
Showing posts from May, 2023

ARCDM - c0428

CHAPTER 428  I Want Your Eyes A group of high-level supernatural beings are slowly doing a simple radio gymnastics? No, it should be an action? The corners of the mouths of many strong men couldn't help twitching, which is too strange. But some people think that those high-powered superpowers will never do this kind of thing when they are full and have nothing to do. Besides, they didn't see that they were reluctant at first, but later they became addicted like smoking. As a result, some people also began to imitate their movements, and even observed them in all directions. They were definitely more accurate than their movements, and it was easy to find out. People patrolling back and forth in the outer base stared at the group of rough guys inside like idiots. They didn't know why they were crazy, didn't they come here to warm up? What kind of trouble is this man stomping his hands and feet now? Go crazy! Sure enough, the people in the playgroun

ARCDM - c0427

CHAPTER 427 "How could this happen?" Li Jiaming looked at Bai Ling with surprise on his face, obviously it was the same action. "Go ahead!" Bai Ling said in a low voice. Li Jiaming nodded, but because the switching speed was too fast, he lost control of his hands and feet and fell to the ground with a single touch. This scene made Li Zhenghao and others almost stare out their eyes. What's going on? Obviously his movements haven't changed at all? It's just that it's not very standard for Bai Ling, so she adjusted it. "Jiaming, don't play, get up quickly!" With so many people watching from behind, can you fall with such a simple movement? Li Zhenghao couldn't help shouting. "That's right, brother Jiaming, get up quickly!" Bai Xiaoxi, who was holding the child at the side, obviously started to "make trouble". Nonsense, think back to the way Li Jiaming laughed at him back then, Bai

ARCDM - c0426

CHAPTER 426  Let's Do Radio Gymnastics Together "That's right, let's do our own thing, we have to go on a mission today!" Another man couldn't help but said. Even so, where do they have the thought to warm up now? Everyone stared at Bai Ling and the others with wide eyes. But soon some people wondered, "You said they were all at the base, why are they still carrying weapons?" That's right, although they were wearing sportswear, their weapons seemed to be on their bodies! Unfortunately, no one can answer this question for him. After entering the arena, Qi Shushu looked at them, feeling as if they were led out to inspect, and Bai Xiaoxi felt something was wrong with him. Needless to say, Bai Ling, who is already mentally sensitive, but she chose to ignore them directly, "Don't worry about them, let's do our own thing!" Turning to Bai Xiaoxi, she said, "If you want to run a few laps, just go. Assuming y

ARCDM - c0425

CHAPTER 425  The Gossip of the Burning Fire "Hello!" Not far from these two people, there was a handsome twenty-seven or twenty eight-year-old man with a power level of three. His slender eyes glanced at the deserted woman who was walking in the front. Especially when he saw her deep but beautiful eyes that looked like a starry sky in the dark night, he felt his heart tremble and beat violently. He couldn't help but patted the tall and strong thirty-year-old man next to him, "Brother, I just came back yesterday, do you know what abilities they are?" Apparently his words pricked up the ears of those who also came back these days and didn't know much about it. When the 30-year-old man heard about it, he immediately regained his energy. He stared at the group of people and introduced them in a low voice, "That cold beauty is named Bai Ling. Needless to say, you should feel that she has no supernatural powers, but I heard that she is the leader

ARCDM - c0424

CHAPTER 424  The Men on the Playground Because it is early in the morning, although it is summer, it is still slightly cool and dewy. Despite this, there are still many strong men running on this playground, and some people are standing in the circle to warm up with their companions, and they seem to be in full swing. "Hey, why didn't you press down?" Caught his feet and was waiting for his companion to press down on him, and found that he stopped suddenly? And at this moment, a person next to him screamed, holding his foot, as if he had been hit by the same dumbbell, and glared at him, "I wipe, my feet, why are you so dazed? Immediately stunned, everyone who was still exercising stopped and looked at the other people with bewildered expressions. He couldn't help but bumped into the person next to him, "Hey, what's the situation? What's the matter with you?" "You can see it!" Hearing this sentence, the man follo

