai Ling heard someone knocking on the door, and frowned. It's too early to let Bai Shan and the others go out. Didn't she say yesterday that she was letting them out at ten o'clock in the morning? 

Standing up with the Celestial Sword in her arms, when she opened the door, she saw a cute smiling face in a tracksuit, "Sister, do you want to go for a morning run?" 

"Morning run?" Bai Ling was surprised, but quickly realized. It is estimated that for the people who have already settled down in this base, a healthy body and a keen response ability are indispensable. It's not surprising that some people get together at this time to do some morning exercises and run in the morning.

But most people don't do this, because exercising means more consumption, and more consumption means eating more.

Bai Ling guessed that the people in this base must have a mission to go out today, so warm up now.

"Go, go!" Seeing that Bai Ling hadn't spoken for a long time, Bai Xiaoxi acted like a baby.

"Wait for me!" Bai Ling closed the door after she finished speaking, and came out after changing into a tracksuit.

When they went out, they found that Li Fang and others were also there.

Li Jiaming greeted Bai Ling with a smile, "I didn't dare to go out when you were not here. My whole body was stiff. Now I just go out for some exercise. By the way, let Bai Xiaoxi or Brother Zhenghao show their skills!"

Everyone was in a bad mood yesterday, and Bai Ling didn't take out the lotus seeds to give them a promotion. Not to mention teaching them "radio gymnastics". Since they are all going out now, she can teach them "radio gymnastics" in the morning!

"Xiaoxi, go and call grandma Shanshan and the children, let's go out and do morning exercises together!"

Hearing Bai Ling say the word morning exercises, Bai Xiaoxi's eyes lit up. To be honest, he does this seemingly simple exercise every day. This "broadcast gymnastics", no matter how he explained to Li Jiaming, he just felt that he was lying to him, so he finally taught him. But not knowing why, he can do it as soon as he does it?

As a result, Li Jiaming laughed at him for a few days because of this, and when he saw him doing this, he only laughed once, and he seemed also drunk.

Obviously he helped him according to what Sister Bai Ling taught, but it turned out that it was useless at all. As expected, only Sister Bai Ling taught him to be effective!

This also indirectly reassured Bai Xiaoxi, it wasn't that he didn't want to share it with his brothers and friends, but that he couldn't share it, so he was worthy of Sister Bai Ling!

Soon Bai Ling and others waited for Bai Shan and Li Dongmei who had arrived late at the stairs.

Little Rouqiu seemed to be still sleeping, with his eyes closed, and his fleshy face still had a pink and tender luster. Li Dongmei was afraid that the child would be cold, so she covered him with a thin blanket.

The playground for sports, to put it bluntly, is actually a big yellow soil vacated outside the residential area, probably for training, after being run over by a car, it is very flat, about the same size as the school's 400-meter track playground.


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