ARCDM - c0412


Little Meatball Did Well, Give A Candy

Who would have thought that just after they left with their bags, a timid man came out from the alley with a treacherous smile on his lips, "I never thought I could hear such useful news when I inquired about it. There are crystal nuclei inside, how many are there?"

Swallowing, even he couldn't help being greedy, but when he thought of the skills of this group of people, he shuddered, and the greed in his heart was suppressed instantly.

He said in a low voice, "It seems that if you sell this news, you can earn a lot of crystal nuclei!" Then the figure was going to go to the residential building, but after thinking about it, he found that he couldn't move his body?

"What's going on?" Anyway, he is also a second-level speed user.

As soon as the voice fell, he heard a boy's voice unique to the voice-changing period, "That's it!"

The man looked up, and unexpectedly saw a boy who was one of the fourth-order supernatural beings there. There is actually a beautiful little baby in his arms who is looking at him curiously with big round eyes?

But none of these can compare to the fear in his heart. This horror does not come from the fourth-order supernatural being on the opposite side, but that he is so good that he can't move? Even if all the energy in his body exploded, he couldn't even move his little finger?

Mommy, what the hell!

Could it be. . . Was it the boy in front of him who did it? How on earth did he do it?!

At this time, the second-level supernatural person really realized this horror!

Bai Xiaoxi opened his mouth, smiled very cutely, and said to the little meatball in his arms, "Well done, little uncle will give you candy tonight!" His voice was very small, as if it was a little secret between the two of them.

But when the little meatball heard it, his small mouth also opened into a smile, and his eyes were very bright, as if he was very happy.

Obviously, this is not the first time Bai Xiaoxi has done it, the little guy must have tasted sugar.

Bai Xiaoxi hugged the child and walked around the man, "Tsk tsk, you said you are a second-level supernatural being, don't you know that we can all feel it?"

Hearing that, the second-level power user turned pale. He. . . He has been here for three days, the purpose is to wait for them, and wants to get their information first-hand. . . But the crystal nuclei of that backpack gave him a greater impact than that fifth-level female superhuman.

So he completely forgot about it.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah." No one would have thought that Little Rouqiu would follow Bai Xiaoxi's example, pointing fingers at that second-level supernatural user, babbling, as if he was also teaching him a lesson. And the little brow is still frowning seriously?

It's just that white, tender and round appearance, no matter how you look at it, how cute it is.

"You heard what my sister said just now, I don't care why you stepped here, but if something in my sister's backpack leaked today and caused us any trouble, you know, the ability to kill a lot of people. Do you think we can do it?"

Bai Xiaoxi translated Bai Ling's words. There was no threat in his tone, but it was rather harsh.

In fact, he just found out that Bai Ling actually carried so many crystal nuclei on her body, which frightened them for a moment.

The second-level man already burst into tears in his heart. As fourth-level people, they can do it too well. He is just in the second-level. Can't they just kill him instantly?

He's so out of his mind, he would actually set his mind on them?


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