ARCDM - c0423

CHAPTER 423  Morning Exercise This is like a dream, as if walking in the dream for a long time, several days have passed, but when she woke up, she found that only a few minutes have passed. The key is that what Bai Ling has done has reached the speed of gathering energy in the past, and it has more energy than in the past. Thinking of this, Bai Ling smiled, "That's fine!" Looking at the tail ring in her hand, she knew in her heart that it must be the reason again. It took such a short time for the first time to get it done, and Bai Ling suddenly felt free, so she simply went to the bathroom to take a shower. Before dawn the next day, Bai Ling heard someone knocking on the door, and frowned. It's too early to let Bai Shan and the others go out. Didn't she say yesterday that she was letting them out at ten o'clock in the morning?  Standing up with the Celestial Sword in her arms, when she opened the door, she saw a cute smiling face in a

ARCDM - c0422

CHAPTER 422  The Complete Longevity Formula She had reason to suspect that the box itself was contained in the red jade box, but somehow it was affected by the black stone. "Try it and you'll know!" After speaking, Bai Ling lay directly on the bed, invaded the sea of consciousness, and soon saw the figure in the sea of consciousness, just. . . Bai Ling couldn't help but polish her eyes, too much. . . There is something more on that little person, a little white light that is brighter than its body. "What is this?" Bai Ling looked at the light in surprise, this time she clearly saw that following the "radio gymnastics" of the figure, a tiny thin line slowly appeared from these dots, and finally, as the speed of the figure's "radio gymnastics" accelerated, Bai Ling clearly saw that the dots were all connected in series like network cables. And just after all the lines were connected in series, Bai Ling felt that the stro

ARCDM - c0421

CHAPTER 421  Mom Loves You "Although mom is a scientist, there are many secrets in this world that cannot be explained by science. Mom only found out when she participated in this experiment!"  That's right, Bai Ling's mother is not only a scientist, but also a person who studies ancient things. She also closely works with archaeologists and zoologists. She didn’t think about getting married after the age of 30, but when she was 25 years old, she suddenly resigned and went home to marry... In fact, even Bai Ling later learned about these things because her grandmother had accidentally mentioned them, which is why the jealous little grandpa and others hate them so much. "But mom didn't tell you, because she didn't want you to embark on this thorny road. Don't blame mom for hiding this from you, mom will always be your mom's precious baby! I love you!" "Mom!" Bai Ling hasn't called these two words for an indefinite

ARCDM - c0420

CHAPTER 420  The Death of Bai Ling's Mother Waking up in the middle of the night, little Bai Ling didn't see her gentle mother. Hearing screams and familiar groans outside, she opened the curtains tremblingly, climbed to the window, under the moonlight, saw with her own eyes a man holding her mother's neck on the bridge not far from their house. He lifted her up the river. When she desperately ran over, what she saw was under the bleak moonlight, the mother lying on the shallow river with bloody head, pale complexion and distorted body. No matter how much she screamed, her mother could no longer hear her voice, nor would she smile gently at her, let alone talk to her. The next day, before the mother's body was buried, someone unceremoniously came to take away their house. This person is their biological father, who once hugged them with a smile, told them stories, said he loved them, bought them delicious and fun things, and spoiled them to heaven! H

ARCDM - c0419

CHAPTER 419  The Items in the Iron Box But she knew in her heart that when she was in Spider City, she didn't need to release her power with this sword, because the spiders themselves were afraid of this sword. She still remember when she used it to pick up the spider silk in the pond, and just touched the spider silk, all the spiders escaped from the spider web of the whole pond, leaving behind a vast expanse of white spider silk! Bai Ling was sure that since the sword turned red, it must have other functions. Squinting her eyes, she slashed at the iron box in her other hand without hesitation. Clang. The iron box actually. . . had no reaction at all? After thinking about it, yes, if there was a reaction, the scabbard containing the Celestial Sword would have been shattered by the Celestial Sword. "Forget it!" Bai Ling really didn't understand, when she was about to put away the Celestial Sword, she found that the box was stuck on the sword li

ARCDM - c0418

CHAPTER 418 In the entire team, only she, Li Zhenghao, and Bai Xiaoxi had killed anyone. "I now hope... everyone in our team can have human life on their hands!" Only by being contaminated with human life can one become a truly ruthless person and survive in this world. Bai Ling never wanted to touch human life before, and she also hoped that her family members would not be stained with blood, but now she doesn't think so. As long as they can live well and not be oppressed, what about killing people? Li Fang and Xiao Wang Jieming's whole bodies shook. Bai Shan saw the murder, her hands trembled, her eyes looked at Bai Ling firmly. If this is what her sister wanted, she was willing to try. "You should remember the looks of those people I let go today!" Bai Ling said to the bright moonlight outside the window. "They..." Bai Xiaoxi's eyes widened. "In the last days, they can swear just because they are afraid o

ARCDM - c0417

CHAPTER 417 Li Dongmei was still wiping away tears, panting heavily, and covering her heart with one hand. At this time, the physical pain was no match for the pain in her heart for Bai Shan and the child. In the last scene, what kind of people do they have in the eyes of the child? It's like a skinny old man who is dying of illness, if that's the case, this group of evil spirits still won't let them go. "It was all grandma's fault in the first place. Grandma should have prevented you from marrying Xia Zhengjun. Child, it was grandma who was sorry for you!"  "Grandma, don't do this, it's all over!" Bai Shan was startled when she saw Li Dongmei's panting speed increase. After hurriedly comforting her, those eyes were also blurred. "What has passed, this kind of person is still alive in this world. Let me tell you, sister Bai Shan, as long as they don't die, this matter will never go away!" Li Jiaming had a goo

ARCDM - c0416

CHAPTER 416  The Child's Perspective What's even more ridiculous is that Bai Shan didn't have any right to distribute all the food in exchange, and all of it was taken over by Qian Fengying? Why do their family still dislike the lack of food in their mouths, why don't they give it to Bai Shan? F*ck, this face is thicker than the city wall, even the three elders in the team are silent, as if they acquiesced to this matter? Even at this point, the old ones are shameless, and the young ones are even more shameless. Because the domineering voice of the grandma wanting her recognized grandson to drink is really justified, as if Bai Shan is their nanny. Even the little meatball is not allowed to drink milk? Right now, Li Zhenghao wished he could slap this three-year-old who looked equally white and tender to death with his palm. This is no longer how a bear can describe him, but vicious. And also very scheming. This child is really "smart" un

ARCDM - c0415

CHAPTER 415  The Second Benefit of Psychic Abilities So they are all in this room now, Bai Ling is standing by the door with her sword in her arms, watching Li Dongmei ask Bai Shan what happened along the way. Bai Shan was obviously very embarrassed and looked at her. Bai Shan was not someone who liked to sue. Let alone grandma. Seeing the eyes of these two children, Li Dongmei couldn't guess that they must be trying to hide something between themselves, and she couldn't help but show a trace of anger in her eyes, "Tell me everything, grandma can bear it!"  "Grandma!" Bai Shan had tears in her eyes. Li Fang and the others remained silent, because they also wanted to know how Bai Shan and the child survived this journey! "Lingling, tell me, don't hide it from grandma. With you like this, does it mean that Bai Shan and the child have suffered more than grandma thought?" Even she couldn't bear it, and she couldn'

ARCDM - c0414

CHAPTER 414  Finally Gathered Pity the staff here and the man in his thirties, standing further back, looking at these people inexplicably. Is it the world of the powerful, they don't understand? The moment they went out, three people came from a distance, and the first thing they heard was an old but kind voice, "Shanshan, child!"  From this voice, Bai Ling could clearly see the body of Bai Shan who had taken over the child was full of shock. Her eyelashes fluttered and tears flowed out. Bai Shan herself is soft-tempered, and she can easily let go of her thoughts in front of her relatives, so she doesn't shy away from crying. Even the child in her arms looked back with his baby's fat and fair face as if he felt something. "Grandma, be careful!" Bai Shan hugged the child and walked quickly towards Li Dongmei who was being supported by someone but was running towards her eagerly, staggering and almost falling. Even Bai Ling was

ARCDM - c0413

CHAPTER 413  Full Score For This Forceful Pretend At this moment, it is almost time to cast a poisonous curse to ensure that this matter will not be revealed. It's just that he didn't expect that just after he finished speaking, he heard the voice of the young man in front of him grow louder, "And you all, come out for me!"  At the same time, he whispered a few words in Xiao Rouqiu's ear. In the next second, it was as if packages were thrown out of those dark corners! Then came the sound of several painful calls. It's a pity that even though their bodies are distorted and ugly, they are just like this second-level man, unable to move. So they could only beg for mercy. In fact, the other three people were planning to escape, but how could they escape in time? "It's you, I have clearly remembered your faces, anyway, you are all in the Wangdu base, even if you go out, I think it will be easy for us to kill you." Bai Xiaoxi said,

ARCDM - c0412

CHAPTER 412  Little Meatball Did Well, Give A Candy Who would have thought that just after they left with their bags, a timid man came out from the alley with a treacherous smile on his lips, "I never thought I could hear such useful news when I inquired about it. There are crystal nuclei inside, how many are there?" Swallowing, even he couldn't help being greedy, but when he thought of the skills of this group of people, he shuddered, and the greed in his heart was suppressed instantly. He said in a low voice, "It seems that if you sell this news, you can earn a lot of crystal nuclei!" Then the figure was going to go to the residential building, but after thinking about it, he found that he couldn't move his body? "What's going on?" Anyway, he is also a second-level speed user. As soon as the voice fell, he heard a boy's voice unique to the voice-changing period, "That's it!" The man looked up, and une

ARCDM - c0411

CHAPTER 411  Too Much Regret After entering the base, Bai Ling and the others were the same as before, but instead of handing in the original things, they handed in a small jar for the milk powder that Wang Jieming drank. "Wait a minute!" Just as Bai Ling and the others were about to go to the registration office, the man who collected things frowned and looked at Bai Ling. "Huh?" Bai Ling didn't know why. "Can you let us check your backpack?" If it's as flat as before, it doesn't look like much at all, and it's obviously a personal item, and they will never check it. But now the burden is so heavy that it doesn't look like a personal item anymore. "This... two brothers, these are all the personal belongings of this young lady, and the bag is not too big, don't you want to look at this too?" It was still the man in his thirties who led the way for them. The two collectors frowned, looked at each oth

ARCDM - c0410

CHAPTER 410 And in the middle of a five-story duplex building in the middle of the base with lights, you can see a white desk and a white cloth sofa. There are seven young men and women sitting on the sofa. Except for the boys, the others kept swallowing, with a trace of fear in their eyes. Although they were sitting upright, their stiff posture betrayed their nervousness at this moment. At this moment, there was a slap, and the stout and tall man who was at least 1.9 meters tall with a serious face sitting next to the work did not know what he had heard, and his expression was extremely bad. The six people were even more shocked. They didn't know whether that Brother Yao or the murderer brother was really him, and they really looked vicious. And look at the skinny man with a clean face who was slumped on the sofa opposite them as if he had no bones. The half-bitten apple trembled. "Oh, I said big brother, why do you think you need it? I didn't find a f

ARCDM - c0409

CHAPTER 409  The Base Chief is a Tsundere Until the car had gone a long way, the two of them still had a feeling of weakness in their legs. "Hey, they've already left, close the door quickly!" Standing on the top of the building, Brother Qiang ordered sternly without hearing the sound of closing the door. After all, this is their job, and it is at night, this is a rule, and they are afraid of danger. Could it be that these two boys have started to mess up again? Just when he finished speaking, a trembling voice came from the walkie-talkie, "Qiang...Brother Qiang...she...she, five...a power user of level five or above... in that car!" The tone behind him actually became agitated? They are still first-level abilities, so they can only feel abilities below level four. If they can only feel the opponent's power, but not the level, what's the point? Definitely more than level four. Brother Qiang was successfully promoted to the

ARCDM - c0408

CHAPTER 408  The Smart Child Scared by this appearance, Bai Ling hurriedly put her small backpack on the back of the car. In the next second, a soft and chubby little guy like a glutinous rice ball came into her arms, chubby with a plum blossom mark. Without saying a word, the little hand tugged a few times in her leather pocket. "Little guy, you can't eat that!" Unexpectedly, he remembered it so clearly. It was the lotus pod that she turned over here before. The next second, the little guy raised his head, his black grape-like eyes stared at her nimbly, the corner of his mouth twitched, as if he understood Bai Ling's words. He seemed unhappy, he twisted his body, and turned his back on her? Li Zhenghao, who was driving, saw this scene through the rearview mirror, and a huge smile rose from the corner of his mouth. This little guy is so funny. He sighed in his heart, it's good that they are still alive. "Yiyi ah ah ah ah ah ah..."

ARCDM - c0407

CHAPTER 407 On the other side, Bai Ling and the others still entered the grove that they had to pass through to reach Wangdu Base. Because it was already night, and they had only left for five days at this time, following the light of the moon at night, they actually saw a lot of corpses of mutant beasts and zombies poured around the little yellow flower. "Sister!" Bai Xiaoxi stared at Bai Ling with starry eyes, and gave her a thumbs up directly, "I'm afraid there are other people who have been tricked these days!" Bai Shan heard that and she looked at Bai Xiaoxi inexplicably. The situation was quickly explained to Bai Shan. Although it was only a few hours when he came back, during this time, in order to make up for Bai Shan's lack of knowledge of the world, Bai Xiaoxi shared everything that Bai Ling told them and said it again to Bai Shan. So when Bai Xiaoxi said it, Bai Shan immediately knew what was going on. Now everyone in the W

ARCDM - c0406

CHAPTER 406 "Personnel, machinery and equipment are ready over there!" In other words, as long as they could find a safe storefront, they can let people pass by. "Yes, the storefront of the publishing platform does not need to be rebuilt. It's a waste of resources. You can find someone to rent a one-floor building in the four densely populated areas of Beijing, Miancheng, Yanjing City and Chaozhou. The signing of the contract, we will let Mr. Shen go." The corners of Wen Ruyu's mouth curled up slightly, and there was a hint of cunningness in his eyes, "We ask the Shen family for a part of the agency fee!"  The corners of Han Xin's mouth twitched uncontrollably, the agency fee is probably quite a lot. And these places are all their land, and they are densely populated. . . If he remembers correctly, it seems. . . It seems that a building is left as a leased land, specially provided for businessmen. In other words, it is completely th

ARCDM - c0405

CHAPTER 405 "Silly girl!" Even so, Wen Ruyu couldn't help flashing a trace of sadness in his eyes, but his expression became much gentler, and his tone was full of helplessness, "Don't cry, such a big person but still acting like a child."  "Yeah!" Wen Qing'er really obediently wiped the tears off her face, and then she actually smiled like a little girl innocently, without the aloofness, she actually felt a little soft and cute. Standing behind Wen Qing'er, Xiu Feng saw this scene, his usually expressionless face changed a bit, the corners of his mouth curved slightly, and his faint eyes were very bright. When the video was hung up, Wen Ruyu's gentle face immediately became expressionless, as if he was very tired, he leaned gracefully on the back of the chair. His star-like eyes looked at the cold silver-gray ceiling, without any decoration, only a very simple crystal chandelier. "Han Xin, bring back the person

ARCDM - c0404

CHAPTER 404 "I don't feel pain!" Wen Qing'er said loudly. "Then do you know that he is no longer the Xia Zhengjun of the past?!" The former Xia Zhengjun's eyes were clean and transparent, full of justice and vitality, "There are too many things in his eyes, and they are lifeless and full of despair, in addition to indifference, ambition, and resentment." Wen Ruyu frowned, "He will never forget his wife. Even if you marry him in the future, you will not be happy!"  Because he knows what a person's desire will be. As you get more things, you will never be full like a glutton, especially those who are in love, always wanting more. "Also!" Wen Ruyu's voice became serious, and he stared at Wen Qing'er with serious eyes, "Did you do something to his wife's death?" Although it was a question, Wen Ruyu seemed to be sure of his sister's involvement.  Sure enough, Wen Qing'er's bod